Hey guys, my friend Moonlace92 and I decided to join forces and right a fanfiction together. When you read it, it will seem as though we have the same writing style but we don't. I just edited her sad grammar issues and made it all better, while she just spell-checked mine and made that better (Even though I have spell check on my computer.) We actually work pretty well together,3 Aaanyway the better writing is mine, the worse one is- Oww! No hitting, I was just kidding, jeez. But seriously, every time one of us starts writing we put a ~.~X~.~ sign there to seperate them. The one that we're starting off with, the one right below this authors note/disclaimer is written by DeathNoteLT (Me). After the sign is Moonlace92, then another sign is me again and I think you get it now. So please review, THANK YOU X3 Moonlace92: Please check out my friends accont, It's DeathNoteLT. Again, thank you.

(My writing)

"So, how was your flight here?" Ranka asked, pouring them a glass a tea. His brother stayed silent as he watched the ripples form in his cup.

"Sorry about him." Akito apologized, "He's still in his mourning process."

"I understand, even though he should have sucked it up and moved on by now. He has you to take care of after all. I had to get back on my feet when my wife died for Haruhi's sake, and since divorces are much easier then deaths, you should get over it twice as fast for your son, Akito's sake." Ranka said, patting his brother, Rio, with false happiness on the back while wearing the fakest smile he could manage.

"Dad!" Haruhi scolded as she shot her dad a glare.

"Sorry honey, it's just that since my brother told me he couldn't stand having me as a brother because I'm a cross dresser as he walked out of our lives, seeing him now in this much pain begging me to take him into my home strangely makes me happy." Ranka admitted. Haruhi gave out a long sigh.

"Umm, may I use the bathroom?" Akito asked awkwardly.
"Yes of course." Haruhi said, pointing the way. Akito walked out in silence, when Haruhi heard the bathroom door shut behind him she asked-

"So what exactly happened?" She said, facing her uncle.

"Y-you see, m-my wife is always so busy working that she never has enough time for me or our son." Rio sniffled. "So I packed my bag and son and left, hoping for her to come after us, only she didn't. Now I have no money, no place to stay, and to make it worse she's filing for a divorce!" He said, sobbing.

"You know you can always stay here." Haruhi offered while Ranka stifled a laugh.

"What's so funny" She asked wearily.

"It's just that, the last words he said to me were 'and I hope to never see your filthy face again, you'll end up in a crippled mess,' and now he's practically begging to stay with me." Ranka laughed at the irony. Rio grimaced.

"I'm so sorry my dear brother please, PLEASE have mercy on me!" Rio pleaded, which made Ranka laugh harder. Akito walked in, seeing his dad bowed on the floor and his uncle laughing hysterically made him back away slowly.

"Sure, sure you can stay here. It'll be good for Haruhi to spend time with her cousin, besides" Ranka leaned in evilly. "It will be good to catch up."

"Dad." Haruhi warned.

"Sorry dear." He said, waving his hand in a girlish manor. "Why don't you show your cousin where he's going to sleep?"

"Fine." She said getting up. "This way."

After showing her cousin everything he needed to know, Haruhi went sleepily to bed.


Akito arrived at the school wearing a white t-shirt that showed off his muscles and dark blue jeans. He was on his skateboard, wearing his old sneakers. He was amazed at how big and pink the school was, the school was the size of a castle. Akito walked inside and stared in awe at all the details on the walls. He walked around admiring the delicate structure until he found the office. He went up to the secretary who stared at him blankly. 'Such lively people here.' He thought sarcastically.

"I am here to take the scholarship test." He stated politely.

"Over to your right, in the principal's office." She nodded. Akito took her instructions as he entered the room. When Akito opened the door, he saw a huge mahogany desk with a blonde man sitting behind it.

On the desk their lied a gold name plate that read 'Mr. Suoh.'

'Hmm I wouldn't be surprised if the plaque was made out of actual gold.' Akito thought silently.

"Can I help you?" Mr. Suoh asked in a slightly bored tone.

"Yes, I am here to take the test that will determine if I can get a scholarship." Akito asked with a slight smile.

"Ah yes, please take this test and follow the left wall till you reach room 109." Mr. Suoh said as he handed Akito the test. "Please take it in the room." With that Mr. Suoh turned around. Akita walked out of the room and continued to walk until he reached the room. He sat down in the desk and held to the pencil to the paper.

'So this is my new school?' He thought confidently as he started to write. The test was 567 questions, while being only a few pages long. Other than that, it was relatively easy and took him only 3 and a half hours. When he turned in his test the lady barely glanced at him.

"The test results will be back by tomorrow, if you did well you can come to school on the following Monday."

Akito bowed polity and left the room.


The sunlight shimmered through the window, lighting the room with rainbows as Akito woke up.

'Today I get my expectance letter to Ouran Academy' He thought sleepily. He got dressed and headed down stairs, to his surprise he found Haruhi sitting down at the table.

"Haruhi? Why aren't you at school?" He asked, confused. Haruhi laughed.

"Maybe because today's Saturday." Haruhi replied. Akito blinked. Today was Saturday, wasn't it?

"Oh right, sorry I guess I'm still a bit jetlagged." He sighed.

"It's fine." Haruhi paused. "Hey Akito?" She asked.

"Hmm." He replied looking at her.

"Since we don't know each other at all, would you like to get out of the house with me? I can show you around." She asked expectantly.

"Yes, I would like that very much, thank you. I can practically feel the tension radiate off our fathers." Akito admitted.

"I know." Haruhi sighed. "I wish they would just get over it." Just then the phone rang. Akito went to pick it up.

"Hello? Is Akito Fujioka there?" Asked a voice on the other end of the line.

"This is he." Aktio replied.

"I would just like to inform you that you have passed the exams and we expect to see you in school Monday. Thank you." With that they hung up.

"Well Haruhi, it looks like we'll be going to school together starting Monday." Akito smiled.

"You got in?" Haruhi asked happily surprised.

"Was there any doubt?" He smirked.

"I guess not." Haruhi smiled supportively.

"Now that that's confirmed, how would you like to show me around now?" He asked with a kind smile.

AURTHERS NOTE: Well since I didn't put a disclaimer at the top like usual, I guess I'll do that now. WE DO NOT OWN OURAN HIGHSCHOOL HOST CLUB. My friend just wants to inform you that we do own Akito though.