Well, well, I didn't expect to get the chance to update so quickly, but here I am!

Last chapter: Leilani healed and spent some time with the clones while Obi-Wan overused his strength.

This chapter: well, read and find out!

Leilani woke up to a clone gently shaking her shoulder. She sat up and used her palm to dash the remains of sleep from her eyes.

"Commander?" the clone beside her murmured. She recognized Scratch's familiar, scarred face and comforting Force presence.

"You're all right!" she gasped. He grinned, the scar on his face twisting in that odd but achingly familiar way.

"Thanks to you and the General, I hear," he agreed. She got to her feet and put a hand to her lightsaber hilt out of habit.

"It was nothing. The General did all the work – and he might have overdone it," she added ruefully.

"That's what Chipper says," agreed Mocker, who was standing behind Scratch. "Though, when you say that, you make it sound like a bad thing, but Chipper made it sound perfectly okay!"

"That's Chipper for you," Scratch muttered. "He'd make being blown up sound like a dream come true." Leilani had to agree.

"Oh, Commander, Cody wants to talk to you – to plan for when the General wakes up, probably," Mocker explained, changing the subject. The Padawan sighed.

"Right. I'm guessing he's at the command post?" Mocker nodded. "Okay then. Scratch, are you feeling up to tagging along?"

"Always, Commander." Together they headed for the command post.

"What about Jet, Swoop, and Blaze?" the Padawan inquired.

"Good as new. Jet and Swoop are checking their gunships, and Blaze is relaxing with his fellow troopers. I think Cody's planning an attack on the factory," Scratch added.

"Well, getting rid of it is our mission here. I just wish we could wait until the General recovers, but we probably won't be able to."

"Yeah, Chipper said the General's recovery might take longer than we can afford. Another droid could attack at any time," Scratch said, glancing around like he half-expected a second metal menace to appear.

"Exactly," Cody agreed as he fell into step beside them.

"You got a plan?" Leilani asked.

"We still don't know how many of these monsters they have stationed at the factory, since they had too many of them out front for your team to get inside," Cody answered.

And I need to find out if that dark-side user is gone yet, the Padawan thought, but she didn't say it out loud.

"I know the way. I'll take a squad and see if we can't get closer, since we have some idea of how these things work now," she offered instead. Cody nodded.

"Shall I get the troops ready to attack as soon as you return?" he asked.

"Scratch can do that. I thought you'd like to check out the factory," she replied.

"All due respect, Commander Odelia, but I'd rather you had men you're familiar with, men who are used to working with you," Scratch stated. She sighed.

Translation: men who won't freak out if I have to give orders mind-to-mind, she thought.

"I trust you to gather what information we need, Commander," Cody said softly. "And remember, we just need a clanker-count; while you and the General were healing those clones, Static and Download got blueprints for the factory. The demo experts are working out a plan to blow it up as we speak."

"All right. Cody, stay and make sure we're ready to move out as soon as I get back. Scratch, get Hiss, Blaze, and Frost. I want to see the General before we leave," the Padawan ordered. Both officers saluted briefly before hurrying off. Leilani continued on to the command post, where a cot had been set up for Master Kenobi.

"He's still unconscious, Commander," the medic next to him told her. She touched the Jedi's shoulder and examined him through the Force.

"I'm sure he'll be up and about in time to complain about the gunship ride to the cruisers in orbit," she said out loud, releasing Kenobi's shoulder. Then she turned to the medic, who she didn't know. "What's your name?"


"You name, medic, not your number," Leilani corrected gently. This surprised him, and he hesitated.

"Ah, Stitch, Commander," he answered after a moment.

"You have to stitch up your brothers a lot?" she guessed. The clone allowed himself a grin.

"oh, yes, all the time," he agreed ruefully.

"Well, take care of Master Kenobi – and your injured brothers. Unfortunately, there are going to be a lot more of them for you to stitch up."

"We're ready, Commander," Scratch announced from a few feet away. Leilani took a deep breath.

"Let's go, then," she decided. She surveyed the three troopers with her Captain. Hiss had his helmet on and stood with his arms crossed. Blaze had his blaster rifle slung over one shoulder and his helmet under his other arm. Frost had two laser pistols at his belt, and his helmet in one hand. His hair was dyed white – hence his name. Together they set off into Colla Four's forests.

So, this chapter, not much happened, but next chapter, Leilani will come face-to-knee-joint with another Annihilator, and have a conversation with a Sith.

Please R&R if you liked this chapter!