Author's Note: So, I've had this idea for awhile. I think Rachel and Chandler would be really good together. I do love Mondler and Ross and Rachel but, I feel like there aren't enough Randler fics and I just love them together. Anyways, the beginning lines are stolen from the episode in the fourth season TOW the Fake Party. I don't own anything to do with the show or the actors. Basically, all the history of the show is the same up to this point. This is my first Friends story, so I hope it's not too terrible. I hope you like it. Read and Review, please?

Rachel sighed as Ross got up off the step and walked back into the apartment to spend time with Emily. She leaned her head against the wall and suddenly felt more like banging it against the wall. She wasn't jealous of Ross, she really truly wasn't. Although, she hated how serious his relationship was getting with Emily; not necessarily because she wanted Ross but she wanted a relationship like that. She thought it would be with Joshua, but that was before she made a complete idiot out of herself. She was hoping that maybe he would come back but it didn't seem likely. She looked up as the door to her old apartment opened and Chandler walked out carrying a bag of trash. He offered her a small smile. "Hey," she mumbled, still slightly embarrassed by her behavior earlier.

"Hey," He said closing the door behind him. Then she realized that Chandler had never had much luck with women, if anything he had just as pathetic of a love life as she did. She gave him credit for never stooping so low as to wear a cheerleader uniform but she was sure he had done things almost equally humiliating. She did know one thing though, misery loves company.

"You're a pathetic loser, right?" Rachel questioned knowing he would agree with her.

"Oh, yeah." He said giving her a small understanding smile.

"Sit!" She exclaimed patting the spot next to her on the stoop. They sat there in silence for a moment contemplating their miserable love lives. "God, I'm such an idiot." She replayed the events of the night in her head, feeling her cheeks go red. Chandler patted her back supportively and shook his head.

"It could be worse."

"How?" She asked, putting the ice back on her fat lip.

"Well, you could be me." He said in attempt to make her feel better, but also because it was true.

"Chandler, I am 28 years old dressed in a cheerleading uniform with a fat lip in an effort to get a man. Not only did I not get Joshua but I totally mortified myself in front of the guy I like, all my friends, my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. Tell me, how could your life possibly be worse right now?"

"I lost Kathy because I accused her of cheating on me when she wasn't and then she actually did cheat on me. Then once I finally left the house I ran into Janice, who might just be the biggest mistake of my life. And instead of being a normal guy and just breaking up with her, I ended up on a plane to Yemen." They both laughed shaking their heads at how ridiculous and pathetic they both sounded.

"Call it even?"

"Deal," He held out his hand for her to shake.

"So, what do we do now?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"I think this is when we go watch a crappy romantic movie, eat some ice cream and have a deep talk." Rachel raised her eyebrows.

"And you wonder why people think you're gay?"

"I just thought it was something we should consider." He defended.

"Okay, you go take out the trash and I'll go change. We'll meet back in the living room of my apartment." They both went their separate ways. When Rachel exited her room about ten minutes later, Chandler was situated in front of the TV with a carton of ice cream in his hand. She sat down next to him, gratefully taking the spoon he handed her and digging into the carton. Rachel was about to ask what movie he had put in when he answered.

"When Harry Met Sally," He fast forwarded through the rest of the previews. They both quieted down as the movie started. They had made it through almost the whole movie when Chandler groaned loudly.

"Too much ice cream?" Rachel asked knowingly. He groaned again nodding his head. She stood up and grabbed their spoons and the empty ice cream tub as the movie played in the background.

"You know," he said turning around to face Rachel. "I always thought this was, like, the most romantic movie ever." She looked at him interested urging him to continue. "I mean, what's better than falling for your best friend, y'know?"

"It's not all that great." She leaned back against the counter. "If things work out then yeah, it is great but if not then everything gets all screwy." She said scrunching up her face. Chandler made a sympathetic face and hopped up on the counter.

"How are you doing this whole Ross and Emily thing?" She shrugged.

"I don't know. I'm over Ross but it's still hard to see him with someone else, especially while I'm miserable. I-I just wonder if maybe I made a mistake with Ross. Maybe that thing with Chloe wasn't a big deal." She sighed. "You're a guy, was I wrong?" He shook his head.

"No, Rach, you weren't wrong. Ross should've never done that," he added. He had never revealed his true feelings on the whole Ross and Rachel situation because he was supposed to be on Ross's side. But he just couldn't understand how Ross could do that, especially to Rachel.

"I guess, it's just, Ross was my first and my only serious relationship." She admitted and Chandler resisted a joke about how she almost married Barry, they were sharing their feelings and he wasn't about to mess everything up. "I know Ross and I weren't compatible, I mean all we ever did was fight. Ross was a 'doctor' and I was just a waitress."

"Except you weren't just a waitress, you started your whole life over. If you ask me, you were pretty damn brave." She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and he instantly felt bad. "No, don't cry, that was supposed to be a good thing. It was a good thing!" He exclaimed pulling her into a hug. She nodded into his chest, blinking back the tears.

"I know, thank you Chandler. No one's ever said anything like that to me before." His eyes widened and he pulled back slightly.

"Ross never told you that?"

"No, Ross always made me feel," she paused not sure she wanted to admit what she truly felt. "Stupid." Chandler could see the hurt in Rachel's eyes and at that moment it literally took every ounce of self-restraint to not walk across the hall and physically beat Ross up.

"You're anything but stupid." She nodded.

"I know that now, I do. Enough about me, how are you doing?" She ran a comforting hand up and down his arm.

"I'll be okay, that Nick guy was nowhere near as cute as me." Chandler quipped and Rachel gave him a stern look. She didn't want him to deflect his real feelings with jokes, she hated when he did that. He tried again. "Kathy cheating on me just kind of reinforced a lot of my insecurities." He admitted honestly and Rachel moved her hand up to stroke his cheek lightly.

"Any woman would be lucky to have you. You're smart and sweet and sensitive and handsome." For the first time she noticed how blue his eyes were. She couldn't bring herself to look away from them and she wondered how she had not realized this earlier in the many years they had been friends. Chandler laughed nervously breaking the intense eye contact.

"Who would've thought that out of all of us you and I would be the ones talking about our feelings with each other." She nodded.

"It is a little strange, isn't it?"

"Not that it's a bad thing!" Chandler exclaimed suddenly. "I mean, I think it was a really good thing, you know?" He stuttered nervously. Rachel watched him an amused look on her face.

"Chandler?" She interrupted. "Relax." He took a deep breath and fell back against the counter. As Rachel started to clean up around the apartment slightly, Chandler thought over their conversation. He realized that she had helped him more in one night than Joey had in the last couple of months. To be fair to Joey, he had never had his heart broken before.

"Hey Rach?"

"Hm?" She looked up from the blanket she had been folding.

"I-uh, thank you." He smiled.

"Anytime sweetie, just remember I'm right here if you ever need me."

"Same here, Rach." He kissed her forehead lightly. She leaned into him and inhaled Chandler's scent. He smelled like cigarettes and laundry detergent and something else that she couldn't place but it was indescribably Chandler. God, he smelled good. He leaned back slightly and she looked up at him. At that moment she wanted nothing more than to kiss him but could she do that? Could she actually kiss Chandler? He was one of her closest friends, not to mention Ross's best friend. She ignored that thought as he leaned in closing the distance between them. Rachel could feel her heart pounding as his lips met hers. His hands moved to around her waist pulling her into him and her hands worked through his hair slowly. As the kiss got more heated they realized there was no turning back. Chandler pulled away looking down at her. "Your place or mine?" He asked jokingly and she rolled her eyes at him as they made their way back to her bedroom. He interrupted their kiss again and Rachel shot him a look. "Are we really going to do this?"

"Shut up," she said lovingly and he nodded.

"Yeah okay." He closed the bedroom door behind him as the two friends fell onto the bed, continuing what they had started in the kitchen.