Hey Guys, it's been a while, i know, but I'm back! So here's the next chapter. I've started the next chapter, so hopefully I'll have chapter six up in the next couple of days :)

You can also follow me at on tumblr. My url is also ontrose, followed by tumblr .com

Ps, if its been a while and you're a returning reader it might be worth having a quick read over the last few chapter, especially chapter four, as I've made some changes.


Chapter 5: What is Told Cannot Be Untold

The room was silent as Lily sat in her chair, processing the information that Dumbledore had just told her. She was going to die? How could she die? How was that fair?

"That is just a rough outline of what's going to happen to you, but you needed to know before you found out from other students." Dumbledore added softly, watching the girl closely.

Lily's head was reeling. "That's all I get?" She finally spoke, her voice raised. "You marry James Potter, have a baby then die for him? That's it, and now you expect me to.."

"You've paraphrased quite a bit, but yes, I'm afraid that's all we can tell you. Most people that were around at that time are now dead or gone." Dumbledore paused before slowly talking in a soft voice. "Lily, I only told you this because I believe that you can handle this information, in time. What you do with it is your own choice."

The headmasters demeanour changed once again, sitting back in his seat and a smile returning to his face. "But don't look so grim my dear! For all we know you were meant to come here so that this version of your future doesn't even occur!" Lily let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, the thought calming her from her panicked state. "What you need to do is focus on your studies while I work on getting you home, hopefully unscathed."

"There you are, you truly do have a lovely smile. Now," he said, returning to the business at hand, "Since you will be staying with us I'm afraid you can't keep your name, as you know, your son is also in his filth year. You will instead, be his cousin, we'll say once removed, on his mother's side, Alex Evans, which will explain your remarkable likeness to Lily Evans." He said chuckling to himself. "I'll let you work out the details yourself", he continued, "I dare say you know your family better than I do. Do you have any questions?"

"I…I think I'm good…I'm still processing everything you told me before."

"Don't worry about it now Lily," He said cheerfully, "like I said, it may not be your future. Now, if you need anything, Hermione is the best possible friend you could have in this situation," he said, tipping his head towards the girl who was smiling reassuringly at Lily, "and of course you only need ask me of my help."

"Now girls, it's very important that this stays between the three of us and no one else knows that you have traveled from the past. I'm afraid of the pressure people would put upon you to influence the past if they were to discover you were her...there has been a lot of people hurt and lost over the last 20 years." Dumbledore paused, his smile widening. "Though I do think that it's time that a now older wizard discovered what happened to his friends all those years ago."

"What do you mean Sir?" Lily said, suspicious of the hint of joy in the man's voice.

"Well you see Lily", he said, leaning forward in his chair, "back in 1975 a young girl by the name of Lily Evans was reported missing late one night by her best friend, a young Mr Snape. He claimed that they had been walking from the library when she tripped, and when he turned around…she was gone."

"Sev…" She missed him. Where was he now? What did he think happened to her? Did he think she was dead, or that she left him? Maybe she could find him…show him that she was okay…that she didn't mean to leave….

"…Yes, I'm afraid he took your disappearance vary hard indeed, and made some unfortunate friends in your absence, which, if I recall correctly, you did not overly approve of upon your return."

"So I go back? I definitely go back?" Lily said excitedly, seeming to have forgotten the future that was waiting for her in the past.

"It would seem. So if you would like, we could summon Severus right away get you two reacquainted." Lily nodded at the thought, excited and apprehensive at seeing the type of man that Severus had become.

Dumbledore wrote a note on a scrap piece of parchment, rolling it up and giving it to Faux who promptly flew out of the window. "It shouldn't take long," he said, returning to his seat behind the wooden desk.


Severus heard a rasp on wood from the doorway to his office, looking up to see the red headed perpetrator of the night before. "Ah, Miss Weasley, you're not expected for another fifteen minutes for your detention," he said with a sneer, "I had no idea that you were so…eager to scrub cauldrons." May as well have some fun with this.

The fiery red head quickly moved into the room, "Professor, that's why I'm here," she started tersely, "why do I have a detention with you? I didn't do anything."

Severus put the quill he was using to mark work in its place on the desk, slowly rising from his chair to his full, intimidating height. "Miss Weasley, I am not interested in hearing your justification for being out passed curfew last night…"

"But professor, I wasn't…"

"No excuses Miss Weasley, you are to serve detention for breaking curfew, and don't think that that little stunt you pulled last night exempts you in any way from punishment." He sneered, moving out from behind his desk to stand threateningly before Lily. "And on that note, how many of your rotten little Gryffindor's have you told what happened? Because if this gets back to a certain over entitled, disrespectful little…"


Severus was interrupted by a loud tapping on his window where Dumbledore's phoenix was impatiently trying to gain access to the drab room. What does the old man want now? Backing away from the indignant girl before him, Severus moved to the window, opening the latch to let the tapping bird in. The fiery bird swooped into the room, dropped a small rolled up parchment onto the professors' desk and swooped back out of the open window. Latching the window again the broody wizard went and picked the note off of his desk, quickly reading it with a frown.


Please come to my office immediately, a situation has arisen that requires your immediate attention.

Pip pip!

Headmaster Dumbledore

Severus grumbled as he placed the note back on the desk, I'll give him pip pip. Severus hated that the old cook felt the need to summon him to his office in a hurry for every little issue.

Turning back to Ginny, he said regretfully, "I am needed elsewhere, you will serve your detention tonight with Filch, don't be late."

"But professor, I don't know what you're talking about, I wasn't out last night!" Ginny yelled to no one, as the professor had marched across the room and out the door before the confused girl could even start to understand what had just happened.