disclaimer: I don't own AnE

Fool's Gold

The only thing Rin reads - and actually actively searches for- are cook books and recipes. Whether it's Japanese sukiyaki, Chinese chao mian, or Western roast beef, he makes the best dishes. Full-blooded demons do not require food like humans to survive - they feed on the souls of human babies, don't tell anyone - but Rin's cooking is too good to pass up, even for a deity like Kuro.

"Hey you runt! Are you coming down for dinner or not?"

'Humans have the most silliest reactions to a scare,' Kuro has observed this for many centuries and knows it for a fact, 'but not him.'

Rin turns around with outstretched arms to catch the demon-cat by the stomach, ears twitching in irritation. Kuro tries not to squirm - or laugh - as the frilly edges of Rin's pink apron scratches against his skin. "Stop trying to jump on my head. I'm half-human, ya know? We're much more fragile than you guys."

Despite his seeming annoyance at Kuro's antics, Rin holds him gently in his arms as his fingers rub around the demon-cat's horns. A white and furry chest rumbles in approval. "Come on, runt. I made homemade udon tonight!" Rin's voice was bright with pride and anticipation. "And Yukio and Shiemi will be coming over for dinner too!"

Golden eyes sparkled at the part about 'homemade udon'. Anything made by Rin, especially homemade food, is guaranteed to be good, even better, than the original thing. His mouth waters, and he leaps from Rin's arms onto the dining table, eagerly sniffing at his bowl.

Kuro looks at Rin with pleading eyes, and Rin sighs in mock annoyance. "Go on, you mangy cat," he says fondly.

The simple chandelier light above the wooden dining table provids a warm light to the room, giving a cozy, lived-in atmosphere with the mismatched chairs and colourful plates and bowls. Strangely, Kuro has never felt more relaxed, muzzle buried into his own bowl with a string of fish decorating the sides, gulping down hot noodles as fast as physically possible. Before either of the guests arrive, he finishes his portion and licks his bowl clean, slumping down on the table with a full belly, tail wagging happily. Rin scratches Kuro's chin as the demon-cat purrs contently under his fingers.

A doorbell rings, and Rin goes to open the door with a curled-up Kuro in his arms. The trio of friends sit together around the dining table, lazy conversation drifting comfortably between them. Golden eyes blinked lazily. Kuro decides at this moment that this is what home feels like.

(But he still misses the taste of catnip wine.)

a/n: there was supposed to be more, but i got lazy and ended it here orz
did i mention i love crack pairings?
(omgshiroukuro /dies)

irl: HONGKONG. my first love :hearts: