This story is one for which i have everything planned, the beginning, the end and everything in between. All i want is the reviews which will motivate me to upload the next chapter :D

I appreciate all reviews, from anyone; member or non-member.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or settings mentioned in this story. They are the offspring of J.K Rowling's amazing imagination :)


Draco stood outside the Malfoy dungeons. This meeting was the last before the plan would be kicked into action. But he had reserved doubts about whether they would be successful, Harry Potter and his sidekicks never lost. But it was time for a change.

With revolution on his mind, he pushed the wooden door open to reveal a familiar stony room. Blaise stood aside the fireplace, shrugging off some Floo Powder. Several members sat around the long stilted table, they looked up at Draco, some greeted him while others didn't bother.

Draco gestured Blaise towards the table. He paused to make sure everyone was present.

After the great battle and The Dark Lord's defeat, the Ministry had immobilized and arrested all Death Eaters of legal age. His father included. The months after involved the youngsters divising a cunning yet simple that would have their families released from Azkaban.

Blaise seated himself as Draco snapped out of reflection, "I'll get straight to the point. I have been offered the position of Head Boy- though I plan on rejecting it-" Nott stood to protest, Draco put his hand up to silence him, and then gestured for him to sit down. "Though it will be further discussed by Zabini and I. I've called this meeting as a final warning; whatever happens nobody is to stray from the original plan under any circumstances, even a single flaw can jeopardize everything. And no doubt, they'll send us to Azkaban. Quite different from the reunion we had in mind." He looked up and the Slytherins nodded feverishly, "anyone who strays will be open for punishment." They nodded in agreement, looking at each other with suspicion.

He nodded a single nod and then smiled tightly. "Blaise, run over the plan. Briefly, please." he said while seating himself at the head of the table.

Blaise stood, "The main aim of the plan is to have our families released from Azkaban, who have been sentenced without a real hearing. Hermione Granger, mudblood. Famous for being Potter's only intelligent sidekick. The Ministry is sure to fight for her. Someone will be elected to 'woo' and gain the trust of the mudblood, and then we'll keep her with the threat of death over her head, and the Ministry will have no choice but to release our families. And it goes unsaid... that we plan on killing her either way."

After the meeting, all the members of the Revolt retreated to their own homes. Except Blaise of course. The boys made their way up the stairs and into the warm ground floor of the Manor, both rubbed their hands together in an effort to warm them up. It was always a wonder to Draco, how after so many years of living in the cold Slytherin quarters, they still hadn't become accustomed to the nail-biting cold of the dungeons.

Blaise broke the comfortable silence between them, "So, remind me why you're going to reject position of Head Boy?" Draco sighed and ran his hand through his pristine platinum hair, "You and I both know that Granger will be Head Girl, and if I accept the position of Head Boy I'll definitely be doing the 'wooing' and 'trust' stuff. It'll never work." Blaise raised a brow, Draco raised both of his in competitive response, "Look, Blaise. The hate between Granger and I, not to mention her friends, is too great for either of us to overcome. There is no way she would ever believe that I like her."

Blaise exhaled noisily and concluded a short conversation, "Draco, you do know that even if you don't accept to be Head Boy, the group will indisputably vote for you anyway.."

Draco rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders in defeat, "Ok, I'll think about it. But don't blame me when I puke on her." They stopped midstride and burst into boyish laughter.


He pulled robes and trousers out his huge closets and quicky stuffed them, along with his other belongings, into a large trunk. A small voice from somewhere behind him startled him, "What are you doing Draco?" He jumped slightly, then silently cursed to himself upon hearing her, but gathered his wits and turned to face her.

He always thought his mother was beautiful, beneath the huge dark bags under her intense pearly eyes and the permanently pained expressions, she was truly beautiful; her long soft platinum curls, framed her heart shaped face strikingly, and her familiar scent reminded Draco of a happier time. But she was different now, after the war. The Imperius Curse had been lifted, but after all the years of being under it; her brain couldn't quite cope on its own. Draco knew he should stay with her and look after her, but he couldn't. It pained him too much to see his once strong and independent mother so fragile and weak.

"I'm going to leave for Hogwarts in a couple of days mother, my school." He responded just as quietly. She stared at him, "but who's going to stay with me?"

He looked at his shoes, embarrassed, "Mother, Choppy, our elf will tend to your every need, don't you worry." She nodded then shuffled away, once the soft padding sound of her feet faded, he fell face flat on to his four poster bed while swearing and groaning at his own selfishness- how truly Malfoy of him, Lucius would've been proud...


Hermione sighed as she looked up at Ron, "Ron, look... I'm sorry but we're-" Just then Harry and Ginny pounded into the room.

Ginny was speaking as she entered, huge pieces of paper clutched between both hands, "sorry to interrupt the love fest, but we need to review the plan for this thing." She handed Ron one of the papers "Here, read it through, it's the list of everything we're need, make sure we have it."

Meanwhile, Harry plonked himself down next to Hermione and groaned as he rubbed his eyes, "It's so hard keeping this a secret from Mr and Mrs Weasley, I've survived a lot of stuff, but I reckon when the day of the anniversary comes Ginny's gonna have battered me to death! I mean, look at this," He showed Hermione a small blueish bruise on his forearm, "she thumped me because I fell asleep... for half a second!" Hermione laughed, she had to admit Ginny was really excited about planning this surprise party for her parent's anniversary, and her constant jabbering was an annoying way to express it.

"Harry!" Ginny squealed angrily, "Go... with Ron!" Harry half stumbled, half ran out of the small room, glad to have two seconds away from her.

While she herself sank into squashy bean bag on the floor and sighed, "Hermione, the party's tomorrow and we've been so busy we haven't had a chance to go out and buy dresses!"

Hermione patted the younger girl's knee, "Don't worry, we'll go now- no buts!" She said before Ginny could protest, "Harry, Ron and the rest of the boys will deal with last minute preparations while we go to Diagon Alley. Go and tell Harry the plan, and I'll tell your parents we need school supplies."

Ginny nodded and smiled gratefully as she rose and headed out of the room, "thanks Hermione." Once Ginny left, Hermione sighed, she was utterly exhausted. Shopping in Diagon Alley would do her some good. Hopefully.


Draco lay there like that for another few minutes, before deciding to head out to Diagon Alley, to buy some much needed books from Flourish & Bolts. He changed into more comfortable robes and then walked down the stairs; he passed the huge mirror in the hallway and fleeted a quick look at himself. He smirked his 'signature' smirk, as he studied his reflection. He had changed, he looked tired but more mature, and his hair was no longer gelled back as was the style he'd favoured during his first few years at Hogwarts, but now fell casually into his steel eyes.

He left the mirror, and walked into his mothers chambers, which were now downstairs after a trip on the stairs had damaged her right knee. "Mother!" He called out to her twice, no reply; a small sense of panic began to arise inside him, "moth-" he stopped himself abruptly as he caught sight of her asleep on the plush sofa. He let out a sigh of relief, then summoned a piece of parchment and pulled out a small quill from his pocket, he wrote a note explaining that he had left to buy some books, he propped in up on the Italian coffee table which was in direct view of the sofa, and walked carefully over to the Malfoy Floo Network.

Draco stepped into the huge fireplace, threw some floo powder onto the floor, and stated clearly, "Diagon Alley!"


A/N:Thanks so much for reading Chapter number one, did you like it :) love it :D hate it :'( ?

I know the beginning is sliiiightly tedious, but it will get more interesting, I PROMISE.

Please review.

And i'll see you in Chapter 2!

...A little rhyme for your time!... Hahahh okay i'll stop now!