A/N Sorry for the really really really late update. I have been very busy lately. This is the last chapter folks. I hope you like it.

Twirling the stick I found in the garden with my fingers, I tried to capture the memory when I had last held my wand. It was supposed to be easy to remember, after all, I had spent more than half my life using a wand, experiencing the entire magical world with it. It had always been what had connected me and separated me from the rest of the non-magical folk. But I could not remember - my hand could not grasp the movements I had practiced so much, the many swishing and the flicks. I could remember the beautiful feeling of when I first cast my spell - the swell of my chest at the surprise of light shooting out of my wand, however, the physical feeling was absent. This frustrated me as I had always prided myself in my ability to so elegantly produce spells within an instant or so. And it was at this moment that I realised that this stick that I was holding was not my wand and in fact, just an ordinary stick. It slipped through my fingers and then dropped to the floor.

I can not remember how long it has been since I last left this house. In fact, I can not recall ever leaving this mansion since that house elf brought me here those many months... years ago? For some reason, I still had not gotten used to the feeling of being confined to one place. Every time I woke up, I found myself asking why I was here, how I had come to such a place. Many times, especially when I was with Viktor, I would and could imagine that I was not even here, far away from all of this mad havoc. If I closed my eyes, I swear I could walk all over the mansion without bumping into a thing, having memorised where everything was. I don't think the garden counts as having left this place at all, since it is essentially part of the mansion. In a sense, this mansion felt like hell within hell; almost like a prison, stuck in the midst of a war yet untouched and left almost pristine - only tainted by the very footsteps of the Death Eaters that came over ever so often. But then again, I guess staying here is much better than having to be outside where the fighting was happening. Sometimes, I do miss being outside, seeing the people I miss and doing the things I did without being restrained - but at the same time, I felt grateful for having been captured and locked in this place. A hell within hell; my beautiful caged home.

A cool breeze carrying the scent of the sleeping sun came through my window and got caught in my hair. This very air was the same air Voldemort and Harry were breathing, and this scared me. I caught some of my loose tendrils caused by the breeze with my fingers and brushed it over my ear. The wind tasted bittersweet and cold.

It was nighttime again and I was sitting by the window of my room, looking outside where the garden was. It had become a strange habit of mine since living in this mansion, being a way to take my mind off of things or to think through thoughts that were bothering me. Repetition and routine was not something out of the norm. A lot of time had past since the birth of Serena and I had lost track of the days. Tonight, the stars gave out an unearthly colour as its faint yet powerful light streamed down towards me. I could feel it on my skin and it was a cold feeling. It sent shivers all around me as I suddenly saw bits of darkness cover up my arm. A cloud must be covering a few of the stars... Lonely stars... To be honest, the entire view of what I was seeing was a scary sight... It was a scary sight in the sense that tomorrow night this very moment of the light streaming down into my room or onto me would be repeated, yet at that very moment, more people would be dead as a result of the fighting. It just made me think that maybe the war is pointless, because at the end of the day, everything was going to be the same as if nothing happened. The only difference was going to be the fact that less people were around and more pain and suffering was going to be there.

I turned my back on the stars to face Viktor, who was fast asleep on my bed. Ironically, he was sleeping so peacefully in the midst of the war. Even with the room dimly lit by the stars, I could still see that other than the blanket, nothing else was covering the beautiful sight of him. He was naked.

I stood up and walked over to him and could see the remnants of what some of the fighting had done to him. The curved scar near his left shoulder, was the result of his first fight against one of the bands sent out by the now defunct Order. He had been covering Cho from a blast after they had both somehow dropped their wands from a previous blast, and got some of the remnants of magically charmed bits of wood stuck inside of his arm. According to Viktor, it had been a spell cast by Ron. He had told me one time when he thought I missed him - that I was still in love with him. I had of course, assured him that I did not; Viktor was everything to me. There was a scar right next to his right eye too. It was the result from a fight between Cho and himself over me. Things had gotten a bit out of hand and Cho had gotten mad enough to fire a spell at me. Viktor managed to cover me in time, but got hurt from trying to protect me. He was still recovering from the injury, and according to Cho, the scar would not be there for long. Also, if you look carefully enough, you could see another scar on his chest, right above where his heart should be. It was also the result of a magically charmed object from the fight that had occurred when he had gone to Ireland. This one was apparently irremovable. It looked as if someone had tried to carve his heart out. Viktor never really told me how he had gotten that scar, but there had been a mention of spotting Harry. "What's done is done." he had said. Nothing else.

Grabbing the silk sheets, I slipped under the blanket and wrapped my arm around him. He was still sound asleep and felt so warm against me. This feeling felt like snow melting against my skin - consumed by warmth. Tingly, cool and beautiful. Kissing his shoulder, a sudden happiness began to fill me up as I tasted his skin on my lips. It was the thought that Viktor was always going to be there for me, to love and to protect me that made me smile so much. What had I done to deserve him? Especially at a time like this? I had always wondered why I managed to suffer the least out of all the people who had been fighting for Harry... I did not deserve such a life- but life chose me. I was going to have to make something out of this.

"Why aren't you asleep?" a deep and sleepy voice asked me, as I suddenly felt arms wrap around me and pull me into a tight embrace.

My face was squished against Viktor's chest and I could feel his fingers getting tangled in my hair as he brushed it. He felt so hard yet comfy; I liked this feeling of him, feeling his life. Without realising, my fingers began to trace the scar on his chest. It felt so weird in a way that made me nervous- and I could feel the pain this must have caused him. It shot up my arm in a slow and tingly manner. Whoever had casted this spell was a skillful wizard; anyone who touched Viktor's scar could feel the pain.

Being given no answer, I suddenly felt his hand above mine, stopping me from further tracing his scar. His grip was firm, but it did not hurt and there was nothing aggressive about his action. He brought my hand to his lips and he kissed it tenderly. His breath felt warm against my skin.

"Is Serena sleeping well?" he asked softly with a slight croak.

I shook my head.

"Cho came in earlier and took her away with her." I muttered, suddenly feeling slightly annoyed. I could still remember the light cries Serena made when she could not entirely recognise the feel of Cho's skin. Cho did not spend enough time with her to get her used to her presence, which was probably why she wanted to spend time with her tonight. Maybe Voldemort was getting a bit suspicious? Serena was still young and small, but in time, it was going to be obvious that she could in no way belong to Cho. "I think Serena's in her room."


Viktor's calloused hands gently rubbed at the fabric above my lower back as I looked into his half opened eyes. Even with his eyes half closed, he could still look into mine in a way that made me feel so good. His eyes were so dark and grave, giving him a serious and tough demeanor - I could hardly tell what he was thinking most of the time. I kissed his lips and he slowly kissed me back. Gently, but firm. One of his hands slipped into mine, and his fingers began to interlock with mine. His stubble rubbed slightly against my cheeks and it hurt a bit, but in a sensually pleasing way. I kissed him again before straddling him. He was all skin and muscle.

"I like this time of the day." he suddenly said, a slight devilish grin beginning to form.

"Why?" I asked suggestively, when I felt something hard against my butt.

He attempted to suppress a groan as I began to make slow rocking movements. He placed a hand on my boob and squeezed it; the other was resting on top of my thigh. He was beginning to feel harder and harder as I added a bit more force to my movement. He was beginning to look dazed.

"Not because of sex, but because of the way the light goes over your skin." he then said, looking like he was beginning to loose focuz. He grabbed my face and brought me towards him for a kiss. This time it was more forceful. His hands slipped under his flannel top that I was wearing, and he began to rub at my skin. "You look so beautiful."

As I sat back up, I slowly took my flannel top off and could see how entranced he was by my body, even with the scars and bruises all over. Apparently he found this sight beautiful. It was so strange, because I felt so broken and ugly. People tended to ignore the broken things in life and found pure and whole things much more aesthetically and emotionally pleasing, so I always wondered what Viktor saw in me. But then again, Viktor was different and I had known that from the start; he was special and seemed to have been made just for me, to make me feel better and accepted into this world. I personally felt like shattered glass that he was trying to mould back together. He always had and was gentle with the pieces of me that made me who I am. Even if it pricked him and made him bleed.

"Come over here." he growled, as he took my top and dropped it to the floor.

His hands slid down my back and pulled at my knickers. I moved a bit so that he could take it off for me. Soon, I felt him slip inside of me as he rolled me over, and I groaned as I felt his member stretched me. He put my legs over his shoulders before bringing his face close to mine. His eyes were tender with a tinge of lust and he kissed me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Soon, he began to move in and out, but slowly. It was irresistible torture.

"Hermione, why are you so wet?" he asked me.

I rolled my eyes at him as I played with his hair, attempting to suppress a smile and giggle. We always began with that question these days. I found it such a turn on, like this was a game. Ignoring his question, I ordered him to stop torturing me.

Minutes went by and we were all over each other. Time did not appear to be on our minds. Groans and moans filled my ears, and Viktor and I were sweating all over. I could not help but grin as he looked up at me seductively, his tongue inside of me, his mouth sucking me. I grabbed the back of his head with my hands and pulled him closer towards me - I needed him. Closing my eyes to the sensations, I felt like I was going to shatter to pieces by the very look in his eyes. It was so intense. So delicious. So...

Suddenly, without a warning, the door to our room slammed open and Cho walked inside. I did not have the time to scream as Viktor suddenly covered me up with his body, wand in hand. We were like two deers caught in headlights.

"What the fuck are you two doing at this time of the day?" Cho hissed, looking slightly off guard and shocked. She was in her night robes, and her eyes were wide and surprised. The look on her face was then replaced by her usual angry and somber demeanor. She looked incredibly displeased.

"And what are you doing here at this time of the day?" Viktor asked, obviously annoyed at being interrupted; he had also not reached his climax yet whereas he had sent me off charts a half a dozen or so times. He quickly grabbed the pillow next to me and covered the both of us with it.

Cho rolled her eyes. "Never mind why I'm here, I can't get Serena to shut up. She keeps crying..." Cho then turned to me and glared. "Next time you two decide to fuck around, charm the door for Merlin's saker! You disgusting, vile, whore."

Before Viktor could say anything back to her as I was not in the place to argue back, Cho stomped off as she slammed the door behind her, but expecting me to follow after her.

"Fucking hell." Viktor muttered, rolling off of me. He then grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into an embrace. "What a turn off."

I noticed that his cock had softened and laughed before kissing his cheek. Viktor looked down at me with a raised eyebrow before gave me a look of annoyance.

"I'll be right back." I whispered into his ear, giving it a lick.

I grabbed his cock and let it go before making my way over to the door. Viktor tossed my flannel top towards me.

"I'll be waiting." he said, with a devilish look on his face.



It was early morning now, but one could hardly tell inside the mansion as the entire place was well lit in every possible way. However, I was in my room and the curtains were closed so the room was obviously dark. Actually, it was just my room and the house elves rooms that were not lit that well. According to a rule book made by Voldemort that apparently existed, house elves and slaves were not considered human. Therefore, we were not treated as such but as animals. We were given just enough to survive in order to help serve the purpose of the Death Eater's and Voldemort's wishes.

Rubbing my eyes, I groaned slightly as I realised that I still ached from the activities of last night. The slightest of movements caused me to cringe slightly, but it a good way. It brought a smile to my face; it always did. Rolling to my side, I could sense that Viktor was not next to me. The feel of melting snow on a spring day was not there - his body heat. And suddenly I missed him. Where had he gone?

"Viktor?" I called out softly.

There was no answer.

I sat up and got off my bed before making my way over to the curtains to open them. Light poured into the room, and it burnt my eyes. Blinking and rubbing my eyes a couple of times, it took me a while to adjust to the light, and when I did, I smiled at the sight I saw outside.

Viktor was lying with his back to the grassy ground and Serena was sat on his stomach. I could not hear what was going on, but smiled even more when I saw the happy expression on his face that anyone could tell meant that he was laughing. The sight of the two of them together always brought a warm sensation to me. They would come in small waves, gentle and light, starting from the tip of my toes and rose up until it reached my heart. It was different to the sensations when Viktor touched me, but a good sensation none the less. They were both so beautiful.

"Hermione, put some clothes on will you?" Cho hissed, entering my room without bothering to knock. But then again, this was her place and she owned me, so I had no say in how she was to treat me.

I bent down to grab my flannel top, which was on the bed. Cho tossed me a pair of shorts. "Do you want me to do anything today?" I asked as I put it on.

"Nothing much for you to do today." She muttered. She then grimaced slightly. "But we have guests."

I was curious. "For what?"

Cho bit her lip, and for a moment, I could have sworn I saw the old Cho. She looked so serene, soft and frightened... confused even. I do not know how to describe her expression- her posture. She wrapped herself in her arms and cuddled herself as she thought about something. The behaviour was was exuding right now was as if she was not sure of herself. It was a side of her I had not seen in ages. But just as soon as I saw the old side of her, as she always did, she covered herself up with her distasteful one. Her hands dropped to her sides, tense and firm. Was there a tear in her eye? I strained to see if I was kidding myself.

"Not entirely sure to be honest. Just make yourself invisible today, I don't want you to get hurt." she then said quietly but just enough for me to hear. Her comment surprised me. "And apparently... apparently Harry's close by."


I don't know why I was panicking, but Merlin, I felt like my mind was going to explode! I could literally feel my heart beating in my chest as if someone was hitting me. Thump. Thump. Thump. The air around me felt so cold, but my hands were sweating. This hot and cold feeling left a strange sense of numbness within me... a strange thought. I felt like I was being sucked inside out. And this thought kept consuming me like a vacuum- that I could not control what was to happen next. Merlin... I never had any control of my life since Harry lost, but ever since Serena came into my life, control took a whole new meaning. It meant everything!

I pressed my ear hard against the thick wall, trying to listen to the conversation between Viktor and Cho. Serena was in the room they were in, so I was nervous. It was not because Serena was away from me; I always got to look after her unless Cho needed her for Voldemort. What were they going on about? Why were they being so calm? They hardly ever conversed... and they had been inside Cho's room for over an hour. Was something wrong?

I could not hear anything. Still. Hopefully it did not mean something terrible had happened. I sighed as I wondered how Serena was doing...

"She does not look like me enough for other people to believe she belongs to me. We have to figure something out." I heard Cho mutter loudly with annoyance.

I could imagine her throwing something about with her hands, or using her wand to cast a spell to damage something. She always did whenever she got really mad or stressed out.

Viktor did not answer her. Well, I could not hear him say anything.

"Well?" Cho asked him. I guess she was talking loudly since I could hear her. "Polyjuice potion will never work. And spells will hardly fool the Dark Lord. For Merlin's sake, Viktor, say something!"

"Serena looks fine as she is."

"But she's got that fucking whore's hair!"

"Don't call her a fucking whore."

"You've been fucking that bitch haven't you? She's practically naked every time I walk into her room!"

I blushed at that comment. She had a point.

Viktor appeared to ignore her comment and carried on. "My mother's side had a few curly haired people. We could just say that Serena has gotten my mother's side's genes."

"Good point. We'll have to make it sound convincing. It's the only solution we have for now."


There was a moment's pause. Were they done?

"That whore's listening to our conversation."

I froze. How had she known? Dark magic? ... The door to their room suddenly opened in a slow and creepy manner. I guess that meant that I should go inside. I was about to make my way in when Viktor walked out with Serena in his arms. He looked tired.

"She's asleep." he told me, avoiding my eyes for a moment.

"She hardly had any sleep last night." I told him softly. I tried to catch his eyes. "Not until I got to her."

"Do you want to hold her?" he asked me, finally looking into my eyes.

We soon found ourselves in the living room. It was dead quiet and not a word had passed between us since we got here. Serena was in my arms as I sat on the sofa and Viktor was doing push ups. I watched the way his muscles tensed and relaxed as he moved up and down. He was trying to get something off of his mind, that much I could tell.

"Word has it the third big fight is coming soon." Viktor suddenly said. "Remember the people who came in earlier for some meeting? We discussed things..."

I had not seen them clearly, but I did notice Draco and Fenrir Greyback crossing the living room to get to the meeting room. I did not recognise any of the other men and women in the room.

"You mean Harry-"

I stopped myself as I realised the meaning of this.

"Yes. It's true. He is back and nearby and from my close sources, he's on his way to confront Voldemort. He's almost got all of the new horcruxes Voldemort's made."

I took in a deep breath, hoping that yes, this was the final moment - it had to be. After all, so many people had suffered from this - too many people had. But what did Viktor mean by 'almost all of the new horcruxes'? Did Harry not realise there was one more? Was there one more? He suddenly stopped doing his push ups and stood up. He walked over to me and sat by my side.

"I hope tomorrow hurries up then." I said, kissing Serena's head. "And I hope Harry kills him."


I could hear screaming outside; loud noises caused by the destruction from spells fired by a wizard's or witches' wand. It was a terrifying array, ranging from the last breath of a person's to the maniacal laughter of a murderer - the explosions. I held Serena close to me, afraid that the noise may shatter her to pieces. The fear of losing her had always been with me since the day of her birth. The sound of her breath was what assured me that she was still alive and well. Somehow, she managed to stay asleep, although I could see that she was beginning to awake as she was frowning... just the way Viktor frowned. And suddenly, I felt like screaming myself. Fuck.

"What's going on?" I asked Viktor, fear evident in my voice as he suddenly walked into my room. I knew what was going on, but it was the only thing I could think of saying to him.

Viktor did not answer me immediately; worry was etched all over his face. His wand was by his side and I could see that his hand was white from holding it so hard. A million thoughts seemed to be going through his mind. His eyes seemed to pace around the room in place of his actual body. Suddenly, he did not seem like the grumpy and emotionless person I knew - he looked terrified.

"I think Harry's here." he then said, seemingly looking all around the room. It was as if he was looking for something.

"Here as in... here?" My eyes widened as I understood what he meant. Why in Merlin's name was Harry even here? "But I thought that the fight was going to be near Voldemort-"

"Change of plans." Viktor said with a hint of annoyance. He sat down next to me and ruffled his hair. I noticed a stream of blood pouring from a cut on his hand. "There was still one horcrux left, and it's with me."

"With you?" I reached for his hand, but he brushed me away. "You mean... you gave it to Harry?"

Serena began to cry.

"No... not yet. That would blow my cover." he muttered, angry that I did not understand him. He ruffled his hair even more. "Cho and Harry are fighting outside right now. The new Order and Voldemort's army is outside too. Voldemort's on his way. He's going to come directly to me first because of the last horcrux."

I was about to say something, but Viktor interrupted me with a desperate kiss. His mouth pressed hard against mine and his stubble pricked my skin. It brought tears to my eyes. He then shoved his tongue inside my mouth, and I accepted it, knowing that he needed me right now. Whatever it was he was going to do, he could not do it without me. And just as soon as the kiss occurred, it ended, leaving me with my mouth open and thoroughly confused and afraid.

"The last horcrux." he suddenly said, slipping a small bag into my hands. He looked terribly sorry. "I'll lead Harry here. Keep it safe."

"And you?" I asked, suddenly worried that this was the last time I might see him. I brushed the thought aside.

"Can't blow my cover yet. Harry needs to believe I'm with Voldemort, because that way I can lead him to him without fucking up." He then leant down and kissed Serena, before kissing me again. "I love you two."


I could hear footsteps outside. At first it was soft, but it soon got louder and louder. I could sense the desperation of the person from the sound of the steps. It was as if this person was in search of something, and needed it as soon as possible. Viktor had left a spare wand with me, and I had it ready just in case. My heart was thumping hard and I was scared - scared of what this person could do to me. There was a sudden pause and I heard someone breathing hard. The footsteps were slow now, and I could sense the person coming towards me. I was about to fire a spell when I saw someone at the door, but stopped myself as my instincts told me not to. Why had I not fired a spell? Was it because I had forgotten what it meant to fight? This one move could be the end of Serena and myself.

I saw rough and wild black hair - black, round, rimmed glasses. The person was a young man and he had a few cuts and bruises and did not look as if he had changed in a long time. Merlin... could it be?

"Harry?" I asked, too hopefully.

"Huh? Her-Hermione?" the young man asked me just as surprised. "I thought you were dead!" The irony in that!

He ran over towards me and went down on his knees to be at height with me, and he embraced me tightly. I embraced him back with my free arm and was careful as to not crush Serena who was in between us. It appeared to me that Harry had come up here on his own as nobody else was here.

"Who's this?" he then asked, when he noticed Serena. He was still out of breath and he looked worried.

"My daughter."

He looked even more concerned as the look on his face told me what he had assumed was right. I knew that he could not help it. Anyone else would have assumed the same, seeing the position I was in. "Did someone... hurt you?" he asked.


Harry looked like he wanted to ask more, but he stopped himself. His hand rested on my shoulder. He probably assumed that I had more things to ask him than he did to me. After all, he had just come back to life and was making his second attempt to kill Voldemort, whereas little old me had been stuck in this mansion as a slave to the Krums during the war, having sex with a gorgeous man almost every other day. Voldemort... that reminded me of the horcrux Viktor gave me. I should give it to Harry. Viktor had probably led him here.

"What brings you here?" I asked him.

It took him a while to realise what I said. Something did not feel right. His mannerism and expression was totally wrong. I know that we had spent so long apart from each other and had been affected so brutally by the war, but even all of that would not have affected Harry so much as to cause him to behave in a way that was beyond recognisable to me. I had known him since my first year at Hogwarts. Surely he had not changed that much? Suddenly, the little bag in my pocket felt heavier. I knew exactly what Harry wanted right now. But the problem was if this Harry was the Harry I assumed he is.

More footsteps were suddenly heard. The person or people were frantically making their way towards us. A sudden loud shout and a scream. A loud crack was heard. A wand fight was occurring outside.

Harry gave me a deep look into my eyes. He looked troubled and was beginning to look desperate. The hand on my shoulder was tense.

"You're not Harry, right?" I asked.

Dumb question. Bad question. This person was going to kill me. And before I knew it, a spell shot at 'Harry' from the outside of my room, sending him crashing against the window, shattering the glass. Serena let out a scream of terror. She was now wide awake.

"Hermione?" Harry was standing by the door, looking surprised by my presence. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Harry? This must be the real Harry! Then who had just shattered the glass? My eyes widened. Cho!

"Hermione, is it with you?" Cho asked, clutching onto her arm. She had a mixture of terror, annoyance and worry all over her face.

"Get the hell away from her!" Harry yelled when Cho tried to make her way towards me.

I screamed as Harry fired a spell at her. She hit the ground with a thud. Merlin. What the hell was Cho doing here? And why had she pretended to be Harry? I had to tell Harry to stop! Even if Cho had been awful to me, I had to tell Harry to stop.

"Hermione, do you know where the horcrux is?" Harry asked me, seriously.

"Don't you dare give it to him!" Cho hissed, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Serena kept crying. I held her closer to me to get her to stop. Where was Viktor? Was he all right? I felt as if my heart had fallen into tight crevice. No matter what I tried to think about, I did not seem to be able to get rid of the feeling.

"Where is Viktor?" I asked.

"Give me the horcrux, Hermione!" Cho ordered, crying even more.

Harry gave me a stern look not to and pointed his wand dangerously at Cho. She seemed oblivious to his threats, seemingly welcoming her potential death.

"Shut up or you will regret it." Harry said aggressively. "I won't finish you off."

Cho gave me a maniacal look and appeared close to ignoring orders from Harry. She really must have lost her mind. Even though she had treated me badly, I felt sorry for her.

"Where's Viktor?" I asked again.

Before either of the two could answer me there was a blast outside. It brought me to my feet, and when I looked outside, I could see that Viktor was in a fight with Voldemort. Voldemort must have figured out that Viktor had given the horcrux away, but Voldemort's problem was that he did not know to whom Viktor had given it to.

I was frightened and scared for Viktor. The air in my lungs were leaving me... I wanted to go down and help him. There were a ton of screams and explosions - still. Harry looked at me frantically and begged me through shouts to give him the horcrux, but all I could do was think about how I was going to save Viktor - but I was immobile. And suddenly, there was a green flash. Viktor crumpled to the floor. I screamed.

"Hermione!" Harry yelled through my screaming, trying to grab my attention. "Hermione?"

I felt like fainting, my mind was blank and my heart felt so empty. And then suddenly, I was filled with pain and I could not breathe. The last bits of air was gone.

I could tell that Cho and Harry thought I was crazy, and I would understand them as they had not witnessed the event. Looking at Cho through my sudden stream of tears, she was sitting in a foetal position, seeming to have succumbed to dumbness because of the sudden shock of the fighting. She looked like a dumb child, lost and hopeless. It was as if she had given up on life. And me? Was I still screaming? I could not comprehend what I was doing. I could hear Serena screaming in the background too, and I wanted to be the comfort she needed, but other than the screams of Serena and I, all the shouting Harry and the people outside were making and the explosions were non-existent.






I snapped out of my moment of blanking out and picked up the pouch with the horcrux and passed it in a blind manner to Harry, whom without even acknowledging his thankfulness as he was blinded by having to destroy the horcrux, took a strange object out of his pocket and rammed it into the pouch. I guess I was never going to find out what was inside - the pouch exploded.

A terrifying scream could be heard outside, being heard from all parts of the house and outside. I had never heard such a broken and depressing sound before. Voldemort was suffering from the last spoonfuls of life; death was greeting him. Serena was still screaming. Harry was smiling, wand at the ready and soon he was out of the room, presumedly to make his way over to Voldemort and to finish him off. And suddenly, the world seemed black.


When I woke up from the sudden blackness, I found my head lying on top of the dead body of Viktor and Serena was by my side, seemingly better. I do not know if I blacked out or not, but I appeared to have come here on my own accord with Serena. There were a ton of dead bodies surrounding us. The living seemed so few, but cheerful.

Viktor looked dead. He is dead. I placed my hand on his cheek and wondered what he must have thought about when the green light hit him. I could feel my heart leaving me to be with him in the afterlife. I felt so emotionless now...

Although the world was going to be a better place now, I cannot imagine what I could do with Serena as all I had thought about in my mind was my future life with Viktor and Serena, not a life without him. I felt so empty even in the midst of this happiness over the victory of the good - the death of Voldemort.

Light streamed down from somewhere and hit Viktor's face and it caught my eyes. I turned around towards the mountains by the castle as it was where the light was streaming from and saw a myriad of warm colours filling up the white spaces of the sky - it was morning. I turned to Serena who appeared to be looking towards the sky too. The morning sun. It was a time for new beginnings.