Chapter 4: The Idea

To Kyle...

I do apoligize for not leaving a lot of detail. I truly appreciate the criticism, and I also apoligize for not updating this since the birth of Christ.

By: PittsBurghFuzz

Much to Ellie's credit, the landing was more comfortable than the takeoff was. After Ellie landed, Erik immediately ran to his balloon basket.

"Erik? Where are you going?" Ellie asked.

"I'm going to the emerald pile." Erik told Ellie.

"But I can fly you there."

"Its fine. I have my own ride."

"I hope you don't mean the balloon."

"Of course not." Erik laughed. "I'm going to use my magic carpet."

"A carpet as a magical object?" Ellie was stunned.

"My dear, many things are magical in the Middle East." Erik said with a grin.

Erik rolled out the carpet and recited its spell. Then, it lifted! Erik stood on the carpet, and flew away.

Erik was approaching the emerald site, wanting to know more about the area.

"If I could built a fortress, then it could possibly unite OZ." Erik said to himself.

As Erik landed carefully, he stepped off the carpet and laid it on his shoulder. The emerald site was a pile of elegant green beauty. Erik knew he could easily make building material for the fortress with the elements given. The only problem was that all of Erik's supplies were at Ellie's home, in the basket. Erik wanted to start OZ's reconstruction now.

Erik wasn't able to transport many items on his magic carpet, so that was out of the question. A noise came from the darkness. Erik turned around and saw a horse. However, this was a very odd and magical horse. This horse could change colors.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" Erik asked himself, rubbing his unmasked left eye.

The horse was literally changing from orange to green to purple and other hues in the flick of an eye. Erik was able to easily tame the animal, and mounted on the horse's back.

Ellie was sitting at her desk, brushing her hair. Outside, a gallop came from the night.

"Erik? What are you doing?" Ellie asked, walking outside, noticing that Erik was riding a strange horse.

"I need your help." Erik explained. "I am going to make OZ into a united country."

"Wait, you're going to unite the four quadrants?" Ellie asked in astonishment.

"Precisely. Which is why I need your help."

"My help?"

"Well, you are the first person from OZ that I've met, and you seem to have a fair knowledge of OZ anyway, so acquiring you would be beneficial for my ultimate goal."

"But Erik, uniting the four lands is impossible!" Ellie told Erik.

"Nothing is impossible until you give up." Erik told Ellie.

Ellie smiled. "I'll help."

"Good." Erik dismounted off his horse and went to his basket. Apparently, Erik still had wheels attached to the cart from his traveling days. From there, he was able to attach the horse to the cart.

"There we go. That should do it. In my cart I have some tools, and with those tools I can begin my goal. Then, no more wars in OZ, and peace will be everlasting. Not to mention the lives of OZ's people will improve drastically."

"You said it Erik."

"Now, do the Winkies have any special talents or abilities?" Erik asked.

"Well, they are master builders." Ellie told Erik.

"Excellent. I will need you to ride your broom stick across the Winkie Country and send the message."

"Tonight?" Ellie was stunned.

"Yes. Now go, quickly!"

Several hours later Erik began building his central city. Instead of using conventional materials however, this city would be made out of the emeralds that just happened to be there.

Erik, being a master builder himself, knew that a central city would be important in terms of protecting OZ, so it was the first thing he began to plan. Erik wanted a well defined road that led all of the countries to OZ.

Ellie began her search, and asked a strong group of young male Winkies to assist Erik.

"This will benefit OZ if you would help him now!" Ellie explained.

"Like how?" one of the Winkies asked Ellie.

"Well, no more fighting with the other countries, better living conditions, and you will be given much for your services."

"We accept!" the group of Winkies told Ellie.

Before the group of Winkies arrived, Erik had completed much of his design for the central city. Erik already completed the main level and some of the towers that would allow soldiers to observe OZ.

"Need help?" a Winkie asked Erik.

"Thanks. What's your name?" Erik asked.

"I am the Winkie Boris." the leader admitted. "Ellie has told me that you are intending to give us compensation for our services and make OZ a better place."

"That's what I set out to do my friend!"

"Well, then me and my associates will be more than willing to help."

Behind Boris was a group of 50 Winkies, all well built and ready to go. Their green skin was similar to that of Ellie's.

Erik distributed the Winkies around different areas of the central city ground. Boris had the strongest Winkies.

Through their efforts, the Winkies and Erik were able to build the central city within a week.

The only obstacles remaining now would be to convince the other lands to unite and design the interior of the magnificent city.