Disclaimer : I do not own Soul Eater, neither the manga or anime

I think this is a sorta repeating pattern... This is my third time rewriting a fanfic all over again.. I'm such an amatuer writer I wish i'd get more reviews and more people to read! If you happen to lay eyes upon this then you're probably thinking I'm some weird emo pessimistic person who has no life but urmmm THANK YOU...? continue reading please! if you will read and review then I LOVE YOU really :D im still trying to figure out fanfiction cuz its sorta hard to use... this is like my second time writing the a/n and disclaimer and summary...


Summary (as promised in the other summary ^^) : Maka Albarn ventured deep into the Underworld in order to find her mother, Kami. On the way, she unluckily encounters a shinigami named Daru. He and her make a deal that if she can get him some souls then he will give her her mother. Maka agrees and her first mission was to enrol into Shibusen, school for Meisters and Weapons. Maka cautiously keeps her distance from everyone at the academy but especially her partner/weapon Soul Eater Evans. What happens when she starts making friends? And what will happen when they start opening up her heart? The answers' simple. Nothing but darkness awaits.

Chapter 1

The Moment the World came Crashing Down

Both clashed, scythe against scythe.

"Yes… That's right Maka… Kill him… Kill him and get his soul…" ushered the voice in Maka's head.

She swiped at him with her scythe. He barely dodged it.

"Maka! What's wrong with you?" He yelled.

She said nothing but continued slashing her scythe at him.


They locked scythes and Soul looked at her, red eyes to green. Her eyes were blank and emotionless.

Tears soon dropped from those emotionless olive green eyes but her face stayed the same.

"Soul…" she said her voice nothing but a whisper. "Run… Please run…"


Maka pushed Soul away and stood in a new stance, scythe spinning over her head.

"What are you doing Maka? Snap out of it!"

A voice entered Soul's mind.

"Soul Eater Evans… She is doing this for her mother… Just quietly let her kill you and her pain shall be erased…"

"You! You're the one doing this to Maka aren't you?" shouted Soul like he was speaking to no one.

There came no reply, only the sound of the night breeze passing by the two.

"Her mother..?" thought Soul, "She's doing this for her mother?"

"Yes Soul… She had to choose between you or her mother… I just gave her a little push…"


No sooner had he said that, Maka came running towards him, ready to slash.

"Shit I can't dodge in time..!"

When it was millimetres from his chest, Maka abruptly stopped.


Her hands trembled.

"D-Don't hurt… S-Soul… "

"You choose this boy over your mother?"

"D-Don't… Make me h-hurt him… P-Please…"

Soul took a few steps closer to her.

"D-Don't come n-near me..!"

He continued walking until they were just inches from eachother. Soul's scythe transformed back into his arm. He grabbed Maka's scythe.

"You just need to kill me right?"

"N-No..! D-Don't...!"

Maka tried to move but her body didn't listen to her.

"Do not move child!" hissed the voice in her head. "Let him do it himself."

More tears ran down her cheeks.

"D-Don't… Soul… Please don't…"

Soul smiled, a sad apologetic smile.

Then he pulled the scythe and it stabbed into his chest. He pushed it deeper and deeper. Maka could see the pain on his face.

"S-Stop…" whimpered Maka. "S-Stop it Soul…"

"My work here is done… See you in the Underworld Soul Eater Evans…" whispered the voice into the open which was soon carried away by the wind.

Maka realised that she could move now. She pulled the scythe out of Soul and he collapsed on her, his head on her shoulder. Maka dropped to her knees holding Soul, arms around his back. The scythe had gotten pushed straight through him.

"S-Soul! Soul!" Maka cried but he was drifting off.

She rested his head on her lap, her tears dropping onto his face.

He reached out and wiped them away.

"I-I'm sorry! Please d-don't do this! S-Soul! We're p-partners right? Please…" she whispered. "Don't leave me…"

He began glowing and ebbing away slowly.

Tears furiously rolled down her cheeks.

"P-Please… Please d-don't go…"

Maka could see a slight smile on his face. Soul grabbed her piggy tail and gently yanked it. Maka lowered her head. Soul whispered words into her ear before he completely disappeared.

Maka sat there, her eyes wide and tears running down.

"…What did I do?"

End of Chapter 1