Last Chapter

Chapter 5


Elena got the ginger ale and then sat comfortably as she watched her aunt make her diner. It made her happy. Jenna was doing the best she could and her best was enough.


After both Elena and Jeremy were better and returned to school they were caught up with swarms of homework.

"I'll never leave my house. You'll never see me again. I'll be too swarmed with homework. I'll have to drop out." Elena ranted onward with a grin.

Stefan merely chuckled, "I guess I'll have to move in"

"Jenna won't allow it." Elena said, "You could live in the closest. I'll bring you rabbits."

The two bantered onward until Stefan's phone rang.

"Ya?" He asked. Must have been Damon, Elena thought.

After a few moments he handed the phone to her, "It's for you."

Elena quizzically took the phone and put it to her ear.


"You're phones off. I could have been in danger and your phone is off."

"You have Stefan if needed be."

"Can you and my baby brother stop by? I have a present for you."

"Is it explosive?"


"Did you kill someone?"

"Not today. See you in a few."

Elena hung up and glared at Stefan as he turned the car around.


To her dismay Stefan disappeared and for good reason. Damon came into view holding a large plush Sponge Bob.

"I couldn't find the one that talks back, but im sure you'll hear him say your name."

"Ha." Elena said as she took the stuffed sponge from him, "Considering I'm here. I need to warn you anyway."

"Of?" Damon asked, he grinned a wicked smile.

"That Ric is you're best friend practically and I overhead you and Jenna the other day. You were flirting."

"Elena I flirt with every single girl, I flirt with you."

"That's not the point. The point is she's off limits. You've already slept with my birth mother."

"Elena I have no feelings for Jenna. I was just doing what I do best."

"I'm warning you Damon!"

Stefan came into view, "Ready to go?"

Elena headed towards the door with him but Damon called here name.

"Look at the bright side if I happen to like her then I'll be you're Uncle Damon."

The plush sponge bob hit the elder Salvatore in the face and he laughed as he watched Stefan walk out the door and Elena angrily slam the door behind her.


He debated it strongly. He of course had to return the plush stuffed animal to Elena. He could very well give it to Stefan but then again his little brother may dispose of it. If he went to the house, and Jenna happened to be there, he could talk to her and give the yellow stuffed sponge to her for Elena. Yes that would work. Just a little visit wouldn't hurt; he was just flirting, like he did with every girl.


He knocked on the door and the bubbly strawberry blonde haired Jenna opened it.

"Damon?" her tone was surprised yet calm, "Are you looking for Elena?"

"In most senses." He held the sponge bob stuffed animal, "She threw this at me and I simply just want to return it to her."

"Of course you would buy this for her."

"Of course. It's what I do best."

Meanwhile Elena was at the top of the stairs; listening.

"I'll give this to her and I'll make sure it doesn't wind up in a dumpster or the river." Jenna said as she took the stuffed animal.

Damon nodded and said goodbye. As he walked off the porch she called after him,

"Thanks for what you said."


"My parenting skills. I really think im doing okay with them."

"Like I said you're doing great in your own way." He smiled at her.

Jenna blushed and ducked her head, "Well I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. You're always popping up in the strangest places."

"That you will. Goodnight Jenna."

"Goodnight Damon." She shut the door and turned around to find Elena at the edge of the stairs.

"Aunt Jenna…"

"Elena! Hey!"

"We've been over this, he's an ass."

"When he wants to be. He's a nice guy glad you met him."

Elena scoffed, "Aunt Jenna if you're thinking of ever…Damon…"

"Seriously? Oh Elena of course not. He's not even that attractive."

"You said he was ridiculously hot."

Jenna scoffed, "I never said that. Now I believe I asked you to do the dishes a half an hour ago. Get to it."

"But Aunt Jenna…"

"Elena trust me okay? I love Ric. So don't worry. And besides everyone on the freakin planet knows he has some feelings towards you. That looks like an uncomfortable love triangle I am not getting myself into."

"You sure?" Elena asked.

"Yes. Now my awesome parenting skills are saying go to the dishes now!"


The next evening Elena was setting the diner table while Jenna was placing a chicken on the table followed by a bowl of mashed potatoes. Jeremy was sitting at the table with his laptop.

"Jeremy put that away, were about to eat." Jenna said.

Jeremy never removed his gaze from the screen and so he just ignored her.

"Jeremy did you hear me?" Jenna asked.

Jeremy, being completely oblivious looked up at his aunt and sister, "Can either of you tell me why there are pictures of me on facebook dancing with a lamp?"

Jenna stared blankly, pressing her lips together to keep from laughing. Elena on the other hand took out her cell phone. She set it to speakerphone.

"Hello?" Damon's sly voice asked.

Jeremy gave Elena and Jenna an odd sort of look.

"Hey Damon it's me." Elena said, "Yeah Jeremy's next to me. He saw the pictures."

The line went dead.

Jenna burst into laughter.

"Aunt Jenna what kind of parenting is that?"

"The great kind."

A/N: Done. So who really knows if Damon was interested in Jenna and she was into him. I guess its up to you to decide.