"Malfoy!" she whispered. "What on earth are you doing here?" Hermione backed away from the silent blond headed boy. He was looking straight at her, though he still didn't say a word. "Well?"

"Granger," he said quickly, turning away. "You're so pathetic." Draco straightened his back and put his two pale hands in his pant pockets. He turned to look at her once more as he walked away.

Hermione watched as the figure faded, and she put her right hand on her heart. Why was it beating so fast? She began to walk back towards Gryffindor Tower when a thought popped into her head. "Why did Malfoy come back?" She stopped walking then. "Just to call me pathetic? That doesn't seem like something he would waste his time doing..." She thought for a moment more and then shook her head. "Dammit Malfoy, you've ruined my whole day."

Hermione finally reached the Gryffindor tower. "Password?" said the Fat Lady yawning. Hermione didn't notice what time it was. She looked at her watch, it was 12 a.m. Oh Merlin…

"Password?" repeated the Fat Lady. Hermione quickly muttered the password and entered the common room. She tried not to make much noise as she tip-toed towards the girls' dorm. Suddenly, a light was turned on.

"Miss Granger?" spoke a familiar voice. Hermione froze, turning her head towards the light. "Miss Granger I've been expecting you."

"Professor McGonagall, I-"

"Save it Miss Granger. You know what time the curfew is." Professor McGonagall stood up from the chair she was sitting on and began to walk towards Hermione. "Hermione, you are a Prefect, you can't just be running around the school at such a late hour."

"Yes Professor."

"Now, today I'm going to let it slide. Potter told me that you got into some trouble earlier today. Someone assaulted you?"

Hermione shook her head. "No Professor, it's not like that-"

"But then again, says that Draco Malfoy did it. Is that true?"

Hermione shook her head once more. "Professor, Ronald is just being immature and jumping to conclusions."

"Well then, who did it?"

Hermione hesitated to say another word. She thought of what to tell McGonagall quickly and then opened her mouth. "Professor, I value my friendship with Ron. Although he can be hard headed sometimes, I value him- uh our friendship. Telling you who did it would be bad for the relationship Ron and I have."

Professor McGonagall nodded. "Very well Miss Granger. But if you need anything, anything at all, just count on me."

"Thank you." Hermione watched her walk out of the common room and shut the door. She turned off the light that Professor McGonagall had turned on and began to walk towards the girls' dorm room once more. Hermione suddenly felt a hand on her arm.

"Hermione, tell me." It was Ron. He had his pajamas on and his hair was all over the place. His eyes didn't look like normal; they looked crazed and a bit distant. "Tell me what Malfoy did to you." Hermione kept her eyes on his and pulled away from him.

"Ron will you just sto-"

"NO! I need to know! And what does this all have to do with Lavender? Why would Malfoy bring up Lavender?" He was now holding Hermione by her shoulders, shaking her slightly. "Tell me."

"R-Ron you're hurting me…" But even as Hermione said this, Ron wouldn't let go. Instead he tightened his grip. "Ron let go-"

"Tell me Hermione, what did Malfoy do to-" Hermione quickly reached for her back pocket and took out her wand. She pressed it into Ron's throat.

"Nothing!" she shrieked. "Nothing happened with Malfoy and I!" As Hermione looked into Ron's frightened face, she suddenly saw Malfoy's angry face as well. Just like she had done earlier to Malfoy, Hermione threatened Ron with her wand. "Go! Go now! I don't want to see you again, ever!"

Ron froze, his eyes now back to normal. "Leave!" she yelled again. Ron backed away from her and turned towards the boys' dorm door. As Ron left, tears came streaming down Hermione's cheeks, and she then collapsed to the ground sobbing.

"Hermione...'Mione wake up."

Hermione stretched and slowly opened her brown eyes. Ginny Weasley was standing above her, her hands placed on Hermione's shoulders. Hermione quickly stood up and looked around. She must have fallen asleep on the common room couch. She could see the other Gryffindor students walking out of the common room, probably to get some breakfast. When she saw Ron and Harry she shifted her body over towards Ginny.

"What happened to you?" Ginny asked in a worried tone. "You fell asleep out here in the cold?"

Hermione shook her head, standing up and grabbing Ginny's hands. At that moment Ron and Harry realized Ginny had woken up Hermione and began to walk towards the two girls. Hermione, however, sprinted to the girls' dorms and left Harry and Ron behind with confused and blank expressions.

Harry turned to Ron with one eyebrow up. "What did you do to her this time Ron?"

"Me? Nothing! I haven't seen her since last night when she went running off with Malfoy..."

Harry's eyes went wide. "She went running off with Malfoy? Why did you let her?"

"Well you know how she is, super fast when she runs. But I hardly think they did anything, Hermione is just too good for that sort of thing...or any sort of thing that has to do with the ferret." Harry took Ron's words into consideration, but he still knew something Ron didn't.

A while ago Hermione had told Harry that she liked Ron and asked for Harry's opinion.

"Well what do you want me to say?" he had asked.

"I don't know… how should I make him see me other than a friend?"

"Well, you can try to make him jealous with another boy although maybe that wont-"

"Brilliant Harry! Thank you!" Hermione yelped and kissed Harry on his forehead and ran off.

Harry began to think...maybe Hermione was getting with Malfoy just to make Ron jealous. And it would be his entire fault, brilliant.

"Hermione what are you doing? Let go-" Hermione finally wrestled out of Ginny's grasp and spoke.

"OK. Listen Ginny, I'm just mad at your brother. You have to-"

"Wait what? You're mad at Ron? Why?" Ginny got closer to Hermione. "What did he do?"

Hermione's face adopted a serious expression. "He almost hurt me last night. He got overly-obsessed about who left me crying yesterday. He still thinks it's Malfoy-"

"Wait, so it's not Malfoy?" Hermione shook her head. "Well then who is it?" Hermione felt her temper flare up again. "Why does everyone want to know?' Hermione wanted to tell Ginny that it was Lavender who had done it, but she resisted because she knew that Ginny would go telling Ron...and that would not end well. "I can't tell you…" Hermione turned and began to walk towards her bed. It was nice and tidy, completely obvious that no one had touched it at all.

"Please Ginny, you have to tell Harry that as long as he is around Ron, I can't talk to him."

Ginny sighed before she answered. "Alright."

"Thank you."

Thank you for reading! I'm trying to write more frequently. Sorry for being such a dull writer, really I suck. But please review and give me some suggestions to
improve my writing skills.
Sorry this didn't have any Dramione moments, but I had to show what was happening with Hermione and Ron. Thank you!