Rated T- cause I'm paranoid

Minor cursing if any

Triggers: Cancer, Chemotherapy

I do not own Young Justice or any of the DC characters, yada, yada, yada

***NOTE*** First Fanfic so no flames please, I gave it my best first shot! enjoy!

Chapter 1- Meeting

It was easy to forget that the infamous Boy Wonder was only human and could be hurt or ailed rather easily when compared to his teammates.

Superboy was impervious to almost anything- human diseases, pain, anything you could possibly name, with the exception of a certain little green rock, but that was beside the point.

Kid Flash would burn off any fever or sickness that plagued him with ease, due to his hyper accelerated healing and metabolism. The worst thing Robin had ever seen him with was strep throat, but then again he was over that in a day or so, even without antibiotics of medical attention.

Miss Martian, well her name was pretty self explanatory, she was a martian. A green martian to be accurate and as expected any human ailment wouldn't affect her to an extent.

Aqualad, was Atlantian and everyone knew his immune system and body was a lot tougher then a humans. He was resilient to almost everything, anything from the common cold to the black plague.

Artemis, well she was human to say the least but according to her she hadn't gotten sick since she was in the third grade with a minor stomach bug.

Robin always acted well above the whole pain and sickness ordeal; he never quit, and was never put out of commission for long. A true Bat. He was trained to mask pain from his enemies and not give into the demands of criminals for as long as he held the façade of Robin. To keep moving forward despite his pain or discomfort, that was how Batman trained him. Right?

Dick Grayson on the other hand was a different story, he could show fear, pain, or just in general- emotion. Batman actually encouraged Dick to show emotion when he wasn't masked as Robin. He would say things like 'it keeps up the image that Dick Grayson, is just that, Dick Grayson, and nothing more'

Dick knew he had to separate the two identifies from the moment he took on the role as Robin, to keep anyone from becoming suspicious of his double personality. And sometimes that included Dick having to act like a scared little rich boy instead of a heroic sidekick. Scratch that. Partner.

So when the doctor approached Dick Grayson in the waiting room asking him to follow him to a sterile room, Dick had to admit that he was indeed a little scared, letting Robin stay in the shadows, he instead let Dick show.

The doctor led him down a long narrow hall that smelled of clean sheets and sterilizer. A sickening combination of death and false hope. His nerves began to beat against his skin sending a chill down his spine.

He didn't like hospitals, never did, never will. And not just because he hated needles like everyone else, he hated them because of what they represented in his mind- death. He knew that at the time you admitted yourself to a hospital there was a 50 percent chance you could not come out.

Dick was snapped from his thoughts when the doctor turned to the left and opened a small conference room. He sat at the cherry wood desk and placed the clipboard in front of him. He motioned for Dick to take one of the two seats opposite of him, in front of the desk.

'Two seats,'Dick thought and frowned 'I wonder if Bruce will show up?'

The doctor, obviously seeing Dick's roaming gaze suddenly assured him with a small smile "Don't worry, the secretary alerted Mr. Wayne and he said he would be here as soon as he could."

Dick sighed and leaned back in his chair a bit, to prevent himself from falling off. It was getting hard to breathe. 'Was he scared?' Dick thought eyes widening 'No, Robin doesn't get scared' but then again his mind contradicted him 'but you're not Robin right now, are you?'

Dick tried to regain his senses and straighten up a bit in his chair causing himself to see double. 'why was he here in the first place?'

Oh right it started with the night sweats and the extreme fatigue, at first he thought it had to do with his nightly duties and team missions but even after heavy doses of R and R and sleep he still didn't seem to get any better. That doubled with his loss of appetite and prolonged fevers told him something was most defiantly not 'asterous'. That's when Daddy-Bats got on his case and insisted that he got checked out by one of Bruce Wayne's famous and well known doctors.

Then there he was about two days later getting pricked and prodded by various doctors and nurses. Taking blood, MRI's, X-rays, ultrasounds, you name it Dick got it. Now were the reviewing of the results and Dick was scared out of his sensibility and control.

Wringing his fingers nervously, Dick's eyes danced with the clocks numbers, unknowingly making him count the seconds until Bruce showed up. His heart was pounding, his hands shaking, and his body going numb.

All of the sudden the door opened with a small high pitched squeak and Bruce poked his head in to assure himself that he had the correct room. When he saw his precious ward he gave off a small smile, but as he entered the room the heavy atmosphere drained whatever small happiness he had from his form. He looked to the doctor who shook his hand firmly and then to his fidgeting ward and realized that something was terribly wrong.

"Please, take a seat Mr. Wayne." The doctor offered with a hand waving to the chair seated next to his ward.

"Thank You." Bruce started "I was actually shocked that you called me down here in the first place, I knew Richard wasn't feeling well but I didn't think twice about it being this," Bruce stole a glance at his ward, his now supposed son that he took in after a terrible tragedy, similar to his own. "serious" Bruce finished delicately.

Dick stiffened and paled at his father's choice of words, 'serious? Oh crap.'

The doctor continued "Well it would seem that Richard's condition has worsened over the past two weeks I have been seeing him, and I just wanted to ask you a few questions that Richard might not be able to answer on his own at the moment."

Bruce looked at Dick then nodded to the doctor to continue, "Please ask whatever you need to know."

"Okay then," the doctor readjusted his glasses and peered down at the clipboard "I would like to know about Richard's biological parents, possibly even his grandparents genetic faults." The doctor looked cautiously to Bruce or Richard for an answer.

"Faults?" Bruce asked for clarification

" Yes, anything genetically we should worry about, perhaps a family history of disease or.." the doctor paused looking to Dick "cancer?"

Bruce's eyes widened in horror and he turned to his shaking ward putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder "What are you trying to say doctor?" Bruce just about growled through his teeth.

The doctor sighed deeply before removing his glasses and looking right into Dick's bright blue eyes.

"Richard, I'm afraid you have cancer." The doctor resigned sadly.


GASP! What will happen! O_O yeah seriously I don't even know yet lol, I'm more than open to suggestions or ideas!

Thank's for reading and COMMENTS= A HAPPY BLACKKCATT! :D