Here's chapter 3! I'm glad you readers like the chapter 2! So, here's the new chapter!

I don't own Shugo Chara or Naruto!...tho...i wish..T^T


Sakura and Amu are walking as the two young boys run past the two pink hair girls.

"Move it! Move it! Move it!" the young boy said.

"Aren't you going bit too fast?" the other young boy said.

"We've only got two minutes and forty-eight point three-five seconds before the bell rings!" Sakura smile and look at Amu who's look down as Ran and Miki stare at the boys.

"Amu-chan, hurry up, hurry up! We're going to be late!" Ran shouted while Akahana yawn wide and Sakura look at her chara-witch.

"Are you tired Akahana?" Sakura asked and Akahana smile and nod her head.

"A's just…my energy worn out after we character transformation." Sakura blink in surprise then she look at Akahana worried.

"I'm sorry...I didn't think it would worn out all of your energy." Sakura said looking down as Akahana pat Sakura head.

"I'm fine Sakura-chan! Here I'll show you!" Akahana snap her finger as the small big toy hammer and Akahana give it to Mizuki who's confuse.

"What am I suppose to do this?" Mizuki tilted her head and Akahana took off her hat.

"Hit me!" Mizuki eyes wide and stare at Akahana as if she's gone insane.

"Nani? I can't do that! You're my big sister and I'm not going to hurt you!" Mizuki shake her head as Akahana sigh and look at Ran.

"Hey Ran!" Ran look at Akahana and Akahana move her hand as Ran come forward.

"Hai?" Ran said as Akahana give a Ran a toy hammer and pointed.

"Hit me." Ran blink but shrugged her shoulder and swing her toy hammer on Akahana head.


Akahana held her head and glare at Ran,"Not to hard!" Ran grinning innocent while Sakura smile and shake her head slowly.

Then Amu finally snap, "Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!" All four charas flew high while Sakura took a big step away from Amu.

"She finally snaps." Sakura mumble as the four charas giggle/chuckle.

"Time to run. Time to run." Ran said

Amu sigh and look down, "It was noisy with just Ran, and now that Miki's hatched..." Sakura giggle and Amu look at her bag.

"There's still one egg left. I wonder what type of Guardian Character it'll be." Sakura look at her bag, her dark green egg.

'I wonder what kind of chara look like?' Sakura thought pat her bag softly and gently while smile wide.


Sakura and Amu walk upstairs and Suzuki look down and hold up a letter.

"U-um..." Amu looks at Suzuki while Sakura is behind Amu and giggle.

'Amu got a crush by Suzuki-san...that's very sweet.' Sakura thought then the three girls flash toward Amu as Amu jump and shield her as if the harm will come to her.


"We heard! We heard!" Sakura stare at Suzuki twirling around far...far...far...far...then Sakura sweat dropped.

Sakura look at Amu and three girls are talking, Sakura smile and walk away.

'Gentle and Mysterious...I'm gentle and always forgive people...and I'm mystery because I'm alone,...never really talk to people just Amu and few people...-sigh-...I want to be normal...why is this happening?' Sakura thought sadly while walking to her class.


Sakura walk out of the school building while Mizuki sat on Sakura's shoulder and Akahana fly on her broomstick.

Sakura saw Amu and she smile, walking to Amu.

"Amu-chan" Amu sudden shiver and fell on her bottom while shaking with her jaw open and her two charas sweat dropped with a jaw open.

Sakura sweat dropped, watching the scene as Nadeshiko giggle.

"Ah, so cute. You are a scaredy-cat, aren't you?" Sakura walk beside Nadeshiko.

"She always scaredy-cat." Sakura said giggle and Nadeshiko join.

"Wh-what do you want?" Amu said as Nadeshiko claps her hand and smile wide.

"I thought we could hang out and become best friends!" Nadeshiko said and Sakura eyes wide but look down.

'She's asking Amu-chan...not me..' Sakura thought.

Sakura was about to walk away but Nadeshiko grab Sakura's arm and hugged it.

"Sakura-chan! Where are you going? Don't you want to become best friends?" Sakura was shock, this young queen want to be friend with Sakura?

Sakura blink, "N-no matter what you say, this is just a plot to get me to join the Guardians, isn't it? An-and you really haven't said anything to Sakura about the Guardians." Amu said while Sakura glance at Amu then Nadeshiko.

"Sakura-chan, do you want to join the Guardians?" Nadeshiko said as Sakura smile nervously.

"U-umm...if Amu-chan not joins the Guardians then I'm not going to join either." Sakura said as Nadeshiko sigh then smile at the two cousins.

Sakura stood next to Amu and helping her up.

"Nadeshiko, I suppose we have to..." Temari said as Nadeshiko nod her head.

"Right, then. Secret Amu-chan Weapon: A picture of Hotori-kun dozing off." A picture of Tadase's sleeping face as Amu jaw open and stars in her eyes while Sakura cover her mouth.

"Hold on! Why are you showing me that?" Amu said tighten her both fists and staring at Nadeshiko.

"Oh well, you like Hotori-kun don't you?" Nadeshiko said as if it was obvious.

"And it's so obvious." Sakura muttered while her two charas nodded in agree.

"I have many other. Some were taken during his private time, others are from his personal profile. And if you join the Guardians, you'll get them all and Sakura-chan join the Guardians no problem~!" Nadeshiko said as Amu keep talking while Sakura is watching the scene amuse and Akahana eating her popcorn while Mizuki drank her tea.

"Then it's settle, be back here 30 minutes and you can come with us Sakura-chan." Nadeshiko said after she and Amu just finish their conversation.

Sakura was still amused while Amu was thinking as her two chara fly next to Amu.

"Exciting?" Amu looks down.

"N-not really. It's going to be a pain." Sakura shake her head but smile.

"Maybe, but if we don't hurry up, we'll be late!" Ran yelled

"Oh yeah! Run! Run!" Amu, Miki, Ran, Mizuki, Akahana quickly hurries as Sakura was about to follow but stop when she saw a purple-bluish small cat-like chara floating.

'Is that...?' Sakura look at the chara-cat closely but snap out of it when Amu yelled at her name.

"Sakura-chan! Come on!" Sakura glance at the chara-cat but chara-cat gone then Sakura runs toward where Amu runs off.

'If that chara-cat here then does that mean he's here?' Sakura thought.


Amu blushes in embarrassed when she wears a red cat apron while Sakura wear blue cat apron.

"Are you sure we can just come in here?" Amu asked while Sakura look around the classroom.

"Oh, it's fine. I am a Guardian, after all." Nadeshiko said wink as Amu look away muttered herself.

"Speaking all high and mighty." Amu muttered but Sakura heard it as she cover her mouth.

Sakura stand the counter all by herself by the window, Sakura started to cook while Nadeshiko and Amu cook together.

Sakura add the sugar in a bowl while Mizuki carry the egg next to the bowl and Akahana tried to read in the cook book.

"Sakura-chan, what are you cooking again?" Akahana asked while Sakura wash her hands.

"Dark Chocolate Bundt Cake." Sakura said stir the chocolate in the bowl.

Half an Hours Later...

Sakura take a chocolate cake out of the oven and put on the table to cool it off. Akahana and Mizuki fly toward the cake and smell.

"Hmm~ smell wonderful!" Akahana shouted as Mizuki nodded her head happily.

Sakura smile and saw Nadeshiko walk out of the classroom, 'Hum...she might get some fruit.' Sakura thought then Sakura bent down behind the table to clean up the messy flour on the floor.

"You can!" the sudden cheer voice as Sakura pause and blink.

Akahana and Mizuki floating above Sakura, "You can do it yourself! Character chan-*Clap*

Sakura and Amu turn their head and saw Ikuto sitting on a window sill while smirking.

"Okay, that's enough." Amu was shock while Sakura notice that Ikuto hadn't notice her.

"Hey! You're that guy!"


The boy lean close to Sakura and Amu and reach their bags and grab two eggs in his two each hands.

End Flashback

"The pervert who dresses up with cat ears!" Amu shouted while she pointed to Ikuto as Ikuto sweat dropped while Sakura cover her mouth, trying not to laugh out loud.

"Dresses up?"

"Get away from me, pervert!" Ikuto stood up and glance at Miki.

"So the second one hatched?" Ikuto said while Sakura stare at the scene.

'He...really didn't notice me...isn't he?' Sakura thought sweat dropped.

"But now...I wonder if this is the Embryo." Ikuto said close to Amu's green egg near his face while Sakura heart zaps.

Sakura blink and placing her heart, wondering what's wrong with her?

"The third egg!" Amu said in shocked as Ikuto lick Amu's egg as Amu gasp. Amu was about to run toward Ikuto but stop when she saw Sakura behind Ikuto as Sakura wink at Amu then Sakura look at Ikuto's back.

Sakura takes a deep breath then she using all her strong mighty push Ikuto on his back and Ikuto was shock and nearly trip but Amu's green egg flew out of Ikuto's hand.

Miki and Ran hurry catches the third egg while Amu hold her charas in her arms and Sakura took a step back but she slip when there's a chocolate spot on the floor and Ikuto notice...


Sakura's eyes close tight but then when she doesn't feel pain at all, she slowly open her eyes and saw mid-night blue eyes staring at her notice the position, Ikuto's back halfway on a wall and floor, while Sakura is in Ikuto arms. Ikuto left arm around her shoulder while his right arm around her waist, Sakura's left leg in between Ikuto's legs and her other right leg knee up barely touch Ikuto's right shoulder. Sakura's left hand on Ikuto's right knee while her other right hand on Ikuto's chest. Then finally Sakura notice her face is way too close to Ikuto face as Sakura face turn tomato and Ikuto notice as he smirk.

Sakura gulp nervously then she glance at Ikuto, "A-anou...wh-what's a…embryo?" Sakura asked uneasy look away while Ikuto still has a smirk on his face.

"Stop right there! Get away from Sakura-chan!" a familiar voice yelled and Amu saw Nadeshiko.

"Nadeshiko!" Amu shouted happily while Ikuto gently pull Sakura up as he slowly stood up, still holding Sakura.

"Let Sakura-chan go!" Nadeshiko yelled again and Nadeshiko turn her head to her chara.

"Temari, Character Change!" Temari nod her head and take out her flower stick.

"Chin, Ton, Shan~!" Temari said dancing around while smiling.

"ARRGGGGG!" Nadeshiko take out her deadly weapon while Sakura and Amu plus four charas jaw open and wide eyes.

"What? Nadeshiko-san changes into that kind of character?" Sakura and Amu union shouted in shock.

Nadeshiko swing her weapon as Ikuto jump over and as it keep going over and over and over...then Ikuto jump on the table as he jump off again but Amu's tart falling.

Amu gasp while her two chara in panic, "What should we do?" over and over.

Then suddenly a green egg rolled over and floating up, "Don't panic. Don't panic." the cheerful motherly voice said.

As the green egg hatched, "Leave this to Suu!" Suu said as she wink.

While Sakura was just side less with her two charas, watching the scene.

Akahana eating her popcorn and Mizuki drinking her tea as Sakura watch everything amuse.

Sakura finally notice that Amu's hold a big handle in a big bowl as Sakura and her two chara eyes widen.

Nadeshiko notice and quickly jump away then Ikuto saw Sakura who's taking a step back then Ikuto quickly pick up Sakura in bridal style and then jump away.


Amu sigh in relief and she look up and saw Ikuto gentle put Sakura down on her feet.

"So the third one's not the Embryo either." Ikuto mumble but Sakura heard it then, there was it again...her heart had another zap. Sakura placing her hand on her heart.

'What's wrong with me? Why does my heart keep zapping?' Sakura thought confused.

"Amu-chan, bad new!" Amu looks and saw her tart broke as she quickly walks in.

Sakura and Ikuto still in the hallway alone.

Sakura glance at Ikuto, "What is the Embryo?" Sakura asked and Ikuto look at Sakura then he lean toward her.

Sakura eyes widen as a blushing appear on her cheeks then sudden her left cheek felt hot.

Sakura notice Ikuto lick her left cheek as her face tomato.

"Wha-" Ikuto lean back while lip his bottom lip.

"The cream taste good, but your tastes the best." Ikuto smirk while Sakura look down, still have the blushing on her face.

"Pervert cat." Sakura mumble embarrassed as Ikuto chuckle.

Ikuto pat Sakura's head then he whisper her ear while Sakura's still have the blushing.

Then Ikuto lean back as he walks away while Yoru before he follow Ikuto he wink at Mizuki as Mizkui blink in confusion and Yoru quickly follow Ikuto.

Mizuki tilted her head, 'What was that about?' Mizuki thought then she shrugged her shoulder.


Sakura walk inside her kitchen, put her chocolate cake on the counter, it was finish already.

Sakura sigh and walk up to her room, and walk toward her balcony and rest her arms on the rail as she sigh.

Sakura look up at the sunset, thinking about what Ikuto whisper her few hours ago...

"An Embryo is a magical egg that can make any wish come true, it a rare magical egg. But let me warn you, if you join the Guardian, we'll be enemies.'

Sakura sigh again and look at the birds flying, "Wonder why do I always blushing around Ikuto?" Sakura thought out loud and the unfamiliar voice came.

"That's because you are starting to like this boy." the soft voice said as Sakura surprise and she turn around and saw her dark green egg floating then finally crack as it hatched and it was a really cute chara.

A girl who had long high pig-tails dark green hair that reach above her waist, her skin is very pale, she had a glow green eyes, she wear a black tube shirt, black mid-thigh jean shorts short, white thigh socks, black flats ankle boots with chains, she also carry a black bunny with one left red button eye, she also had a black bunny ears on her head and last she had a black angel-like wings on her back.

Sakura was awe by such a cute dark chara.

"Hello Sakura-chan, I'm Usagi the Dark Angel." Usagi said bow at her as Sakura blink twice then she smile.

"Nice to meet you Usagi, I hope we get along eachother." Sakura said and Usagi small smile then sudden a glop on Usagi, "AHHH! I had such adorable little sister!" Akahana yelled happily while Usagi blink twice. Mizuki nodded her head agree while Sakura smile, watching her charas talking happily then Sakura mind went back what Usagi said to her.

"That's because you are starting to like this boy." Sakura blink in confusion as she looks up at the sky.

'' Sakura thought, still confusing.


Ikuto is now lying on the grass, holding the cookie while thinking and Yoru is sitting on Ikuto shoulder, eating his cookie.

"Look like this egg wasn't it either-nya." Yoru said as he sigh then he look at Ikuto.

"Ikuto-nya." Ikuto glance at Yoru.

"Why didn't you get that pretty girl egg-nya?" Ikuto look at the sky.

"...her third egg is not an Embryo...beside it's too late, her third egg might have hatched already." Ikuto said again Yoru sigh.

"Ikuto do you like that pretty girl-nya?" Ikuto pause, thinking.

'Do I like her?' Ikuto close his eyes as his mind was on Sakura's blushing face. Then Ikuto open his eyes, 'I...think...I might like her...' Ikuto thought.

"Ikuto-nya?" Yoru said and Ikuto shake his head.

"Nothing." as Ikuto take a bite from a cookie.


Sakura walking pass Tadase's house but stop when she heard laughing, Sakura was curious so she told Akahana.

Akahana nodded her head happily as she snaps her finger and the wand appear on her hand.

"Character Change! Poof! Pop! Paw!" as her chopsticks turn dark red with thousands little stars. Sakura snap her finger as the broom appear in Sakura's hand. Sakura jump on her broom and fly higher top of Tadse's house.

Sakura saw Amu, all other Guardians were laughing, eating, talking, and smiling. Sakura felt her heart crack but she ignore and flew away toward her home while her eyes watering but didn't escaped the tears.

Akahana, Mizuki and Usagi look at Sakura with their sadden eyes.


Sakura look up at the night sky, staring at the starless.

'Why? Why does my life have to be this way? Why can't anyone see me?' Sakura look down ignore that her cheeks feels wet.

'How long do I have to wait? To wait to let them…..' Sakura bent down her knee, sobbing and sniffing while tighten her hands.

'….see the real me? See me that I'm in pain?' Sakura crying silent except a few hic and sniff. Her charas was watching Sakura, they can't do anything, and all they can do is praying kami that Sakura need someone to stand by her side 'till the end.


"That's all for last week." Tadase said looking up while Sakura yawn quietly and Tadase continue, "Continuing on, and although this may be unusual, we'll be announcing and new Guardian member." All students began whisper and murmur to other.

"In face there's two new members and the new Guardian member, in other words, the fifth Guardian, is…The Joker: Hinamori Amu!" all students gasps and look at Amu in shock while Sakura frown and glance at Amu.

"And the sixth Guardian is…The Shadow Joker: Haruno-Hinamori Sakura!" again all students gasp while Sakura blink twice and stare at the Guardians who's smiling then glance at Amu who's still in shock. Sakura blink again and look out the window, thinking.

'Me…in Guardian….Shadow Joker?'

Then Sakura finally snap as her eyes wide.

'Wait a sec, WHAT THE HELL?'

Okay~ Sorry for the bad grammer, spelling, and others...also...what do you think of Sakura and Ikuto 'Fell' Mwhahaha...anyway...hope you like this chapter.

Akahana: Red Flower

Akahana personaitly:She's cheerful, happy go witch, loves magic, loves eating popcorn while watching a 'scene'.

Mizuki:Beautiful Moon

Mizuki personaitly:She's very gentle, courage, honest, never afraids of everything, can see through emotion, loves to sing, and sometime drink tea whenever there's a 'scene' that Akahana use a magic to give Mizuki a tea to drink.


Usagi personaitly:She's very soft snd sweet, can be very scary when she's piss. Loves bunny and always carry her stuffed animal bunny with her. Doesn't show smile a lot, very adorable chara ever! She's very good with romance and can tell really easily what someone really like and also who's always end up with-she never makes a mistaken, it's like she's a cupid.

And Sakura's character might confused here..Sakura is very cheerful, gentle, sweet and all...but she's in real pain...she's all alone. She want someone to stand by her side, cure her pain. Sakura is very good hiding her pain and emotion. So Amu and the Guardians thinks Sakura like to be alone always...but to be truth...she don't want to be alone.

So I'm not sure if you readers understand what Sakura true character but you can wait and see what happen in the chapter of Sakura's true character. K?

Well that's it...Please R&R! :D