Many thanks to TRIN33 for writing Wayne's letter because no matter how hard i try i can't write that boy! While i'm at it, thank you TRIN for creating Wayne along with Ali and for being an all around AWESOME person.
I'm really sorry it took me FOREVER to write this. these chapter are very long compaired to my usually chapters from stories.
Anyway, please enjoy and tell me what you think :)
(any ideas would be appreciated too)
Conner walked into the living room in Titans where Bart sat on the couch watching television.
"I got Livy's letter." he informed.
"Really!" Bart exclaimed with a big grin on his face. "What does it say?"
Conner sat down at the table and Bart stood behind him, looking over his shoulder.
Conner opened the letter and read the short response.
"She says that we're weird." Conner sighed.
"And she says not to give me a wedgie! Listen to the girl Conner!" Bart explained while Conner rolled his eyes and took out a pen and paper.
Hey Livy,
We aren't weird, we're just… different. In a flash, Bart had the pen out of Conner's hand and into his.
Don't listen to Conner, we're weird. But that's why you love us, right? Conner quickly snatched the pen from Bart.
Anyway, how has the Island been? We missed you at the picnic.
Cassie said that she was going to Themyscria for a visit. Have you seen her there? Bart then snatched the pen back.
Are there any hot girls there?
"Bart don't write that, she's only… wait. Holy crap, how old is she?"
"You idiot, she's…. well… she was seven when she left, right?" Bart questioned.
"Yeah, but how long has she been away?" Conner inquired.
"I… don't know. It feels like forever ago though." sighed Bart.
"Yeah. Same here." nodded Conner in agreement. The two sat in silence in contemplation.
"Wow." whispered Bart. "She's growing up."
"When she gets back, how old is she going to be? Will she be like… a teenager?" he questioned.
"But… but she was so small and… and little. She can't be, y'know, older. It hasn't been that long, has it?" Bart inquired and Conner just looked at him sadly.
"I miss her." Bart pouted.
"Me too." Conner nodded, then picked up the pen.
How old are you, Livy? Are you okay? Is everyone nice to you there? Has your hair grown since you left? Bart then took the pen.
We miss you!
Bart and Conner.
~*~*~*~*~On a rooftop on Gotham city~*~*~*~*~
Damian and Colin sat quietly, reading their letters that they had received from Livy.
"Damian, when do you think she's coming back?" Colin inquired as he looked over at his best friend.
"I do not know or care." Damian informed in a snobbish tone as he handed Colin a piece of paper and pen to write a responding letter.
"Don't debate with me Colin, I do not miss her." he stated in a cross voice. Colin was silent, and went to writing his letter.
Dear Livy,
Damian hasn't been treating me any differently. So, I guess that's a good thing. It's actually great. He doesn't care at all that I like guys.
Damian seems upset at the last letter you sent him. I feel kinda bad for him. He seems to be tormenting himself over you, but he doesn't admit it. I think he's afraid that it'll make him look weak.
On a lighter side, I did talk to that guy. His name is Robert and he's cool. We hung out a little and he's a nice guy. I'm happy that I talked to him, thanks.
I hope you're alright.
Colin looked over at Damian to see his friend writing slowly on the paper with a soft look on his face, that he rarely ever had.
Dear Livy,
I don't miss you, I swear it. However, you are right, Mathew is not a stupid cat. He is very smart. As an example of his cunningness, he was somehow able to open the door to my room and curl up next to me without me even knowing it.
I have went to that place only we know. It was nice. Very nice, however your art has improved since then. I enjoyed how you drew Grayson's ass. It seems to be his best feature.
I wish you came home. Everyone seems to miss your presence. Everyone except me of course. Come home as soon as you get the chance.
Damian looked up at Colin who was staring right back at him.
"You do miss her, don't you?" Colin questioned.
"No I do not." Damian scowled as his features hardened again. "She's nothing but an insignificant female who just so happens to have admirable fighting skills. However she speaks her mind to much, and can be an idiot at times."
Colin glared at Damian for his statement.
"She's not insignificant Damian. She cares for us and…"
"Calm down Colin. I didn't mean it." Damian sighed.
"You sure you don't miss her?" Colin inquired and Damian nodded his head firmly. "Well… I miss her." he sighed.
Damian looked over at his friend and shook his head. He then wrapped his arms around Colin.
"Fine. Don't tell anyone, but I miss her too." Damian whispered as he hugged Colin and he hugged him back.
"Your secret's safe with me Damian."
~*~*~*~*~At Wayne Manner~*~*~*~*~
Dear My Love, Ali grabbed the pen from her sons hand and cocked a brow.
"Iris wouldn't like it if you wrote that." Wayne sighed and took the pen from his mother's hand. Dear Greatest Aunt In The World, We're all fine. Well, I am anyways. I miss you. A Lot. It's so quiet and boring here. I hate it without you. Ali's fine. I love my mommy. Don't tell Damian I said that, he'll never leave me alone.
Speaking of Damian, he's an ass. He keeps complaining how he doesn't miss you and how you're absence doesn't change a thing. He's lying of course. He misses you as much as we do. But he's just an ass.
Tim says he's eating Burger King because of the fries. The fries ARE good, Livy. And Steph is starting college, so her studies are going great. And Ali and Alfred want to know if you've been taking showers daily and if you've been taking care of your hair. Anyway, We miss and love you. Love,
you're favorite nephew. P.S Dick says HI!
Damian handed Wayne his and Colin's letters while shooting him a glare and walked off.
Then later on, Conner dropped by to hand his letter in as well. ~*~*~*~*~On Themyscria~*~*~*~*~
Livy hugged Clio tightly as she cried while Clio kissed her forehead and rubbed her back.
"Little sister, everything is alright. Shhh." Clio informed gently and Livy nodded her head as she wiped the tears from her face.
"I'm sorry Clio. I just kinda miss everyone."
"Will you be alright?" Clio inquired. Livy nodded her head and stood to her feet, trying stop the tears that were flooding down her cheeks.
She didn't want to cry, but if she was going to cry in front of anyone, she was happy that it was Clio.
"Little sister," Ophelia stated as she popped her head into the room. "Am I interrupting something?"
"Not at all." Clio grinned, saving Livy an explanation, which she appreciated.
"You have four letters." she informed as she handed them to Livy.
"Thank you sister." Livy beamed as she grasped the letters. She felt like she hadn't heard from her family in ages.
She first opened up the letter from Wayne and read through it.
Dear Jason, Ali, Alfred, Dick, Tim, Wayne, Steph, Bruce, and Damian,
HI DICK! It's great to hear that everyone is doing well!
I miss you too Wayne, and you are my favorite nephew, despite the competition. I do miss all of you guys.
Damian, don't be an ass. Once Damian reads this, make sure you run, Wayne.
Tim, those fries will eventually kill you. Bruce have a family intervention to make him stop.
That's so great how you're in college Steph! Is it fun there? Have you found any other cute boys besides Tim? Do you like your teachers?
I have been taking care of my hair. It's been growing so it's almost as long as it used to be before Jacob cut it. And I have been taking showers daily. Amazons value cleanliness.
How's Mathew been doing? Bruce, how's life? Jason, I LOVE YOU, how are you! And don't forget to tell me about college Steph.
Love and miss you!
Livy Todd.
Livy then read through Conner and Bart's letter.
Hey Guys,
The island's been fun, and I miss you guys too. I wish I was at the picnic. It sounded fun, as it always is.
I haven't seen Cassie yet but maybe she's coming soon!
And I honestly don't know how to respond to your question, Bart.
I am seven but I'll be eight soon, I am okay, everyone is nice to me here, my hair has grown, and I miss you guys too.
How has everything been at Titans tower?
Livy Todd
Livy then read through Colin's letter.
Dear Colin,
That's so great that you talked to that guy! Will you be hanging out with him any time soon?
Damian will get over whatever he's steamed up about. I think he just likes getting mad sometimes, but it's great that he's not treating you any differently.
How's school going? I miss you guys a lot.
Livy Todd
Livy then sighed. Last but not least, it was Damian's letter.
Dear Damian,
It's nice to know how everyone except you misses me. Mathew is very smart and I am glad you realize that. And thank you for the compliment. Everyone knows how his butt is his best feature. Ha ha.
And I will come home when I have the chance. However, that won't be very soon.
How are you? You seem grumpy just by looking at your letters. Are you alright?
Livy Todd
And Livy was done.
"I miss them." she sighed.
"Does this mean you will be leaving us?" Clio inquired sadly and Livy shook her head.
"Not yet."