The One He Never Forgot
Rated: T
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/ Susan F. With some Amy/ Rory and Susan/ David.
Disclaimer: I own none of the Character. Created none of them. I can't afford to be sued.
A/N: Multiple chapters that popped into my head. Susan Foreman is my favourite companion and I want to write multiple stories about her. Will try and do more stories about her with ninth and tenth Doctors. So keep an eye out for them in the foreseeable future.
Summary: The Eleventh Doctor takes Amy and Rory to meet a woman. Unknown to them that the woman is in fact the Doctor's last remaining family member, his granddaughter.
Chapter One: So It Begins
"Where are we going?" Amy asked as the Doctor rushed around the controls, pressing buttons here and there, pulling levers and quickly typing into the type writer.
"To check up on someone. Someone I knew a long time ago." He said as he continued to fly the TARDIS. "Someone I left behind. Someone I had to leave behind but deep down didn't really want to."
"Do you leave all your friends behind?" Rory asked curiously, secretly hoping he would not get left behind.
"Not all of them. I only leave those behind when they have something better than me." He gave a half smile as he continued to push buttons. "A lot leave. Nearly everyone leaves." He said sadly as he thought about many of his companions that choose to leave rather than stay.
"Not us." Amy piped up and followed the Doctor. "You're stuck with us." She and Rory chuckled when they looked at each other.
The Doctor looked up at them and grinned. "Not unfortunately though." He laughed lightly as he pressed one last button. "We're here."
"Where's here?" Rory asked curiously as he and Amy followed the Doctor to the TARDIS doors.
"Earth. 22nd Century. Hopefully London." Opening the door and stepped out into the rain. "It's London all right. Grab an umbrella somebody." He called back to them but the pair of them came out without an umbrella in their hand. "Useless. It's raining. Oh well! We'll have to survive without one and get wet."
"Definitely London." Amy chuckled as they were greeted with the familiar sight of Big Ben, which seemed to be in a great deal of repair with scaffolding around it. "Wow! Future London! Been to past London and now future London. Just need to go to our present day London and I've done the whole package." Amy laughed lightly.
"Now to find her." The Doctor spoke to himself and closed his eyes.
"What is he doing?" Rory asked Amy, but she only shushed him and shrugged her shoulders. The pair of them watched the Doctor as he stood with his eyes closed. "Doctor?"
The Doctor opened his eyes. "She's this way." Pointing to his left and started off in a run. As they ran, none of them noticed the lack of people in London and the majority of buildings were still in disrepair. After running a few miles, the Doctor stopped to get his bearings. "Something's not right." He said as he looked around. "Listen." The three of them listened.
"I don't hear anything." Rory said as he shrugged his shoulders and looked around them.
"Exactly. It's silent. London should be repaired by now and there should be more people about." The Doctor looked around in a panic and saw no one in sight. "Something is wrong." He stopped and looked straight ahead. "Out the corner of your eye." He looked to his left and he caught sight of a young girl watching them from the bushes. The Doctor turned to face her and she gestured for them to follow her. "This way, I think for now." The three of them moved towards the girl, who disappeared further into the bushes.
When they got into the bushes, they found themselves at a tunnel. The girl was staring up at them. "Shhh." She put a finger on her lips. "This way." And lead them into the tunnel, it was pitch black at first, causing Rory to trip once or twice, until there were fire lanterns leading the way. As they walked further, they found people living against the wall.
"This is wrong. It shouldn't be like this." The Doctor spoke as they continued to follow the mysterious girl. "Earth should have been rebuilt by now." As they moved deeper into the tunnel until they were at a wide open space. "Now, tell me what is going on?" He spoke to the girl. "I wish to speak to whoever is in charge."
"This way." The girl spoke quietly as the moved into the wide open space. "Tyler." The girl walked up to a man, and whispered in his ear.
Tyler stood up and walked up to the three of them. "What were you doing out in broad daylight? You have a death wish or something?"
"Looking for a friend of mine." The Doctor did not look at Tyler directly but looked around him. "Where are we?"
"An old underground theatre." Tyler spoke but he was still unsure of this man. "Who are you?"
"I'm..." He stopped for a minute as he knew that Tyler would remember the Doctor as an old man. "John Smith and this Amy and Rory Pond." Rory went to argue but was cut off by the Doctor. "What happened here?"
"Well, after we defeated the Daleks, we thought we'd be safe but somehow more came from the sky and took over us again." Tyler growled as he spoke. "What do you three want? You're cleaner than all of us." Looking at their spotless clothes.
"Looking for an old friend. I assume she is here." Looking around the room, trying to find a familiar face but there was none except Tyler's.
"Who is she?" Tyler asked suspiciously.
"Susan. Susan Foreman. She's my... A friend of mine." He stopped himself from saying that she was truly his Granddaughter.
Tyler stared at him in disbelief. "Susan? She was the reason the Daleks returned." He growled as he spoke. "She did something... Alien and it caused them to come here within days." Standing up and turning his back on the Doctor.
"What did she do?" The Doctor's anger was rising as he waited for Tyler to answer. "Answer me!"
"She got shot by an old Roboman but she didn't die. She began to glow gold and then suddenly the gold burst and once it was gone, another person stood there." Tyler paced. "She kept insisting that she was Susan. Even David believed her." The Doctor gave a small laugh but stayed silent after Tyler glared at him. "We began to accept that this woman was truly Susan but only because David said so."
"Where are they now?" The Doctor growled. "This is important! Where is Susan?"
"They have her." Another voice spoke up from behind him. The Doctor slowly turned and was brought face-to-face with an unkempt familiar face. It was David. But he looked ill and had a very untidy beard. "The Daleks have her. They said that with her as their prisoner, the Doctor would return. He would do anything to save her." David stepped closer. "Are you him? Are you the Doctor?" His eyes were blood shot and his hair was matted. "Can you change like she can? I know you can. She told me. That's why you're not looking like an old man now."
"I am the Doctor." He nodded slowly. "I'll help you get her back David. I promise." He reached out and put his hand on the young man's shoulder. "Right. First things first." He turned onto Amy and Rory. "I best warn you first." He sighed heavily. "You ask if I am father. I was. You know I'm over 900 years old so I've obviously got a family."
"So Susan is your daughter?" Amy asked curiously.
"No. Susan is my granddaughter." He gave small but lopsided grin. "Right! That is the hard part over and now for the even harder part; getting her back." He did a 360 turn, taking in his surroundings. "So, what do we have? Weapons? Resources? Something to use against the Daleks."
"Why not the TARDIS?" Amy asked.
"They'll know I'm here. I want to surprise them." He grinned wildly as he rubbed his hands together. "Actually, where is their base?" Turning around to face David, who was still looking distraught. The Doctor moved and stood in front of David. "I'll get her back, I promise. She's the only member of my family that I have left." Putting his hand on David's shoulder. "But I will need your help. All of you." Looking at Tyler and all the people who had gathered to hear him speak. "Listen to me!" He shouted and stood on a pile of broken chairs, nearly falling backwards but he regained his balance. "I am the Doctor and no one uses my family or friends to get to me! Because it will be the last thing they do!" He shouted loudly for all to hear. "So, we all need to work together again to defeat these Daleks, once and for all!" The whole room filled with cheers.
A/N: This story will probably be about 5 chapters long with the possibility of a sequel but only if I can think of one. I have no idea when I've set this. It is way before the revelation of River Song and I know it is after Amy and Rory's wedding. Just not sure which episodes it falls in between. Also it has nothing to do with my other story: And I Was So Proud. Read it though! :D