Now being edited and rewritten

I don't own anything Harry Potter

"Rea, are you coming down or what? The wedding starts in five minutes." The familiar voice yelled up at me. I thought for a second that it was my boyfriend's of four years, but then listened a little bit closer and noticed that it was his twin brother. Sometimes it was really hard to tell the differences in them. I was still learning, even after four years.

"Yea, alright Fred, I'm going down now." I yelled back down to him. Walking down the stairs, my high heels clicking on the wood, I meet Fred at the bottom. He was handsome in his suit, but to me it was the other twin that would always hold my heart. "Where's George?" I asked looking around.

Fred shrugged and offered me his left arm. "He said he'd meet us outside in a bit. I think he's fixing his bandages." Taking his arm I let him lead me outside to the tent.

"How's he doing with the loss of his ear?" Looking up at the red head, I watched as he smiled.

"Surprisingly well, he want's us to start calling him, Your Holeyness."

Laughing, I shook my head. "He would say something like that, but then again, so would you." I'd only just found out about what had happened last night during the mission to bring Harry to the Burrow, causing George to lose his left ear and Moody to lose his life. Being forced to stay with friends hadn't been my idea in the least, and I had let George know how I felt before being whisked away. Letting go of Fred's arm, I sat down in a chair next to an elderly looking woman and waited on the wedding for Bill and Fleur, to begin.

It'd been a beautiful wedding, and the reception was even more beautiful. I was sitting at a table by myself, while George said hello to his relatives. That wasn't really my scene so I opted to sit here and wait on him. Someone tapped on my left shoulder, and when I looked behind me, I saw no one. Smiling, I quickly looked the other direction and saw George smiling back at me. "You fall for it every time." He said offering me his hand. "Dance with me."

I shook my head. "You know I'm an awful dancer, or didn't you learn your lesson at the Yule Ball."

He shrugged and grabbed my hand anyways, dragging me towards the dance floor. Turning me into his arms, he lead us in a dance. "We'd only started dating at the Yule Ball, so it was to be expected for you to be a bit nervous."

"I wasn't nervous, George Weasley." I said defensively.

"Sure you were, you said so yourself."

"I think you're mind has been tampered with. All those explosions must've fried your brain." Laughing, I let George lead me. Behind us Fred danced with Angelina Johnson. It was the perfect moment.

Until a blue looking orb showed up in the middle of the room. George forced me behind him, and from the corner of my eye, I saw Fred do the same with Angelina. "The Minister of Magic is dead." It was Kingsley voice that came from the orb. "They are coming." he whispered, before it disappeared.

Moments later, chaos erupted, and Death Eaters came from everywhere. Pulling my wand from my purse, I was about to stupefy one when someone bumped into me from behind. Causing me to lose my balance and fall to the ground. "Realyn," I heard George's voice, come from somewhere a head of me. Standing I looked around for him. Only to have him appear in front of me. "Come on, everyone's Disappariting away." He took hold of my hand and instantly everything went black. I hated this way of traveling, the pressure one felt always gave me the worst sort of headache, but in a situation like this, it was the fastest and safest way of travel.

The next instant, I opened my eye's and saw we were in a dark, familiar room, covered in dust. "You brought us to the joke shop. I thought it was too dangerous to be here?" I asked walking to the closet, hoping that some of my clothes were still here, knowing we weren't going back to the Burrow tonight.

"It's the only place I could think of at the time. Fred should be here any time-" A loud popping noise interrupted him. Fred appeared before us, without Angelina. "And there he is." George said with a smile.

"Where's Angelina?" I asked, pulling out a pair of my jeans, and one of George's shirts. After finishing my schooling at Hogwarts, I came here to live and work at the joke shop with the twins. So a few of the things got left behind when we left the shop to stay at their parent's house.

"I took her home, she's safer with her family." Fred said, sounding a bit sad.

Looking at him, I asked, "You alright, Fred?"

And just like that, he went from being sad to his old self. "Of coarse I'm alright," he said, "Hey George, I'm going to go downstairs to make sure the shop hasn't be broken into, and put up some barriers."

Shaking my head, I looked at George. He was watching his brother leave the room. When he looked back at me, I saw the concern in his brown eye's. Even with his missing ear and the bandages wrapped around his head, he was still the most handsome wizard I'd ever meet. "You alright?" he asked.

I nodded and started pushing him out of the room. "Yep, I'm fine. You can go now and help Fred while I change out of this dress."

Before I could close the door in his laughing face, he stopped it with his foot. "You looked beautiful tonight, Rea." He said leaning back in.

Laughing, I gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you, now go so I can get out of this dress." This time I was able to close the door without him stopping it. I could hear him laughing as he left.

Sighing, I looked at the room. Using the Scouring Charm, I watched as the room was cleaned of all the dust and dirt. Taking the dress off, I pulled on my faded blue jeans and George's grey sweater. Leaving the now clean room, I went downstairs to see that the joke shop was exactly as we left it. Fred was playing with an Aviatomobile, while George was checking everything in the back. "Well it looks like we're safe here, for the moment anyway." He said, coming around the desk.

"We might as well go to Aunt Muriel's house in the morning. That's where Mum and the others will be." Fred said catching the flying toy car and putting it back.

I watched as George nodded, "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Let's get some sleep, and we'll head there first thing tomorrow."

Turning around, I walked back upstairs to the room that George and I shared. Climbing into the bed, I waited as George went and changed out of his wedding clothes into a pair of jeans and a maroon shirt. When he climbed in next to me, I cuddled up to him, falling asleep instantly.

Didn't change too much in this chapter, just did some editing. Anyways I hope you enjoyd it either way. Please remember that I love reviews, they really make my day, truely ^^