Harry disappeared into the hustle and bustle of the Muggle World, so had the Grangers. The Weasleys were being rounded up and left also along with the Order members.
Dora was staring at him. She looked slightly ill and tired now that everyone had left, well she was just out of St. Mungo's and Sirius had . . . left them, for good.
Remus wrapped his arm around her and apparated to a lonely street where there was no one about. The street appeared to have no living creature in it but he could pick up the scent of rats and the odd cat. Everything was grey or brown; it must've been the most depressing area in England even with the clear sky above them.
Dora looked around, "Bit dreary, isn't it?"
"Matches everyone's mood," he replied, not meaning to joke.
They were both silent as they paced down the street. It didn't look like anyone lived here, buildings were boarded up and rubbish littered the road.
"I have a new mission from Albus," Remus started carefully.
"Hmm, really? How long will you be away this time?" Dora asked disinterestedly.
Remus inwardly squirmed before answering, "An indefinite amount of time."
"Oh, wait, WHAT?" she exclaimed, spinning around to face him. "Why?"
"I'm actually infiltrating the werewolves this time." He explained
"And you don't know when you can leave?" Dora said questioningly.
Remus nodded nervously, "I can't have any contact from the Order either, I have to 'be' one of them."
Dora stood there, staring at him. It was unnerving, she was never this quiet.
"How long have you known this?" Dora demanded
"A week, at most." He answered uneasily.
"Then why the hell did you not say sooner?" she was deathly calm for someone so agitated.
"I was... thinking."
"Of what exactly? What the hell would you need to think about?" Dora was tearing up but why?
"That we couldn't be together," he finally said quietly but Dora heard it loud and clear.
"WHAT?" she positively shrieking, successfully nearly bursting his eardrums and shattering one of the few windows with glass in it. The tears in her eyes overflowed and fell onto her pale cheeks.
"We can't be together, it's too dangerous. I can't lose you." Remus said, praying that she would understand.
"And I can't lose you! I love you, Remus. Don't leave." Implored Dora, eyes wide and begging
How he wished that he could give into those eyes. He couldn't, he had to steel himself fir the inevitable.
"I have to," Remus choked out, trying to control his own emotions.
"No, you don't" countered Dora, not bothering to wipe away her tears. He longed to do so but that wouldn't be appropriate given the situation he had put himself in. "You're choosing to do this!"
"Dora," he pleaded, "Don't make this harder than it has to be!"
Dora hiccupped slightly and demanded, "Is this hard for you Remus Lupin?"
"Yes!" he exclaimed, it felt like his heart was ripping further apart the longer he spoke.
"Then don't end this!" Dora yelled, flinging her arms out everywhere, "We can still be together even when you're on this damn mission!"
"I could die, Dora, it wouldn't be fair," explained Remus as patiently as he could, "And Greyback's going to end up tracking me down and he'll try and destroy everything I cherish most to get to me"
"I'm used to danger Remus!" retorted Dora, her gorgeous eyes welling up with tears, "I'M A BLOODY AUROR! I CAN HANDLE IT AND I AM NOT A BABY! And, and I love you Remus, too much to lose you. Please," she had whispered that last part, causing him more pain than her shouts.
"No, everyone I cherish most ends up dead," he spat, "Marlene, Lily, James, the OLD Peter, Sirius. I don't want you to be next. Anyway, I'm too old; you have your whole life ahead of you. I'm too poor, no one will hire me and I'm dangerous, I could kill you at any time by accident! People will look down on you and scorn you just for hanging around me. You don't deserve that."
"Not this again" said Dora, rolling her eyes like it was nothing, "I've told you before I DON'T CARE! You're using this as an excuse, don't hide away. You may have lost your last brother but you have more friends now. You can't hide away from everything, you're meant to be a Gryffindor. Where's all this bravery you're meant to have."
Remus shook his head; it shouldn't have been like this. It had come out all wrong. Her last comment had hurt but he couldn't show it.
"I-I meant that we should just split apart while the war is on," he stammered, "When it's over maybe you'll find yourself someone more suitable for you. You don't deserve me, Dora. No one does."
"You have no right to call me Dora if you're BREAKING MY HEART!" shouted Dora, "When will this war ever be over? Huh? Answer that Mr. I-Know-What's-Best-For-Effing-Everyone! And if we're going to die in this war I want it to happen when I'm happy, with you."
"You only think that," he began, wondering what to say next without getting slapped.
Dora cut him off, "No you think that. But is this what you want?"
Remus nodded and her hair went from its angry black with red streaks to dark blue with black tips. What did those colours mean? Then he saw the tears in her eyes, her beautiful eyes.
"Fine, if that's the way you want Remus Lupin, so be it" bellowed Dora through streams of tears.
She stomped across the street into the opposite alleyway and apparated away. He stared at the spot where she had disappeared as if it would bring her back. He wanted to follow her and hold her in his arms saying he didn't mean it but he couldn't. He had to do that, it didn't make it any easier though.
Remus Lupin was alone, again.