Dick vs Robin: When Wally Met Dick

A Young Justice Story

A Kid Flash and Robin Story

Talking thinking/emphasis Narration

Author's Notes: As with almost all of my stories, I got the inspiration to write this piece from another story – one where Dick Grayson played an influential part in the Rob/KF relationship. I've never actually written a story from Robin's POV. I guess because I find Wally so adorable. But I think I'm more like Robin… so hopefully I'll do better with this. Let me know! Oh, and obviously, this is a SLASH fic. Meaning it contains boy/boy and shounen ai and whatnot. So… don't like? Don't read. Gracias!

Rated T for adult jokes and swearing.


He says that he's in love. That he's never seen anyone so beautiful; met anyone so charming; watched anyone so graceful. He says that it's a huge surprise – well obviously. Most of all, he says he's sure more of this, more sure than anything else in his life.

I sit back and just watch. I just look at his freckled face, the ginger locks falling just above his emerald eyes as they shimmer with fear. I don't know what to say, what to feel, what to do. How can you be jealous… of yourself?

I suppose I should rewind a bit. Starting at the climax of the story is like winding – well is should be a word – to the middle of a movie. In this case, the start of the story – my story – is that I, Robin, am gay. More importantly, I'm in love, with my best friend to be exact, with Wally.

I was never delusional enough to believe we would work out. That Kid and I would run off – at the speed of sound – into the sunset and live happily ever after. Not that I didn't have fantasies… but I knew better. Wally was straight for one thing. I mean… I always knew he was straight. He could hit on any girl on the planet. Breathing and female; those were his requirements.

And then there was the chemistry between him and Artemis. I may only be 13, but I knew. I'd seen Bruce and Diana together too many times not to know the signs. Each fight, each glare, each insult, it only fueled their love-hate relationship, and if this was the hate portion, then love obviously came next.

Then there was the fact that I was perpetually the best friend. Now, don't get me wrong. I loved being Wally's best friend – still do in fact – but… I knew it was just one more thing that kept us from moving forward. Ugh… I'd take what I could get.

But this was all ancient history. I'd fallen for that redheaded speedster the second I'd laid eyes on him… well after he'd made his "stop" right into a pile of trash. I don't know if it was his charm, or smooth ways… hahaha, okay I can't even kid myself there. I don't know what it was, is, about Wally… but I fell, and I fell hard.

Still, it's as I've said, ancient history. The real trouble began about a week ago. Bruce and I were invited to small gala… with some of the richest people in the world, and they had decided to hire security, League security. In this case, Flash and his partner.

I may have been born Dick Grayson, but the Dick Grayson that existed some 7 years ago is long gone. The new, ridiculously refined, scared, unathletic and math-obsessed Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne's ward, is a creation of Bruce himself. Nothing more. Personally, I find him a bit of a twat. I mean seriously, what kind of normal kid, billionaire's son or not, spends all day reading math textbooks. I don't see how people buy it, but Bruce says it works, so I keep up the façade.

Having Wally meet my alter ego was something… something I never wanted. I never kept up appearances for Wally – well except the part where he had no clue I was head over heels for him… Shuddup. So when I caught the news that Kid Flash would be at this month's gala… I knew Dick Grayson, would have to put on a new face. Not my true face, I couldn't have Wally guessing my identity… not that I wouldn't love for him to do so, but a more exciting face.


We arrived at the party five minutes late – still don't get that – and were greeted with the usual handshakes and small bows. I returned all gestures, but my mind was on something entirely different. And when I spotted him, my face broke out into a giant grin. Wally stood in the back of the room, straight as a board, his eyes darting back and forth and his fingers twitching slightly. Seems like Barry had given him a talk on behavior, one he actually tried to obey. Keeping still didn't suit him. When the pleasantries had been exchanged I set my gaze on the red head and strode forward with a confidence that neither Dick, nor Robin, ever used.

"You're Kid Flash, right?" I asked, an eyebrow raised as I looked him up and down. The tux he was wearing was actually kind of cute. "You're cuter than I'd heard."

He sputtered, his face alight. I chuckled into my hand. "E-excuse me?"

"I said that you're cuter in person. What, don't hear that often?" I answered cockily, crossing my arms as I shifted my weight back.

He cocked his head – God he was adorable. "I um… well uh, not… not from celebrities, no." He replied, clearing his throat. "Richard Grayson, right? Bruce… Wayne's son?"

I nodded. I didn't know he'd heard of me… guess I shouldn't be surprised. "Right. Well I guess you're a bit smarter than I'd been led to believe too… another plus for you." I winked and his face lit up again. I think it might've actually matched his hair.

"Thanks?" He muttered. "I guess I'll take that as a compliment… not to often I talk to someone so famous."

I shrugged. "You don't do this often? How could you miss this killer party?" I nodded back to the dance floor, where the other "kids" my age spun through their ballroom dances.

Wally chuckled. "Yeah… well it sure is fancy, the food any good?" I could see him eyeing it as he talked.

Good ol' Wally… always thinking with his stomach. "Why don't you go find out for yourself?"

He put his hands up in a strong no. "I really can't. Touching the food was one of my uncle's… uh… nevermind. I'm just not supposed to leave this spot unless something happens."

I rolled my eyes. Good ol' Wally… give up part of his identity with one sentence. Kid Mouth was a really appropriate nickname. "Well, something has happened. A rich ward has asked you to accompany him to the buffet and then for a dance hot stuff. You let me deal with any problems."

His face was a brilliant scarlet again, but I think I saw a nod. Good enough for me! I grabbed his hand and pulled him onto my arm, walking off towards the food.

I looked up and saw Bruce glaring, but he knew what was going on. I'd get an earful about my identity later, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I quickly gathered some food for Kid and continued talking while he ate, earning a few more blushes. An especially good line even caused him to cough up a bit of sausage. Then again, maybe asking if his vibrating power could be used for anything more fun was a bit much.

"You… wanted to dance?" He asked suddenly. I looked up and smiled, the grin widening as his blush returned.

"Yes, I did," I replied.

I led him onto the dance floor just as they began a slow waltz. "I don't really know…" I heard suddenly. The whisper went right in my ear and I shuddered.

I leaned up and returned the favor. "I'll lead you." He was surprisingly… graceful for someone who crashed into something at least once a day. I'd taken years of lessons – hey, billionaire's son here – but I suppose his super powered legs helped him with more than just speeding off.

The song came to a close, but my heart ached for more. Letting his hands drop and escaping the circle of people that had formed around us, were two of the hardest actions I'd ever taken. As hard as it was for me… I couldn't help but notice the lingering grasp of my partner. Did he want it to continue as well?

"That was… amazing," Kid Flash muttered suddenly. I looked up to his smiling face and sighed. It was, no doubt. But later, the night would end, and I'd have to go back to the manor… with nothing but these memories.

With a deep breath and the thought of, 'what could go wrong?' I took his hand and murmured, "Come on Kid… I've got something to show you."

He followed me wordlessly – I know, shocker – through the large curtains and onto the balcony. The moon was bright and shining above us. I'd always loved its glow. It made me feel… beautiful. "So Kid," I breathed, running a hand down his jacket. He shuddered underneath it. "I must say… this was the only gala that has been any fun."

He grinned. "Really now? Did I make it that special?" Hmm… I guess he'd gone and become comfortable in that short dance.

I laughed. "Well, I can't say the company wasn't welcome. But it's more the thought of what happens after this that excites me. Can't say Bruce will be to happy about this, but… what about Flash?"

My long time crush blanched, his skin suddenly as white as the soft glow of the moon. "Oh shit." His hands hurried to his mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to- uhn."

I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was the oncoming rant, or the way the moonlight sparkled in his eyes, or the fleeting feeling of love that I knew I'd never experience again, but… I kissed him. And it was magical. He tasted like something… something I could never place, but it was so wonderful. I… I'd live attached to his lips if I could.

"I should go," I sighed, pushing open the glass door. "I'll… see you." I walked into the crowd, towards the looming figure of Bruce, ready to read me the riot act. But as I went… I could swear I heard a small, 'you sure will.'