Young man is brooding in a chair with his eyes turned towards the ground. "Oh, it's you guys." He sighs and then conntinues, "Well I'm sick of this fic. I can't keep up with the updates, I'm not getting enough feedback to do the music show, and I seem to be getting away from my ZAGR roots. By the time you reach the end of this document ... this fic will be dead. But as a punishment for not reviewing I'm skipping straight to the night after the concert. If you need an explanation for this, the answer is that they got really hammered after bumping out an awesome show in which Gir rapped like a boss. For those of you who did review your special concert message will arrive in two to five work days. This chapter is not the end for my stories however. No, no, no dear viewers in fact this is the epilogue to Vagabond Zim but it is also the prologue to my new fic. It will not be a FANfic I'm doing it on 's sister site : FictionPress. If you liked the death characters you might like this new fic. But be warned that they are not involved."

So as I always instruct you sit back relax and drink in the last few slurps of this fic. It will soon be as cold as the rest of the customers here in the Discreet Funeral Morgue.


Gaz woke to find Zim holding her fully clothed body (perverts) and staring at her.

"Good morning Gazelene."

"What time is it?" Gaz yawned rubbing sleep from her eye.

"It's about 8 in the morning."

"God my head hurts." she groaned

"Be thankful, it may seem bad now but when the blinds were open it was much worse."

"Where is everyone?"

"They must all be in the living room. Through that door" He pointed when she seemed confused. "Let's go say hello."

She glared at him. "You just want to bother Dib don't you."

"What and you don't?"

"Point taken."

They manuvered their way through the room that looked like a rioting mob of roughians had ransacked it (say that ten times fast). The door opened and they were met with a sight that made their jaws drop. Dib was motionless on a coffee table with his arms wrapped around a large green pillow. He was stark naked.

"OH MY GOD!" Gaz screamed making anyone who was asleep wake with a start and causing both Zim and herself to cringe.

Four people had been sleeping on the couch and three people sleeping on the love seat all woke up. Dib and his "pillow" both woke with a start only to stare at each other.

"TAK?" Dib screamed causing everyone around to grab their ears.

"Inside voices you blooming trainspotta. God is your brova always such a wanka in the mornin." Roach complained pulling sunglasses over his eyes slowly so as not to cause pain.

"What happened last night?"Tak said covering herself and looking around.

"Well ,"a strange red skinned guy in the loveseat started " first you guys did that killer show and then you started drinking. Zim and Gaz were drinking some deep amber lauger conservatively. Roach and Raven were both drinking some peach schnapps. But Dib, who at the time was still wearing the goggles off of his gas mask went straight for the whiskey. After he was so drunk he couldn't stand he started buying Tak some Lemon Drops. One thing led to another and Roach ended up following us here."

"Oh god we're in so much trouble Roach."Raven said. When she saw everyone staring at her she explained, "We're not supposed to leave the city at the same time. Noone is taking care of the dead and killing those who are supposed to die untimely. But if we hurry we can make it back in time for the rave deaths adn still clean up our mess." She grabbed Roaches arm and they both stumbled outside into the light. Seconds later the screech of tires was heard.

"Zim has a few questions for you krik-boy."

The boys eyebrows rose at this. "What sort of questions Invader?"

"First off, where are we. Secondly, who are all you strangers. Thirdly, can you take us home. And my fourth and most important question, can you please for the love of the control brains clothe the Dib-stink and Tak the space whore."

"I am not a whore Zim." she hissed.

"Uh-huh and what other reason do you have for sleeping with the Dib-monkey? Surely you are not trying to tell the almighty Zim that you are actually interested in DIB."

"Hey!"Dib cried out in defense.

"Shut it." the irkens replied in unison.

"Well, not that this isn't fun to watch and all but, the answers to your questions are quite simple Zim. You're in California. I'm Jake that blue dude is Ziz, that chick to his right is Angel. This guy to my right is Deg and this girl to my left is Crystal, Deg's girlfriend."

"Are you a demon sent from hell to reclaim my sister as the rightful heir?" Dib asked gawking at him. "You can't be that old your horns haven't even come in yet. Where's your tail? What's hell like?"

"Enough Dib. I am not a demon I am a krik. We are a tribe of aliens who journeyed to earth millenia ago. When we got here some people believed we were deities and called us satyrs. We don't have hooves though so where they got that I have no clue. Anyways the roman catholics didn't take kindly to other religions so they propagandized that we were demons sent from hell by the devil. Which is were the modern conception comes from. I don't have horns or a tail because of a delay in my maturation process. That's the reason I was cast off of Krikaram as an infant."

"That seems kinda harsh."Dib bluntly stated pulling on a pair of pants.

"I was heir to the throne. They couldn't have a freak as an heir. So they replaced me with someone elses child, told that family that he died, and shot me off of the planet towards the sun. However they had a sloppy aim and didn't ensure that the pod was aimed in the correct direction so I ended up on earth. The pod they chose had some history and other such cultural items inside of it on account of it was never meant for disposal of a newborn. I was taken into a nearby institution where I was raised ,but that's a story for another day."

"So you'll drive us back?"

"Pretty much."

"Awesome let's jet."



AN:This is a curtesy as I don't like lose ends when I read a story.

So what happened to everyone?

Well, Dib and Tak eventually got together. They adopted several children and are currently living out their lives comfortably and peacefully in a quiet suburban household.

Zim and Gaz traveled earth and saw everything there was to see. Eventually Zim was able to create a way for Gaz to gain an Irken lifespan. They traveled the Galaxies until they both died of natural causes.

Gir went on to be a successful musician and when it was revealed he was a robot he grew even more famous. He currently resides in an apartment that was constructed inside of the "H" of hollywood. Every day he comes up with a new kick-ass rap.

After seeing Gir's success Mimi decide to become a musician as well. Turns out she's actually pretty awesome. She formed a band with a bunch of different robotic creatures of her own design. They played all the clubs until they hit it big with Rocklife Records. They currently reside in the "O" of hollywood.

As for Roach and Raven they finally found some more band members and currently are making a big splash in all the local bars, parties, and raves. They are partying they're afterlives away and loving every millisecond of it.

As for the rest their story shall be told in my new fic which will be found at .com. My screenname is the same so look up Sikeokilla in a couple days. Also I'm finally getting a facebook page. My name is Edward Willford Cainam.

Soldier for the coming apocolypse

The sikeokilla