Yeah, this is an awesome idea doarfthXx gave me. It might be OOC, so sorry for that. I think it maybe will be a three-shot, but you never know.

Disclaimer: I don't own Darkest Powers, but I do own... a dog! His name is Gonzo, and he's an American mutt!

Yeah... So anyway...

On with the story! (Prologue right now)


Chloe's POV

"Hey," Aunt Lauren said, walking into the living room. I just stared in horror at my geometry test. Technically, I was staring at my grade.

I know I suck at math, but this is ridiculous!

"Ooh, is that your math test?" she asked, looking pleased. I snapped out of my stupor just as she reached for it and pulled it out of her grasp.

"I-I don't think you should s-see it right now, A-Aunt Lauren," I said shyly, mentally cursing my stutter.

Tori walked in and saw the look on my face.

"Geo test?" she asked. When I nodded, she sighed. "What's the damage this time?"

I handed it over.

She took one look at the grade and slapped her hand over her mouth. "Wow, Chloe! You got a D minus? How did that happen?"

Aunt Lauren's eyes widened, and she took the paper from Tori. I could practically feel her disappointment.

"Good gravy, Chloe! How did you get this low of a score?"

"I was never good at math..."

"Yeah, but you usually got C's! How did you get a D minus?"

Tori sent me a confused look. "Did you forget to study, or something?"

I nodded, letting my hair cover my face to hide my blush. I didn't study. I was going to, but then Derek decided he had to Change into a wolf. I was going to study after that, but then I got a little... distracted.

"Maybe you should get a tutor," Aunt Lauren muttered, glaring at the test. Tori's eyes widened.

"That would be perfect! Derek can tutor you! He's an expert in math!"

"Yeah, if I can convince him to."

"Which he probably won't," my aunt said quickly. "So I should just call the school and ask someone else to tutor you!"

Tori shook her head. "No, Derek will tutor her. If there's one thing Chloe's good at, it's convincing. And if that doesn't work, threatening." She shot me her common look that said, "I know everything". I blushed again.

I knew Derek would end up tutoring me. He owed me that much, anyway.

I don't really know what to say, so I guess I'll just go...

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