Note: This is my second Fan Fic. I started one but then this idea came and I HAD to write it down. I don't own Bleach in and form or way. Um…enjoy I guess?

Chapter 1: New Kid

"Okay class settle down now." Ms. Urahara said as she walked in holding some books in her hand. The class sat down in their seats. "So we have a new student today, he'll be here in a few minutes" Ms. Urahara set the books down on the desk and began writing on the board.

Rukia was talking to Momo and Renji when a knock came on the door. Ms. Urahara walked over and opened it. A really tall guy walked in. He had orange hair and a scowl on his face. His arms which showed from his white short sleeve button down shirt were muscular but filled with black and blues and brutal stiches. The parts that were stitched held fresh and semi open wounds.

"Please introduce yourself Ichigo" Ms. Urahara said to him as he stood and faced the class. He sighed before opening his mouth.

"Why you know my name you can do it Yoruichi" The class began buzzing. Did he know her?

"Ichigo, I get it that you know me but it's Ms. Urahara in school okay; now introduce yourself"

"The name is Ichigo Kurosaki. Happy, now can I get my seat?" she sighed and gave him a sympathetic look. He pointed to the open seat behind Rukia and he followed the finger. When he walked past her she could see his wounds more clearly. They were awful, just looking at it made her cringe in her seat.

"Now let's get on with class. Today we will discuss- just then the door opened and Mr. Ishida walked in.

"Urahara, there is the parent of certain student here and I believe you wanted to sit in on the meeting?" Yoruichi sighed and looked at the class.

"Just keep it down and I'll be back when I can" in that note she walked out with the math teacher and the class was alone. Ichigo looked out the window when something caught his attention. He breathed in through his nose and ravished the sent. It was one of vanilla and something else he couldn't make out. He looked at the short raven haired girl that held the scent. He was about to look away when she turned around.

"Hi Ichigo, I'm Rukia Kuchiki" she had creamy white skin and large violet eyes.

"Hi" he grunted. Then another dark haired girl next to Rukia turned around.

"I'm Momo Hinamori"

"Since you're all introduction myself, I'm Renji Abarai" the red head next to him said raising a finger as a hi. Ichigo just nodded and continued to look out the window.

"Where are you from?" Rukia pressed on. Ichigo groaned and looked at her. Her scent was almost as good as how she looked. It was hard to focus on the question but Ichigo did it anyway.

"I moved from Japan to Kaukura last week" Ichigo's was quiet but was pretty sure the 'gang' head him.

"Cool, what school did you go to before?" this time Momo asked.

"I was home schooled"

"Whoa, usually home-school kids turn into freaks and social burnouts. You don't seem like that though" Renji added

"Maybe because this isn't some chick flick about high school cliques" this earned a laugh from Rukia and Momo. Her smiled was nice and innocent. Ichigo couldn't help smile on the inside. Something about her made him feel better. "Any more questions?"

"What happened to your arm, and I can see a bruise on your neck. Are you in a gang?" a nerdy looking boy who sat in front of Momo asked.

"Shut up Keigo, that's none of your business" a girl with short hair said.

"Yeah, Tatsuki's right. You can't go around asking people personal questions" Rukia backed Tatsuki up and Keigo just grumbled. Rukia gave him an apologetic glance. Ichigo's overall aura changed from the mention of his bruises. And even though it killed a curious girl like Rukia not to know, something told her they would find out in time.

"Okay class, thanks for waiting on me. Where were we, oh yeah I was gonna tell you about the lesson. But first, Rukia as my top student I want you to help Ichigo catch up with the rest of us. It's hard to join school in mid-November." Just then the bell rang. Ms. Urahara groaned and grabbed her stuff before leaving the class.

"How do you know Urahara?" Rukia asked. She said it without thinking and cursed herself for it. What if he didn't like to share his life?

"Uh, well Yoruichi and her husband Kisuke Urahara are friends of my dad" Rukia couldn't help but think Ichigo said the word dad with a hint of hate and venom in his voice. It just killed her even more not to know about him.

Mr. Schiffer walked in. he was wearing a white shirt tucked into black pants. He looked a little lost in thought and failed to notice the orange headed boy tense up at his sight, but Rukia did. She turned around to see her science teacher shuffling through papers. After a minute he looked up and scanned the class. He stopped when his green eyes meet with fiery orange ones.

"What the fuck are you doing here Ulquiorra?" Ichigo demanded standing up from his seat slamming his fists on the desk. The class fell dead silent as they watched the interaction. Then an few gasps were heard when said teachers mouth curved into a wicked smile.

Does he know everyone? Was all that ran through Rukia's mine.

"Well if it isn't Ichigo Kurosaki. Why finish junior year in a real school?"

"You have no right to ask me anything"

"Pity, I really wanted to know. Anyways, the past is called so for a reason. Let bygones be bygones" both people looked around the class. "At least in school" he added before Ichigo huffed and sat back down.

"My ass" he muttered. Rukia was the only person to hear him and her curiosity grew to such levels it began to get illegal.

Class passed by with an extremely awkward silence. When the lunch bell rang Ichigo watched as Mr. Schiffer walk out the classroom. He sat there when he realized he didn't have lunch or a place to go to.

"Wanna have lunch with us?" Ichigo looked up and saw Rukia standing next to him. He nodded and stood up. When he did, her for head barley made it up to his collar bone.

"Damn, you're like a midget" Ichigo joked as he saw her face scowl.

"You're one to talk about others, strawberry" Rukia's face softened when his scowl deepened. "Come on, the gang eats lunch on the roof" without thinking Rukia grabbed his wrist and began walking. They made their way out the class, down the hall and up two flights of stairs. When she pushed open the door, she finally let go of him. They both immediate felt a cold sensation wash over their skin.

"Hey Rukia!" a big breasted red head squealed. Renji and Tatsuki were leaving against the fence while Momo, Keigo, the red head, and a guy with silver hair were seated at a concrete round table. Rukia walked over to the table and took a seat. Renji, Tatsuki, and Ichigo followed. "I'm Inoue, what's your name?"

"Ichigo" Ichigo was sandwiched between Rukia and Inoue.

"Nice to meet you Ichigo, how come your not eating?"

"I didn't bring anything to eat"

"We can share I made Onigiri with pickles and peanut butter" everyone at the table stared at her as she began eating one of her creations.

"I'm not that hungry anyways" Ichigo declined. Just the smell made him want to gag, how could he eat it?

"Smart choice" the silver headed kid said. "I'm Toshiro Hitsugaya, nice to meet you Ichigo"

"Likewise" an awkward silence filled the air. Ichigo felt like it was his fault. "Well, I'll go now. It was nice to meet you Toshiro and Inoue. I'll see you around" Ichigo got up but was stopped by a hand on his shirt.

"Where are you going?" Rukia asked. The table looked at the two and smiled a bit.

"I was gonna go to the library"

"Why, you a closet nerd?"

"No but I need to catch up in class" she let go and he made his way to the stairs.

"He seems nice" Momo said. Rukia nodded. "But I wonder where he got those scars. They look like class cuts. And those stiches and bruises. I could even see a stich under his jaw bone"

"Maybe he was in a car accident?" Renji asked taking a bite of his apple

"Or a gang fight" Keigo added, once again.

"There are so many possibilities and only one answer." Everyone looked at Toshiro and nodded. Momo kissed his on the cheek and he blushed.

"You're so deep. Isn't my boyfriend just so cool?" it was rhetorical and everyone knew it.

"I wonder if Ichigo has a girlfriend" Rukia looked at Inoue with a raised eyebrow.

"You like him?"

"Yeah he seems cool. And not to mention he is uber hot. Did you see those abs and muscles poking through his shirt?" Tatsuki, Inoue, Momo, and even Rukia nodded and talked about that.

Ichigo shuck his head and walked down the stairs. He didn't want to hear anymore. It reminded him too much of his past life. He couldn't take that. Not after everything that happened. He walked into the empty hallway to be stopped by familiar green eyes.