Side notes: Konoka and Setsuna are married in this story but they still have about a good less than year of Mahora left before they move back to Kyoto.

I was reading a story on pregnancy and the idea just dawn on me. xD

Disclaimer: I do not own Negima...or else Konoka would do more than just french kiss Setsuna in that one chapter.

Cycles of Pregnancy


Setsuna gently wiped away a blemish that marred Yuaangi's surface after she split an unoffending boulder in half. She had just finished training out in a clearing near the school campus like she does every morning.

Slowly, she slid Yuaangi back into its sheath as she starts planning the day out. Of course, she is going to go back to her lovely wife, who is probably still sleeping right now. After that, she plans to take her out somewhere for lunch. It's been awhile since they went out together, courtesy to both of their hectic schedules.

Looking forward to the day already, Setsuna leisurely made her way to the dorms as she swung Yuaangi's case over her back. Sighing in contentment, her thoughts came upon her wife and instantly, she felt her insides melting into puddles.

Somehow with the stroke of luck, Konoka's grandpa and dad has supported their relationship and agreed that they should be married right away.

Konoka is still in training to learn how to control her vast magic powers but she has definitely come a long way since the very beginning. Setsuna has doubled her training to continue to protect Konoka and to prove her position as the ministra magi.

Thinking about those thoughts, Setsuna knew it is going to be a good day.

Oh boy was she wrong.

When she opened the door to the room she and Konoka shared, she expected her wife to still be in bed. Instead, she is greeted by the solemn and nervous face of her wife sitting at the kitchen table, looking as if she was going to make a drug deal from the absence of sunlight and the way the shadow cross her face.

Totally threw off guard by the uncommon serious look her wife exhibits, especially this early in the morning, Setsuna asked with her voice full of concern. "Kono-chan, what's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you up so early?"

Looking at Setsuna with nervous eyes, Konoka bit her lower lips as if trying to debate whether she should say anything or not …until she couldn't take Setsuna's pleading expression anymore.

"Secchan, remember that one night when we were at Kyoto's coast for the weekend and um, when we decided to try that thing out? You know, the thing Evangeline and grandpa gave us as our marriage gift?"

Setsuna dazedly nodded as she thought about that night, feeling a blush threatening her cheeks as she went through a collection of memories in her mind.

Taking a deep breath in, Konoka stared at Setsuna's blushing face before she closed her eyes and blurted out.

"Secchan, I'm pregnant"

When she reopened her eyes again, she found that Setsuna is already pass out on the floor.


Her demon senses had awakened her when she heard signs of slight distress coming from her mate. Quickly, Setsuna sat up in her bed and looked at the spot next to her.

It was empty.

Looking around, she found Konoka bow over the toilet throwing up. Alarm, Setsuna got off the bed and hurried over to her wife to help hold her hair up.

If Setsuna remembered her anatomies right, Konoka should be at the first stage of her pregnancy now, which means she will be throwing up every morning for god knows how long.

When she woke out from fainting that day, she told Konoka that she fully supports her and that she will raise the child together if Konoka allows. Konoka has been extremely relieved and Setsuna couldn't but feel a moment of pride and happiness that they are having a child together.

Together, they broke the news to her granddad and dad, both whom are somehow amused but otherwise joyous at the news.

Deftly, Setsuna reached over to the sink with one hand and opened the faucet to pour some water into a cup. When Konoka was done throwing up, she offered the cup to her.

Murmuring a word of thanks, Konoka rinsed her mouth and brushed her teeth while Setsuna look on; making sure that her wife was ok. Blushing slightly at the sight her sword-carrying wife had to see, Konoka gave an apologetic smile.

Shaking her head at the apology, Setsuna smiled as she brushed her wife's hair back leaning in to kiss her good morning.

Just as their lips were about to brush against each other, Konoka violently jerked away and paid homage to the porcelain god for the rest of the morning.


"Er…Setsuna, what are you doing behind the counter in that uniform?" blinked Asuna as she came up to the cashier desk to pay for her new running shoes. Setsuna was standing there dressed in the store's work attire.

"Um…I'm working here." Stuttered Setsuna as she took the shoe box and scanned the barcode.

"But why? Doesn't the dean give you allowances every week? Plus I didn't think Konoka will let you work more now that she's pregnant."

"Yes…he does… that will be 5000 yen please" Answered Setsuna carefully as she put the box into a plastic bag as Asuna handed over the requested amount.

"So why are you working when you should be at home?" Asuna demanded as she stood where she was, not giving Setsuna to greet other customers and escape.

Eyes trying to flicker everywhere other than the orange-hair girl in front of her, she knew she was losing the silent fight as Asuna just simply stared back, hands on hips as she waited for an explanation.

Couldn't take her friend's stare anymore, Setsuna blurted out.

"Konoka has been spending both of our allowances on baby cloths, cradle, strollers and plushy brand toys that I have never even heard of on the days our grandfather gave us the money. She even used up my patrol money and savings! I didn't even know that it was gone till Konoka kindly suggested that we needed more baby cloths. We didn't want to ask grandpa for more and I couldn't refuse her….."

Asuna then blinked in understanding. "Ah…well…in that case…I don't think I can help you in that department…I'll just let you go back to work..yea I'll do that! Good luck! See you later!" Grabbing the bag, she hurriedly rushed out of the store, leaving Setsuna with the barcode scanner ready in her hand.

Sighing, Setsuna simply scanned the next item.





"Yes Kono-chan?"

"Can you look at me for a quick second?"

"Ye-s?" Setsuna stops writing her homework and turns around to face her wife, only to be face with Konoka's puppy eyes.

Oh no. I'm doomed

"Secchan? Would you mind getting something for me?" Asks Konoka in an abnormal sweet tone as she continues looking at Setsuna with big puppy eyes.

"Ye-ess-s, what do you need Kono-chan?" Apprehension washes upon Setsuna whenever Konoka uses that tone.

Smiling a little too scary for Setsuna's comfort, Konoka said in a very honeyed voice. "I would like some kasutera cake please."

Setsuna blew out a breath of relief at the requested item "Sure Kono-chan! I'll go the store down the street, I know they have some really go-…"

"From Nagasaki."

There is a moment of silence before the location dawns on Setsuna's mind.

"Huh! But-but-we have school tomorrow! An-and my homewo-." Setsuna stutters, panicking full on knowing that she absolutely cannot refuse her ojou-sama… or else…

"Do you love me Secchan?" Konoka cuts off Setsuna's rambling with a very very dangerous smile.

Slowly, Setsuna felt fear coming upon her at the sight of her wife's smile. "Yes-s, I do-o."

"Then will you be a sweetie and get me the cake, pretty please?" Keeping her smile at the dangerous level, Konoka tone, no matter how sweet and scary it is, stated that there is no argument.

"Yes-s-s, Konochan…" Setsuna replies back fearfully as she gets up getting ready to fly either on plane or manually with wings to Nagasaki for at least 5 hours. It is already 10PM and she'll be lucky if she makes it back in time to finish her homework and get some sleep. She couldn't let Konoka do her homework since Konoka was supposed to be resting.

Konoka's smile softens into a genuine happy smile. "Thanks, Secchan. I love you. Make sure you're safe."

"Ha-ai, Konochan, I love you too." Setsuna nods in slight confusion as she makes her way out the door before Konoka's voice stopped her.

"Oh and I want it by midnight."


Setsuna was reading a novel on the couch when she felt the cushion shifted. Her wife huffed as she sat down next to her.

Immediately, Setsuna's arm came up and wrapped it around her wife's shoulder, pulling her close to her.

Sighing in contentment, Konoka laid her head on Setsuna's shoulder and the both of them sat like that for awhile.

Suddenly, Konoka looked at Setsuna with teary eyes. "What if I'm not a good mother?"

Immensely taken back by the tears of her not-too-long-ago calm wife, Setsuna shook head. "You won't Konochan, you'll be the greatest mother there is."

As fast as the tears have come, Konoka eyes shone brightly. "Really?"

Setsuna smiled fondly "Yes."

Then at the drop of a ball, Konoka's eyes clouded with anger and suspicion as she replied in a somewhat acidic voice. "Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?"

Dropping her smile just as fast, Setsuna stared back in shock before she muttered. "No Konochan I'm being honest, you really will and I'll be right next to you."

Konoka stared back at Setsuna with suspicion before her brown eyes tears up again and wailed "I'm not going to be a good mother! I just know it! Our baby is doomed!"

Eyes widen in disbelief and feeling slightly un-nerved at this point, Setsuna tried her best to sooth her now-hysterical wife, pulling her into a gentle hug. "No! You'll be the best mother there is, don't think like that. Our baby loves you."

It took a few minutes before Konoka was calm enough to sit up again. Sniffing a little as she wiped away her tears, she smiled up at Setsuna. "I'm sorry Secchan, I don't know what came over me. Sorry for putting you up like that."

"it's o-ok Konochan..I don't-t min-d." Setsuna hesitated when she said this. She wished she was a bit braver.

Suddenly, Konoka eyes flashed and her expression turned extremely angry as she roared. "Why did you hesitated when you answered me? Secchan! Do you not want me to be the best mother there is? Huh! ANSWER ME, SETSUNA KONOE?"

Face and mouth hanging in dead shock, Setsuna could only stared at her wife as she tried to find her voice. "Ye-ss, Konochan, I want-t y-ou to be the-e bess-tt…"


Setsuna immediately closed her mouth.

Konoka's pretty face smoothed out as she took a deep breath, her angry face disappearing as she closed her eyes. Setsuna wished she would have stayed like that for a while.

"Secchan, where's Yuaangi?" she asked sweetly.

Suddenly Setsuna felt afraid, very afraid.


"You stupid ermine! I'm going make you into shoe pads so I can stomp on you all day! Get your ass back here! CHAMO!"

This was what Setsuna walked in when she was done with the patrolling duties that evening. When her eyes adjusted to the lighting in the room, she could see that Konoka was leaned over in the closet and throwing out just about every particle of clothing they had in search for the perverted ermine.

Her wife's belly was a bit more noticeable now. It kind of got in her way as she stifled through the clothing, making her just a bit more frustrated than she should be.

Noticing her guardian wife at the doorway, Konoka said in a sharp voice. "Secchan, I need Yuanngi right now!"

Taking an alarmed step backward at the tone, Setsuna staredin confusion at her pregnant wife. This wasn't her usual mood swings.

Usually she'll change her mood just about… No, she didn't. Then something must have ticked her off bad, Setsuna thought.

"Why Konochan?" Setsuna asked cautiously, knowing full well to sound confident and stay a distance away least Konoka decides to unintentionally strangle her while she's in one of her scary moods. Sometimes Setsuna wonders if Konoka knows her own strength.

"I need it to flay that stupid ermine! I don't care what Negi thinks! I really need to skin him, now gimme the sword!"

"No Konochan, you don't need it. Now will you tell me what he did to offend you?" Putting Yuaangi against a wall a good distance away from Konoka, she gently wrapped her arms around Konoka and pulled her against her.

"So tell me, what did the perverted ermine do to offend you this bad?" Murmurs Setsuna as she gently brushes Konoka's hair back, soothing her.

There was a moment of silence before Konoka muttered something quietly that Setsuna had to strain to catch what she said.

She could have sworn Konoka muttered "He said I was fat."

There was another moment of silence as Setsuna debated on a proper response before a terrified voice came from a discarded cloth pile.

"No I didn't, I just said nee-san was just getting big naturally and nicely and that's when she scr- AHHHHHHHHH!"

He never got to finish when Konoka launched herself from Setsuna and onto the cloth pile, grabbing the offending ermine in succession.

It took a good hour of Setsuna's persuasion and Chamo's fervent promise that he won't say the F or the B word around her that Konoka have finally calm down and relax.

Definitely not wanting her pregnant wife to stress out more than she already is, Setsuna suggested that they go out for dinner to refresh themselves.

Konoka agreed and then they set out to a nice restaurant they usually go to before Konoka got pregnant.

Upon arriving at the front of the restaurant, a familiar face greeted them.

It appeared that Kotarou, the dog demon boy, was working there. The girls haven't seen him since Konoka got pregnant (go out much?)

The girls greeted him enthusiastically as he got the menus ready to seat them down. As he started walking towards a table, Setsuna noticed him staring at Konoka's slightly big tummy.

Unfortunately, she didn't stop him in time.

"Konoka nee-san, you seem to have gotten big- "

Setsuna spend the whole night apologizing to Kotarou, who in turn was tightly wrapped up from head to toe in bandages after he was slightly healed by the still fuming but apologetic Konoka.


"Secchan?" Konoka asked in a soft voice.

Setsuna turned to the owner of the voice, her dark eyes softening at the sight of her very beautiful wife. "Yes Konochan?"

Wordlessly, Konoka opened her arms and Setsuna immediately knew what she wanted. Quietly, she walked over to where her wife is and wrapped her own arms around Konoka, gently pulling her in and keeping her comfortable.

Both sighed in contentment as Setsuna gently slid her hand under Konoka's shirt and rubbed the now bulging tummy. She chuckled as she felt a small thump under her hand. Of course, Konoka winced just a bit but Setsuna immediately soothed her, keeping her relaxed.

Time's like these made Setsuna happy just how blessed she was to have a beautiful wife and to actually have a child with her. Kissing Konoka's temple softly, she watched affectionately as Konoka yawned and closed her eyes to take a quick nap like she has been these few days.

Burrowing her head close to her lover's shoulder, Konoka snuggled tight and before Setsuna can count to ten, Konoka was already fast asleep.

Setsuna merely gazed at Konoka the whole time she was sleeping. Once in a few while, a stand of soft hair would fall onto her wife's pretty face and like always, Setsuna will gently brush it back so it wouldn't tickle or bother her wife.

An hour later, Setsuna couldn't help but feel drowsy at the sight of her beautiful wife snoozing away. The next thing she knew, she was in dreamland, happily spending time and being together with her wife.


"Setsuna-kun! Why are we hiding in your closet?" A slightly in-dignified Negi questioned as he was being squished by Mana and Setsuna with Asuna somehow getting sat on by all three of them. Fortunately for Asuna, Kaede took pity on her and supported herself on the walls using one of her nin-jitsu.

"SHH! We don't want to get caught!" A slightly panicked Setsuna hushed them as she held a finger up to her lips as Asuna grunted in pain.

The five of them had decided to come back from patrolling to get a quick drink and refreshment before they go back to their respected room. Being that Setsuna's room was the closest, they decided to stop there. Konoka was out on a short errand at that time and even if she was in the room, Setsuna was pretty sure she wouldn't mind since she missed her previous roommates.

That was, until she felt an ominous presence walking down the hallway.

Knowing exactly who it is, Setsuna wasn't able to usher them out of the door in time least they get caught. They couldn't use the small window; it was just simply out of question since it barely fits Negi let alone all of them. They most definitely didn't want to be traced by using magic to hide themselves or teleport, which would put them in trouble since it takes a lot to magic to hide 5 people.

So the only choice they had was to hide in the closet.

"From whom are we hiding from?" Negi said in a slightly loud voice before his mouth was clamped over by Mana's hand. Mana was just as tense as Setsuna was and with nimble fingers, she unclipped her holsters and pulled out a small pistol.

Setsuna shot Mana and Negi a warning look and was about to reply when they heard the door click. Suddenly, all five of them went deadly silent.

They could hear stomps coming from the doorway then making its way to the kitchen. It paused briefly before it went towards the bathroom direction. After that, they can hear the running water splashing in the sink then the stomping resumed its walking activities. This time it was going towards the closet they were in.

Setsuna's eyes widen in fear as Negi finally caught on what she meant by "not wanting to get caught" Kaede eye's was uncommonly wide opened as Asuna was trying hard to keep quiet from the pain of being sat on. Mana simply closed her eyes and took deep quiet breaths, trying to calm the shaking hand that was holding the pistol.

The steps stopped right before the closet, then shuffled away and faded off into the living room. It took another minute or so before they heard the front door open and slam close. All was pure silence.

The group stayed where they were for a good five minutes to make sure the coast was clear.

The first person to break the tension was Setsuna. She left out a long-held breath as Mana calmly put her pistol back into her holster. Asuna resumed shifting around avoid the pain.

Very un-nerved, Negi was about to reach for the closet door to open it when the door suddenly opened on its own. All 5 of them screamed in a high-pitched voice unlike their own as a bright light blinded them briefly. When their eyes adjusted to the light, it revealed a very angry and a very very pregnant Konoka.

The incident has provided a deep insight to Negi. Since that day, he was debating on whether he wanted to actually have a kid with his future wife. It's been 15 years now and he's still debating.


"Setsuna, if you don't calm down within the next ten seconds, I will have Chachamaru and Mana tie you up where you can't see your wife and kid." Said the undying mage Evangeline with an annoyed and exasperation expression.

"But but but but but but but Kono-on-nn-ok-a we-nt-t-t into lab-orr earlier, h-ow-ww can-n I no-tt ca-lm-m - "


Negi, who was standing next to them attempting to calm the expecting mother down, yelped as his teacher yelled and quickly put a sleep spell over Setsuna.

As the spell hit Setsuna, her eyes promptly rolled backward as she went limp. She would have cracked her head if Chachamaru wasn't there to catch.

Sighing in temporary relief, Evangeline then rolled up her sleeves and went into the ER room where the other expecting mother was currently residing.

Konoka had gone into labor this morning and fortunately for her, Setsuna was calm enough to speed her to the school's expansive hospital. Fortunately for them, Shizuna-sensei was around during that time and had quickly taken the Konoe heiress into the ER room and started working with her.

It wasn't till Setsuna's and Konoka's classmate showed up that Setsuna finally went into expecting panicking father mode.

The labor process went on for a few hours. There was a few times when Setsuna regained consciousness but was promptly put back to sleep by an apologetic Negi or Chachamaru as soon as she went into panic mode. The rest of the class has watched the whole thing with amusement but otherwise waited nervously for any sign of news.

Finally, Shizuna and Evangeline came out of the room to announce the news.

Evangeline was smirking while Shizuna crossed her arms around her generous bust as she happily told the class.

"Congratulations! It's a girl!"

Setsuna, who was knocked out previously, suddenly woke up.

When she heard the news, her lips trembled as her body started shaking. Negi and Chachamaru stood next to her, preparing to put her back into sleep in case if she went hysterical again. They didn't have to this time.

"Can I see them?" Setsuna asked in a quiet voice.

Beaming at her, Shizuna nodded and led her to where Konoka is.

When Setsuna's eyes found her wife, her heart burst with joy and love. Konoka was lying back with pillows holding her up, her eyes were tire and face was exhausted but was also graced by the happy smile her lips made. Her long hair was sprayed messily on the pillow and hands were noticeably shaking as she held a pink bundle tightly in her arms.

Quietly walking next to her wife, Setsuna laid her eyes on their little sleeping miracle for the first time.

Their little baby had rosy cheeks with a head-ful of soft platinum hair with streaks of brown crowning her head. She was already adorable in every way possible. Setsuna turned to look at her wife.

Konoka looked back with loving eyes as Setsuna wrapped an arm around her shoulder, holding her wife and daughter close. Tomorrow, there will be the task of introducing the baby into the Konoe family and the honor of naming their child. But for now, it was a moment Setsuna and Konoka cherishes and will always do.


Author's notes:

Please correct if I am wrong but I would assume Nagasaki will be far from Mahora, seeming how they had to take the train to Kyoto in one of the early chapters.

Kasutera – the spongy honey cake. Yum.

This story was pretty canon because I'm pretty sure Konoka wouldn't do all that to Setsuna…or will she?

Please review and let me know if there is anything I should work on. Construction criticism welcomed!