It was rainy season.

Every rainy season, Iceland brought an umbrella to school.

This rainy season was no different.

Well there was one thing.

His older brother Norway had recently started to date this dude named Denmark.

"No Iceland were not dating, we're just friends with benefits. Not even friends, more like colleges. Yeah, that's it. Colleges with benefits" is what Norway had said with his usual stoic expression when Iceland asked, the three of them gathered at the brothers house.

Oh and Denmark had been sitting right next to him. Of course that had caused a lot of commotion.

"Eh-eeeeeeeehh? B-But I love you Norge!" Denmark had wept, desperately hugging his brothers waist. Norway immediately started to defend himself, but Iceland saw the light pink blush that was slowly spreading on his cheeks (Norway really wasn't the blushing type).

"No you don't Anko Uzai, shut up will you, and let me go!" Norway had said, trying to munch on Icelands liquorice.

"No! Not until you show me some love! It doesn't even have to be love, it can be care! Pleeeease Norge, don't be so CRUEL!" Denmark had continued weeping, hugging Norway's body tighter, bringing them flush together.

This time Norway actually blush-blushed and hastily agreed to the Danes wishes.

"F-Fine, but Iceland get out" said Norway, as pleasant as ever.

"With pleasure…" Iceland had quickly walked upstairs to his room, taking the box of liquorice with him.

If he hadn't left, he would have witnessed something close to the apocalypse, which was Norway actually showing affection to his Danish "college with benefits", by softly kissing away Denmarks tears while he said that he was only joking.

So how does this lovey-dovey relationship between an overly muscled baby with blond gravity defying hair and a stoic, sadistic blonde that wears a hairclip (and yet Norway was considered the manlier of the two brothers) and could see fairies got to do with the rainy season?

Well, they had gotten so out of control that they had started to take Icelands stuff.

First his liquorice.

"Since you guys don't have any other candy than this, this is what I and Norge have to use to eat from each others mouths!" the Dane had merrily explained while stealing candy from Iceland.

"Wha- Die Anko uzai!"

And then a loud bang had been heard.

Denmark awoke in a hospital several hours later.

Then his uhhm… baby lotion.

"What do you think you're doing Norway?"

One night, Iceland had been woken up by Norway sneaking into his room.

"Oh I woke you up" Norway had said, trying to fake some guilt into his voice, but it didn't work.

It never did.

"What are you looking for?" Iceland eyed him suspiciously.

"That lotion of yours… oh here it is" Norway exclaimed, holding up a small, light green bottle. Iceland was a bit afraid of what he was going to ask, but in the end he couldn't help himself. "What for?" Norway looked at him.

"You really can't guess?" Icelands eyes went wide, but he didn't say a word.

He couldn't say a word.

Then Norway just smirked and stepped out of the door.

"That's alright, your gonna hear it anyway" he said and walked away.

And right he was. That night Iceland couldn't sleep because of the constant creaking of a bed and moans and grunts next to his room.

All - night - long.

And now, apparently, they had stolen his umbrella.

He looked at the empty umbrella stand and then back to the big glass doors of Gakuen Hetalia.

It was pouring.

Pissed off, Iceland flipped out his black cell phone in the intentions of making an angry call to his brother when he saw a text he hadn't noticed. It was from Norway.

14:37 P: M

Just so you know, we're taking your umbrella. It was raining hard when me and Denmark finished so I figured we could lone your umbrella right? Anyway, it'll probably stop raining when your done for today. If not, sucks to be you

Love you!

Iceland face palmed at the ridiculous text. He cold really feel the brotherly love from it… he was willing to bet his house that it was Denmark who had written down the "I love you" part before Norway had been able to send it.

He sat down at the floor, sighing deeply. "Stupid Nor with his stupid boyfriend…"

Suddenly, he felt someone sit down next to him.

"No umbrella huh?" Iceland looked up at the intruder, to see that it was…

…he couldn't remember his name.

All he knew was that he was in Asia class and hangs around China, S. Korea and Taiwan a lot. He was going to add Japan, but then he remembered that Japan always ditched Asia class to come and hang with Europe class instead… especially with Italy and Germany. He had above shoulder length hair, and it was dark brown. His eyes were amber and he looked kind of… emotionless.

Norway immediately popped into Icelands head but then he looked into the boys eyes. They weren't dead and cold like the Norwegian's, but they were full of life and warmth, despite their stoic expression. Iceland soon found himself staring into the amber orbs when he suddenly realized what he was doing and felt a faint blush spread on his cheeks.

"Y-yeah…" he answered.

"It took you a long time to answer" the Asian boy remarked.

"It did? Oh, well… sorry" Iceland lamely countered.

"It's alright, I don't mind. I'm sorry, but I don't remember your name"

Iceland felt a little uncomfortable with him being so straight forward. But intrigued!

"I'm Iceland"

"Oh right. I remember. Europe class, mainly active in North Europe am I right?"

"Y-Yes, that's right… and you are?"

"Hong Kong. Don't worry about hurting my feelings by not recognizing my name, no one hardly does. Some people think I belong to China… or even worse England… but I don't anymore. I just live with China. He's my big brother after all."

"Oh… alright. Yeah, now I remember! You're the guy who always runs around placing bets when there's a fight going on" Iceland said, pointing a slim, pale finger at Hong Kong.

"Yup, that's me" Hong Kong said. Iceland smiled at him. "Nice to meet you then. I'm guessing you don't have an umbrella to?" Iceland asked, now keen on starting a conversation with the boy.

Because he had actually smiled at him. He, Iceland! And Iceland rarely smiled.

Or more like never smiled.

"Oh, I do" Hong Kong said, taking an umbrella that apparently he had had next to his leg all along. The umbrella was read with a panda bear pattern. "Panda bears?" Iceland giggled.

Hong Kong flashed a small smile at him. "I like panda bears…"

Iceland smiled. "Yeah they're cute. But not as cute as puffins though." Hong Kong raised a brow, which, when looking a bit closer, was kind of thick… "Puffins?"

"Yes, in fact I have one at home. Although he's just a pain in the ass, really".

They had both stood up now and were walking towards the door. It was still raining outside. "I guess I'm gonna be here for a while wont I?" Iceland sighed and leaned his head against the glass, looking at the drops that were running down, almost as if in a race. After a moment of silence, Hong Kong spoke up.

"Y'know, we could always walk home together."

"What, like sharing an umbrella? Together?" Iceland looked up at the Asian boy.

"Yes, why not?" Hong Kong boldly answered.

B-But that's what couples do… couple's in LOVE…! Iceland silently added in his head, while wondering if it maybe only was him that thought that way.

If so, how girly was he?

Iceland shrugged the embarrassing thought off, and looked shyly through his silver bangs. "Are you sure you wouldn't mind?"

"Nah, it's okay. I assure you" Then Hong Kong flashed another of those small smiles of his, and at this one Iceland actually felt something… tingling in his heart.

Oh god, had he actually used the word tingling?

"Alright let's go then!" Iceland exclaimed maybe one octave higher than normally. _

The next day of school it was, of course, still rain reason.

So when he quit for the day, it was raining.

And when he looked at the umbrella stand, only to see that it was empty again, he couldn't help but to think why aren't I surprised?

"Godammit Nor…" he sighed to himself. Then he felt something buzzing in his pocket. He flipped it open to see another text from Norway.

15: 07 P: M

Whattup bro! ("Denmark again I presume…")

It was raining today too so we took your umbrella. I bet you've already noticed it. Anyway, I figured you wouldn't mind seeing how much you enjoyed talking to that Asian kid yesterday. Yes, me and Denmark saw everything from the window. It was a heart warming sight, seeing you so giggly at the front porch of the door with a dude taller than you, it was like you had been on a fun date and he was about to drop you off.

Really cute Iceland. I lol'ed

When Iceland read this he couldn't help but to feel like a flaming tomato, as Spain always called Romano. "T-T-That Norwegian bastard…!"

"Is that what we looked like? Huh. Would've been interesting to see."

Iceland felt a hot breath against his neck and made a high-pitch noise that definitely couldn't have helped to defend his manliness. He made a hasty twirl to face the intruder. He wasn't very surprised when he saw who it was though.

"H-Hong Kong! Don't sneak up on me like that!" Hong Kong nodded. "Sorry."

Iceland crossed his arms and pouted. "Don't you know that it's rude to read others personal messages?"

The brunet shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, but that doesn't stop me from doing it."

"H-Hmmph, well aren't you a bad boy?" Iceland countered, pretty pleased with his comment. Let's see what he can say now hehe…

Hong Kong smirked. "If you want to view me like a 'bad boy', I have to say that it would be pretty hot. Plus, you shouldn't pout like that. It makes you look far too cute to be called a guy."


If Iceland had been in a carton, a flame thrower would have activated below him, causing his silver hair to fly up and his cheeks to burn.

"Sh-Sh-Shut up!" he exclaimed, raising hi fists to punch at Hong Kong.

But the guy just laughed at him! "Wha- Why are you laughing at me?"

"I-I'm sorry… it's just that I know Kung Fu… China has thought me… and well those punches… they're so cute!" Iceland immediately withdrew his hand.

Kung Fu… maybe he should stay to mouth-bashing him in the future.

"I'm not cute! Stop saying that!" Iceland felt his blush creep even higher, covering his ears as well.

"Yes you are. Your skin is so pale that I see every aspect of your blush, your eyes go really wide like a puppy and their violet colour matches with your blush, and that silver hair of yours has gotten pretty tousled."

"Oh, my hair is always tousled-"Iceland began, but stopped when he realized what Hong Kong just had said. He could see on how the way his eyes had widened and his cheeks getting a pinkish colour that Hong Kong as well felt that the way he had described Icelands whole appearance was a tad bit…


But in a strange way, sweet… Iceland heard his thoughts say.

After a moment of awkward silence Iceland spoke up.

"W-Well you see, my brother took my umbrella again… and I see that you have your panda umbrella ready, so uhm… I was wondering if you would want to escort me home again?"

Hong Kong almost died at the cuteness. He had never seen such a cute boy… and he rarely even looked at girls. Plus, he really liked that he used the word escort.

So friggin cute… Hong Kong heard his thoughts say.

Hong Kong smiled one of his rare smiles at him. "Sure."

That process continued on for a while.

It rained, Icelands umbrella was stolen, he got a stupid text from his brother and Denmark, Hong Kong showed up with a panda umbrella, they walked home together, talking about such useless subject that Iceland found it amusing. He hadn't met a person that made him laugh so much like Hong Kong, and he was pretty sure Hong Kong felt the same way.

One day when it was raining extra hard, Hong Kong had actually hooked arms with Iceland. "So you won't get wet" he said. Iceland had just stared at him for a little while, blushing like hell, while muttering a "Thank you."

Iceland found it harder to concentrate in school, and Hong Kong was always the reason. He always worried about if Hong Kong maybe quit school before him and went home on his own, or got bored of his company, and if it didn't rain, would he still be willing to walk home with him? Sure they could walk together even if the sun shone, but they wouldn't have the… closeness.

Iceland blushed crazily whenever he thought that, but he couldn't deny it. He enjoyed the closeness, the company, and he enjoyed Hong Kong.

And one day it hit him.

Was he falling for Hong Kong?

And just like that he started to avoid the stoic boy from Asia.

The stoic boy that actually smiled at Iceland.

He smiled at him so much, that Iceland wasn't sure he could consider him stoic anymore. Iceland always felt a pang in his heart when he thought that but… for some reason he couldn't help himself. His brain told him not to be with Hong Kong and he just listened. Just like that.

God, how he hated his own guts sometimes…

But one day it stopped, and it was Hong Kong who stopped it.

It was a normal day at school and Iceland was crossing a hall when he suddenly felt someone grab his wrist. Scared as shit, he twirled around screeching something in Icelandic, but immediately calmed down after looking into those amber orbs.

"H-Hong Kong, hi."

"Hi… listen, I'm gonna go all out so here it comes. Have you been avoiding me? " He looked at him with such an serious expression that Iceland wasn't sure if he should laugh or be scared.

"Noooo!" Yeees!

Hong Kong knotted his thick eyebrows. "You sure?"

Iceland nodded.

"Well then you won't mind going home together again?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. "O-Of course not! Hah! What do you think I am, some nervous, giddy school girl?"

Right after he had spilled the words he realized that it was too much. And Hong Kongs smirk just confirmed it.

"You may be a male, but you seem pretty giddy and nervous to be honest."

Iceland blushed a bit and huffed his cheeks.

"I do not… B-besides, I said nervous and giddy, not giddy and nervous!"

"What difference does it make?"

"I don't know! S-screw you!" Iceland exclaimed, making a dramatic pointing gesture.

Hong Kong chuckled evilly, swatting Icelands finger away. Then he looked Iceland straight in the eyes, leaning over so only a few inches separated their faces.

"You know, you really are cute Ice…" Hong Kong breathed huskily in his ear.


Oh crap. Oh crap crap crap, this is good. I-I mean bad, this is bad! Iceland heard his brain rant, shutting his eyes closed, feeling how his skin got hotter for every second. He almost anticipated the feeling of Hong Kongs lips somewhere on his face, but to his disappointment- r-relief dammit, relief! there was no contact.

He carefully opened his eyes, only to be staring into amber ones with mischievous glint in them.

"Aren't you the most fun to tease… oh and I quite like calling you Ice. It's a cool nickname, and I think it suits you" he explained, not a single trace of embarrassment in his voice what so ever (Damn, how does he do that? Iceland pondered). "Do you mind if I call you it?"

Iceland felt a bit taken aback at the weird question but answered with a small 'yes' nonetheless. Hong Kong smiled another of his rare smiles and walked away, saying that he would see him after school.

Iceland didn't know how long he stood there, just looking with a dreamy gaze at the hallway that Hong Kong previously had walked in. It wasn't until the bells rung he noticed how dorky and love struck he must have looked, and dashed to his next lesson.

What he didn't notice, as observant as he usually was, was that he had actually used the term love struck.

I don't own these characters, they belong to Hidekaz Himaruya (sadly…)

So, this is the first part of my very spontaneous two-shot I'm working on. At first I planned it as a one-shot but then I noticed that it got kinda long… heh. Which is cool to, cuz this pairing needs more love! :3 So the longer the fic, the better ;)

But yeah, you understand. My second fic here so please leave a review! That would be gggreeeat!