Authors Note: It's here and yes its much longer but I think this chapter is one of my most shittiest written ones yet .-.

Once again sorry for errors specially on grammar, my beta got in trouble and i just couldnt wait to post this

Shizuo's Pov

I hear the door click open, turning my head I see Shinra walk out.

"What did you tell him?" I question quickly, nervous of what he is going to say.

"You're going to have to ask him, I don't have the authority to tell you," he says professionally, adjusting his glasses to have them rest on the bridge of his nose. He nods, dismissing himself and walks down the hall, leaving me in front of Izaya's room.

I let out a heavy breath and I walk back into his room.

"Oh~? Well Shizu-chan! I didn't expect to see you...for a while."

"Shuttup flea," I glare at his face as I sit down in the chair, having another heavy breath escape my lips as I close my eyes. "So what's wrong with you flea? And don't give me that bullshit 'I don't know' you just had Shinra in here."

He doesn't speak right away; it was more like a few minutes until he spoke. "I have to get I'll be in a hospital for a while."

"'s that serious!" I shout out not even thinking. He chuckles and says 'yeah'. There's something about this situation that doesn't feel right. "You're not telling me everything."

He whips his head towards me and glares. "I told you I'll be hospitalized for a while! That's all you need to know!"

"Geez, you don't have to yell at me!"

His head falls back on the soft pillows as a sigh escapes him. "I'm just...stressed out by this. It's more complex that if I tell you, your simple mind wouldn't be able to handle it!" He chuckles at the last part, but his face tells me that the chuckle was forced as there was a frown on his face. "You should leave Shizu-chan."


"Hmm? Does Shizu-chan want to stay with me when I'm sick and weak?"

I grumble at the pet name I've had for so long. "And what if I want to stay by your side Izaya?"

Izaya's Pov

I honestly lost count of how many times this man has surprised me by his words. But it saddens me knowing that within a few days I'll have to leave the blonde behind in this beautiful city. In order to get through this, I need to push him away. I need to have him hate me again. To have him call out my name in a battle cry before he hurdles the heaviest object at my head.'ll hurt, I've gotten this far and I have to crush it, destroy it, and obliterate everything I've wanted towards this man for so long! I sigh, "don't say such silly things. You can't possibly mean that!~ If you stay close to me for too long, I'll just end up crushing you. So leave and don't come back," I say in a stern voice and points at the door. I look at his face, but not in the eyes. I see him tense up, but he stands and heads for the door, slamming it shut.

I was correct, a little more than a day later I am prepped for the long flight to America. Doctors will accompany me on my way, making sure I'll be ok while up in the air. I pick up several of my belongings, cell phone, laptop, etc. and gets ready to leave this place.

Before they wheeled me away, I write on a piece of paper, folded it so it could stand up on the bed.

As I am pushed through the door, I take one last glance at that paper.

'Good-bye Shizu-chan

Shizuo's Pov

After hearing what Izaya had said in his room and spending the last day and a half thinking about it, I ended up not caring if he hurt me. I mean I can handle it...right?

I fist my hair at over thinking this. What the hell am I even thinking! How the hell can I even like Izaya and not even mind dating him! I swear there is something mentally wrong with me. I...I need a smoke...and a talk with Celty would help.

About ten or so minutes later I hear the eerie cry from her bike as she pulls around the corner.

[What did you need to talk about?]

I take a drag from the cancer stick and exhale. "It's Izaya again."

[What did he do this time?]

"It's not so much of what he did but what he said." I take another inhale and continue. "You already know that apparently he likes me and shit. But the other day when he was hospitalized...we kinda...made out again." A light blush ghost across my face, saying what we did out loud is much different than saying it in your head. "But Shinra came in and talked to Izaya. When I walked back in...he basically told me to never see him again." I lean my chest against the cool steal railing, looking into the sunburst yellow city.

[Any idea what Shinra could have said to him?]

"I tried asking him, but he kept giving me shit like 'I don't have the authority' and crap." I say the repeated words in a nazely voice.

[Go to Izaya and go talk to him. It could be something serious for all we know.]

I take one last drag of the cigarette and steps on it. "Yeah...your right and when the hell did I ever listen to the damn flea anyways! Thanks Celty." I pat her on her shoulder and I start to walk to the hospital.

On the way there, I thought of what to say and then played it out in my head as well as I could.

Before I knew it, I was already in front of his door. I swallowed hard, grabbing the handle, I open it.

The room was empty.

A sheet of paper caught my eye; it was folded in a certain way so that it could stand up. Picking it up, I read it.

It felt like my heart had dropped to the floor. Did...did that mean that...Izaya is...dead?

I put the paper in my pocket and storm out of the room. Spotting a nurse I ask if she knew where Dr. Kishitani was.

I storm down to the lobby, finding him drinking coffee out of that ridiculous mug of his.

"Shinra!" I roar at him, causing the man to jump. "Where the fuck is Izaya!"

"Sorry Shizuo but I to-" he was cut short as I push him against a vending machine. I glare down into his eyes, anger swirled in mine, fear in his.

"Tell. Me. Now. Shinra." I say through clenched teeth.

"He-he's probably already boarding the plane!"


"He has to be America," he finally spits out.

My eyes go wide in shock and I step away from the man and I fall into a chair. "...For how long?"

"Um...several months...maybe," he shrugs.

My head hangs down. He's...leaving, just like that? No snarky remarks...just...a note...saying good-bye. My hands tangle themselves in my hair as I pull at it. "So he left just like that?"

"I thought he told you...especially after...well, that."

I shake my head, "no after you left, he told me to leave and I haven't seen him since." I sigh at this predicament. "Why didn't he tell me?" I question to myself.

"Here," I look up to see a cellphone in my face. "He'll answer it if it's my phone calling." When I call him, Shinra leaves, letting me talk in private.

After a few rings someone finally picks up. "What Shinra?"

I growl a bit into the phone, knowing that he'll hear it. "...Shizu-chan?"

"What the fuck Izaya! America! Why th- "Shizu-chan" fuck didn't you- "Shizu-chan!" tell me! I would hav- "Shizuo!"" I hear him shout and I stop talking.

A sigh comes from the other line and I could tell that he was pinching the bridge of his nose. "I didn't want to tell you ok? I knew exactly what was going to happen and truthfully I just didn't want to deal with it oryou. I'm stressed as it is and you being near me...isn't going to help." I hear his voice crack a little as it seems like it's getting harder for him to talk. "I...I can't have you see me like this anymore, Shizu-chan...I just can't!" I can hear him choke on his own words now. "I-it's just too painful." He whispers out and I hear a few quiet sobs escape his lips. "I...I might not make it back to Japan," I hear him swallow hard,"...alive...If that happens...I just want you to know that...ever since we meet back in high school...I've always loved you."

Then the line goes silent.

P.S. The part where Shizuo is yelling at Izaya through the phone and you randomly see Shizu-chan and what nots, thats just Izaya cutting in :)

CrimsonRosePrincess –Before I read all of your reviews, I was soo close to just say 'fuck this shit' and not even bother with it anymore. I had no motivation and I truly had no idea what the fuck I had even written anymore! But because of you…I got inspired and read what I wrote and started writing again! i cannot thank you enough! :D