Authors Note: Ok this is my first ff...ever so yea im sorry if it sucks and that they may be OOC D:


Izaya's POV

There was a light pitter-patter on the window of my apartment. It had been like this all day, dark, cloudy and promising rain, which finally came as I lay in my warm bed.

"Fuck this sucks! I hate being bed ridden with this god damn fever!" yes me; Orihara Izaya is able to get sick. Sounds funny huh? Well it is, but I'm still human so yea I can get sick, deal with it! But for god sacks! I've had this damn thing for the last week or so! I can't do anything except lay here rotting away as the clock ticks by.

I toss and turn, trying to get comfortable, which eventually fails. Giving up, I throw myself out of bed and head for the kitchen. Staring for five minutes at the contents of my fridge, I realize that I'm actually not hungry, but bored. 'Hmm…..lets see how my wonderful humans are doing since I've been gone'…..'Of course, no one is on when I'm in this state. Fine I see how you are.' Unsatisfied, I close my laptop and stare off into space contemplating.

With a heavy sigh, I leave my favorite swivel chair and head for a relaxing hot shower to loosen up these tense muscles.

Shizuo's POV

'Fuck! Just fucking great! I knew it was going to rain today but why the hell did I not bring a damn umbrella!' I curse at myself for my forgetfulness…which seems to happen a lot lately, not sure why though.

"Let's call it a day Shizuo. Were not going to get much done with this weather." My employer, Tom, says as we walk under a stores balcony for cover.

"Yeah," I sigh, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a deep inhale of its intoxicating taste, always sweet yet bitter, just the way I like it. "See ya tomorrow," I wave to him as I started walking home.

For some reason, I notice that damn flea hasn't been in Ikebukuro in a while, and for him, that's always bad. He's prolly up to no good, being him and all. It's been what two-three weeks since he showed his smug ass around here? Something's wrong. The flea wouldn't hide for this long unless something serious happened…..or he was scheming on destroying the city again with chaos!

"Fuckin louse!" I yell, getting a few odd stares by passer-byers. "Now I have to go to his fuckin apartment, beat the shit out of him and destroy the damn place!"

Clenching my fist and grinding my teeth in rage, I stomp over to the pleas place.

Izaya POV

Damn! A nice cool shower feels like heaven with this ragging fever. Lathering my hair with brand name shampoos, I can feel my muscles loosen, as I inhale the sweet scent coming from my hair. Only if I could stay like this forever…but if I did I would eventually run out of the warm water and causing me to get even sicker. The thought of that made me frown, putting damper on my already not-so-good day. With another heavy sigh (oh and did you ever hear the saying that every time you sigh, a part of your soul dies? Ha!) I turn off the showers water and grab a clean fluffy towel.

A thunderous knock pounds on my door, startling me to death. But what's worse is that I managed to slip on the wet tile, smashing the back of my head on the tubs ledge. The last thing I remember was hearing something crash to the floor in y living room before I'm incased in a black envelope.

The icy wind bit at my nose on this cold December day. Walking home from school, my mind flooded with events that happened today, as Shizu-chan walks next to me. Nothing extraordinary happened in the early day time, Shinra just babbled about his love for the headless woman-Celty- living with him. As usual Dotachin, Shizu-chan and I just tuned him out as we ate out bento boxes. It as odd and…..rare to see that Shizu-chan wasn't threatening, throwing or trying to smash my face in today. But it kind of feels…nice, it's relaxing to have it peaceful for once.

The day went on with a blur until the end of school. At my shoe locker, I found Shizu-chan sitting on the bench, twiddling his thumbs, and from here t seems like the blonde was in deep thought.

Entering the locks combination, I decide to encourage his presence. "My Shizu-chan, don't hurt yourself too much from thinking," I tease.

"Shut up louse, I-I just wanna ask ya something."

For a brief second I freeze not sure where he's going with this. He's always to damn unpredictable I can't stand it! "Ask away," I say, slipping my shoes off and the other ones on.

"Well um….could you help me study for the up coming exams?" he questioned, obviously nervous by the way he's scratching the back of his neck.

Hmm….this may actually turn out good! I could tease the shit out of him about his protozoan sized brain! "Fine, I'll help you." Shooting up with surprise, he kind of in his own way, thanked me.

And this is where we are now, walking to my house to help Shizu-chan study for the test. Walking side by side next to this brute is awkward for the both of us. But at last I can see my humble abode. "Well here we are," I point out, breaking the silence.

"Does green tea sound alright?" ha! I can't believe I just asked that to the person I can't stand! Scratch that, he's a monster with that strength of his.

Arriving back into my living room, I find the brute burning holes into that poor text book. Hmm…odd but for some reason his face is slightly flushed, a light pink color dusting his face actually looks kind of cute.

Completely ignoring what just popped in my head, I set the teas down in the coffee table. "So what is it that Shizu-chan protozoan brain can't comprehend?" I snicker.

Once I again I can tell he's nervous, he shifts uncomfortably, the pink reddens on his face. I can't exactly pin point why, but I couldn't keep my eyes off his face. Now staring, I never truly notice how attractive Shizuo is, quite possibly handsome too. His face chiseled nicely, those soft mocha eyes flashing his emotion to the world and those lips. They are slightly full, but soft, warm and tempting. When he finally notices that I'm staring, all he could muster was a 'what' before I leaned up and crashed our lips together.

At first, he was shocked by my sudden impulse, but shortly after he started kissing back. First nipping and biting my lower lip, then licking, silently asking for permission to enter. Which I gladly accept.

That first innocent kiss quickly evolved into a steamy, hungry yet passionate kiss. Tongues dancing together, sometimes fighting for dominance in our moist caverns. The only time we parted was to get a lungful of precious oxygen. Moving more comfortably on Shizu-chan lap, straddling him; moans escape my throat as he sucks expertly on my tongue, continuously nibbling on my lower lip.

Soon butterfly kisses are placed on my jaw line, the hollow of my ear and down my neck. A gasp mixed with a moan escapes me as I feel teeth sink into my skin at the junction of my neck and shoulder. "Nng...Shi-Shizu-chan!" I moan wantonly, arms draping around is strong neck. He continues his assault, biting, sucking and licking the abused patch of skin, sending shivers down my spine and heat straight to my groin. "Hng! Shizu-chaan~" Another moan deceives me. The kissed return to my lips with bruising force as a hand travels up my shirt, greedily exploring what's underneath.

"Ah…Ahh! Shizu-chan!" a tweak of my nipple renders my body into a quivering, moaning and gasping mess under his touch as I claw at his back side. Easing the shirt over my head, Shizuo immediately attacks on of my nipples with his mouth. Sucking, biting and licking the red bud, as I moan under his ministrations. He moves onto the other one, doing the same, as he tweaks and pinches the already abused nipple.

Laying my down, he trails the pad of his tongue along my torso and navel. I hid my face underneath my arms as I blush beat red. The sound of metal clinking together, snaps my head up, unsure of what's happening, before anything is clear, my cock hits the cool air causing me to hiss. "Mng," I moan extravagantly as callous hands start to pump my need erection. He moves agonizingly slow to a much faster pace, the going slow again, driving me crazy as he teases the slit of my head.

"Fuckin te-ASE!" hitching my breath as my hands claw at his blonde hair as he fully engulfs me. Going up and coming back down, his tongue swirling around my hard mass. With my hands in his threaded through his hair, I force him to stay down, fully swallowing me. Unknowingly, hi had reaches don, groping my balls. Throwing my head back in pure bliss, moaning uncontrollably, having shivers of ecstasy wrack my body.

"Nnng…ah…Shi-Shizu-chan," I breathed, "I'm gonna c-come!" with that on sentence moaned out, all of his ministrations abruptly stop. Opening my eyes, I see him towering over me, as I lay on the rug. His hands on my shoulders, anger, yet fear flicker in his eyes. Without warning, he starts to vigorously shake me, calling out my name. "Izaya…damn flea…..up…wake up damn it!"

My eyes slowly start to blink open as my body is being shaken wake with force. I hear words, but I can't fully decipher what the hell they are as my head snaps forwards and back. "God damn it flea! WAKE UP!"

This time my eyes snap open at that familiar voice. There he was, the fortissimo or Ikebukuro, Heiwajima Shizuo, shaking me in my own bathroom, with only a towel around my waist.

Upon seeing my eye open, he thankfully stops shaking the life out of me. "Izaya….are you alright?" why the fuck is he asking me this! "Yeah I'm alright after being shaken to death for who knows how long after hitting my head against the tub!" I snap back, obviously pissed at him for one shaking me, two for being in my house and three for even touching me! "S-sorry, but you look like shit," he retorts, removing his hands from my shoulders.

"Well what the hell do you expect? Ive been bed ridden for the last we with a goddamn fever!" I shout with venom, flailing my arms in the air.

"It's just that you're bleeding from the back of the head and well…"He pauses, face flushing in color and turning his head away.

Frustrated with him for not finishing the damn sentence I hiss through my teeth, "well what Shi-zu-chan?"

Taking a deep breath, turning back to face me, but not looking in my eyes (which pisses me off even more) he continues "well…um…..your hard." It took me a few seconds to realize what the hell he just said as my eyes drifted to my lower region….FUCK! How the fuck did this happen!...oh wait, it must have been from that damn dream! How could I not remember that until now! And of all people to find me unconscious on my bathroom, bleeding with a full ragging hard on! Why did it have to be Shizuo!

It felt like hours ticked by as the dead silence drowned on. I tried thinking of ways to get out of this mess, but my burning fever blocked all thoughts from my head. A sudden wave of nausea causing me to moan in pain as I place my forehead in my palm for support.

Upon hearing that, Shizuo's head snaps toward me. Removing my hand, he places his own on my forehead. At the gentle touch by the strongest man in Tokyo, possibly all of Japan, I almost nuzzle my head into his touch. But I am Orihara Izaya and there is no way in hell I'll ever succumb to doing such an act with the person I loath or with anyone else.

"Fuck flea! Your burning up!" he growls, removing his hand, and standing up. There's a warm yet rough hand glides over my back as another one snakes its way under my legs. The next thing is that it feels like im flying…or floating, through the air. As I slowly open my eyes, which I didn't even notice I had closed, I know now that I'm being carried in the arms of my enemy, bridal style. I'm taken out of the bathroom, crossing my room to the king sized bed. Bending down, he pulls the sheets away; he proceeds by placing me gently, yes gently, down in bed. Placing my head on the pillows, he pulls the sheets back up, removing the dampened towel at the right moment, causing me to slightly blush. With the sheets up to me head I let a little sigh of comfort in my familiar bed.

He leaves silently, not knowing if he'll come back, I let out the last of my breath that I didn't even notice I was holding. Seconds later I hear a cupboard door being slammed shut from the kitchen. A minute later, Shizu-chan returns to my bed side with a glass of water. I gladly take it, placing the edge to my lips and quickly drinking it. Hm…never noticed how thirsty I was.

"Now sleep," he demands, though it didn't sound that way, but I not, my mind and body already succumbing to sleep. The last thing I see with blurred eyes is Shizuo pulling a chair up to my bed as I drift away into sleep.

Yea sorry bout the whole POV switch. Thatll only happen in this chapter...i hope. But it help the story be less confusing of how and why Shizu-chan got to Izayas place. Also I'm currently looking for a beta, if you have any suggestions or volunteers I'd really appreciate it :D