Hello! This is my newest fic! Hope you like it! Yes, this was inspired by the song All We Are by Matt Nathanson, but I assure you this is NOT a songfic... I have pneumonia, so please excuse any mistakes and if it just sucks, I am too tired for it to be allowed. I know this chapter is sort of sudden. I already have the first chapter almost finished, so I promise it will be published sometime later today. I know I should get working on updating Wherever the Stars Are, but I honestly feel like sh*t. So, buon divertimento!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognze!

Characters will be AU

This is set sometime during the second season.

~A very sick Bandit

All We Are


Arty pulled her sunglasses over her bright blue eyes and pulled the scarf she was wearing tighter around her neck as the wind picked up. She turned to the white minivan that sat on the curb where she'd been dropped off. She smiled and waved.

"Thank you Mrs. Wilson!" she called and she began walking down the sidewalk as the car drove off. She came up to her to her best friend, Kennedy's house, and was tempted to go inside to visit her friend, who'd apparently stayed home from school sick. She took a step towards their front door when a loud boom reached her ears. She yelped and hit the ground, and turned towards where the explosion had come from. Her eyes met her own house, smoke pouring from it, flames licking where her bedroom was supposed to be. "No!"

She sprinted towards the house, anger washing through her as she wondered what happened. She stopped short and fell to her knees next to an unrecognizable body, though she seemed to recognize it. "No…" tears started to form in her eyes as she realized what happened. She looked down at the fleshy face, shaking her head, tears racking her body, "Not Ethan, no," she croaked, "No!" she started to sob, her head in her hands, "Not my brother, no," she picked up her cell phone as neighbors' faces peeked out windows and came out of front doors. Her hands shook as she tried to type in the numbers "911" but she had to restart a lot of times due to her using the wrong numbers. She felt someone's hand on her shoulder, and she looked up to see the surprised face of Ms. Clark, Kennedy's widowed mother.

"What happened, Abby?" she asked calmly, and Arty almost scowled at the use of the name, but she was too busy sobbing.

"I-I don't k-know," she managed through sobs. Ms. Clark helped her up, and led her to her house, which was the house next to Arty's.

"Come on dear, I'll call the police and maybe you can visit Kennedy?" Arty stood there and tried shaking her head, she didn't want to see anybody, not even her best friend, but she allowed herself to be led into the untouched house. "Yes, officer, a house has just been blown up. Petty Officer Douglas King daughter is the only who seemed to have survived. I don't think she was even in the house at the time. Yes, okay good, I have the poor girl with me."

A/N: How was it? Rushed? I know, sorry. Do you have any clue what happened? Please review! It makes me very happy! ;)

Have a great day!