The Little Things Give You Away
Chapter 1: Shadow of the Day
A slight shuffling sound, followed by some footsteps, woke Hiromi up from her already troubled sleep. Her eyes fluttered open, and when she'd adjusted to her surroundings, they landed –almost habitually—on the futon sprawled next to hers; it was empty, with the cover neatly folded atop it. Hiromi felt her heart go heavy, and immediately, she pulled off her covers and got quickly to her feet; following the sounds that had woken her up from her sleep. They took her over to the training room, where she saw Kai sitting on his knees, zipping up a bag.
Again, she felt something twitch in her heart. He didn't seem to have been noticing her presence; too lost in his own thoughts. Apprehension was clear on his face, along with some signs of exhaustion. He'd been looking like this ever since…..Hiromi immediately banished the thought mid-way, bringing herself to the present moment. She realized what was going on and she thanked God that she'd woken up just in time to, at least, be aware of it.
"Kai?" she whispered, looking at him through the dim lights entering through the half-open windows; it was only just dawn.
Kai looked up at her voice, seemingly surprised. Hiromi thought she saw some remorse in his eyes, before he had looked away, and she sighed to herself. She knew that this would eventually happen, she'd been dreading it all along; the moment of goodbye. She hadn't expected him to stay after all that had happened; she was surprised that he had for so long. Of course, in her opinion –or each of their other friends' opinion, for that matter – nothing that had happened made a difference. He was still Kai, one of the legends; their best friend. That part hadn't changed a bit; only the way Kai was seeing things had altered. He was affected way too much because of that fight with Brooklyn. It had been a month after BEGA's defeat and Dranzer still hadn't come back. Kai might have won the battle, but the consequences had gotten very dire; his loss was too much personal and he was literally dying on the inside with Dranzer gone. She'd been there for Kai when no-one else was, she'd been his life-long companion; his friend. How had he repaid her? By letting her get destroyed….
Hiromi, who had seen the guilt in Kai's eyes, had tried her best to convince him that it hadn't been his fault, and that Dranzer would come back soon. He'd refused to believe her; he'd refused to let her fall into the trap of hoping… Hiromi felt powerless; partly responsible. It seemed as if her friend was slowly dyeing each day, and Hiromi and the others were being forced to watch him lose all his will to live.
"You're leaving," Hiromi stated more than asked, pain dripping from her voice.
"Hiromi," Kai, when he noticed the dismay in the brunette's expression, looked up at her, "I'm –"
"It's okay," She cut his explanation off, walking over to sit next to him. "I'm not going to stop you."
Kai, when he heard those words, blinked at her in surprise. Then, he felt the remorse return…for sure, she must be tired of trying to help him. It's not like it was working….
"I don't resent you for it either," She continued with a smile, resting her hand on top of his, "If that's what you're thinking. I know that you can't live like this."
He didn't reply. It's not like he disagreed with her.
"Just promise me, that you won't hurt yourself." Hiromi forced out a low chuckle, "You've been getting really suicidal these days, and it's beginning to irk me. I'm worried about you, Kai."
Kai sighed. Typical Hiromi; always worried about him. This was the reason he hadn't wanted to go through with this conversation; the reason he'd wanted to leave without saying goodbye. He knew, what with her current protectiveness towards him, she wouldn't handle it well; it seemed as if he'd misunderstood her.
"I'm sorry, 'Romi." He hung his head low, speaking for the first time, "But I just can't…"
He trailed off painfully. Hiromi didn't have to see his face to know that he meant every single word. So she did what she thought she should do…she supported him.
"I understand," She squeezed his hand, as if his very decision wasn't killing her on the inside…she had to be strong; for Kai, if not herself. "I doubt that you intend on staying in contact?"
Kai nodded; she knew him too well. There was silence. Hiromi looked out the window, and Kai looked at her; trying to read her expression.
"What's the point of all of this?" She finally whispered, and for the first time that night, Kai finally saw that she'd given up struggling against the sadness she was feeling.
"I'm tired, 'Romi," He replied honestly, "Tired of everything. I've lost all my reasons; nothing matters anymore."
Kai sighed,
"I intend on getting away from everything connected to blading."He finished firmly, "It's hurt me in every way possible."
"That means leaving the bad," Hiromi stated understandingly, but then her expression changed, "And the good."
Oh, she'd changed sides, hadn't she? That made Kai angry; she was trying to convince him out of doing this.
"Everything that's connected, Hiromi," Kai said, his voice fiercer than he had intended. Hiromi blinked at the harshness of his tone. "I have to do this, I'm sorry but I have to leave."
He stood up, just after he'd finished his sentence and Hiromi did the same. He saw some hurt in her eyes, before it quickly resolved to nothingness as she spoke.
"You didn't intend on saying good bye," Hiromi stated nonchalantly.
"I was going to tell you in your sleep, so that—"
"So that I can't stop you?" she asked, cutting him off.
"Yes," he sighed, looking away from her eyes. "I wish I could stay."
"Bye, Kai," Was all Hiromi said, knowing that he hadn't meant his last few words. Wordlessly, he picked up his bag and heaved it over his shoulder.
"Thank you," Kai whispered, his voice cracking slightly, "For everything."
Hiromi didn't reply and that disturbed him; he didn't want to end things with her on a bad note, if he was never going to see her again.
Both of them walked towards the exit; the smell of the rain was in the air. Ka turned around and looked at Hiromi for what he believed to be the last time. So many things he had wanted her to know, but it'd be better this way…for the both of them; Hiromi wouldn't want someone so broken.
"Don't forget to remember me," Leave it to Hiromi, Kai thought, to smile through the pain.
"Never," Kai said under his breath, before he couldn't take it. He felt as if he was leaving a part of him behind but he didn't know what else to do. Dranzer was his safety blanket and with her gone, Kai didn't know how to handle everything. He felt as if in his craving for victory, he had over-looked Dranzer and that was why she got destroyed. And even if she was alive, as Hiromi had insisted her to be, then she wouldn't want to come back to a wielder so selfish, anyway. He felt bad for leaving everyone, especially Hiromi, but he knew he was no good for them anymore. He couldn't blade without Dranzer, so there was no point in staying. It's not as if his moping self was anything but a burden to them, especially Hiromi.
Keeping just that in mind, he walked over to his car, opened the door, threw his bag onto the passenger seat and got in. Without even another glance back, he started the car and drove off.
As Kai turned the corner, Hiromi wiped the tears from her eyes and decided to go back inside. She didn't resent Kai, she never could and she believed that it was right what he did. Not that she thought he was burdening anyone or anything but he really had been in a deplorable state ever since BEGA got over. He was alive, but yet he persisted in behaving as if he was dead. Hiromi had been spending all her time with him, trying to make him feel better, but nothing worked. He was getting worse every day. His sleeping had been troubled. He'd often wake up panting in the middle of the night and then find himself unable to go back to sleep again. If forgetting about everything, if running away from everything, if leaving was just what it took to make him better, then it was the best choice; no matter how much it would hurt everyone else. It wasn't about them, anymore….
The next morning did not go well. The others couldn't believe that Kai had left. They thought Hiromi was joking, when they realized that she wasn't, they eventually had to face the truth. In the next few days, the Bladebreakers barely spoke to each other. After the many times he'd gone disappearing on them, they thought they'd deal with it a little better now, but it was even worse this time. This time, he wasn't coming back; and The Blade Breakers weren't sure if they could deal with that
Hiromi was standing in front of Max's father's hobby shop. It was the first time after BEGA that she had visited here. Taking a deep breath, she sighed before entering. She half-expected to see Max, sitting at one of the stray chairs lying in the shop, and felt almost disappointed that she didn't. The bells hanging on top of the door rung, making Mr. Tate turn towards the source of the voice.
He gave Hiromi a bright smile, "Hello dear, it's been such long time! I haven't seen you since Max left!"
"Yeah, I know," Hiromi half smiled, "I have no clue of what I've been up to these last few months either."
"How's Tyson?" Mr. Tate had visibly tensed when he uttered the question.
"He's devastated, he's stopped taking," Hiromi sighed, "He's lost half of his friends…"
Mr. Tate nodded. He made a final twist to the blade he was fixing and handed it over to one of the two kids who were waiting patiently in front of the counter.
"Thanks, Mr. Tate," The boy said excitedly, "My Zeus is just as good as Brooklyn's." His face had a proud smirk.
"I still think Kai is better," The other boy argued.
"No way," The first one retorted, "Kai lost his first match to Brooklyn, and he only one the second one out of luck. See, he even quit Blading afterwards. I heard that he even lost Dranzer." The boy kept staring at his newly fixed Zeus blade, with a fake picture of the dark bit beast in the centre.
Mr. Tate saw Hiromi flinch at the boy's last sentence. "Hiromi," Mr. Tate started, looking at the two boys, "Don't you have anything to add to this conversation?"
He looked up and gave Hiromi an expectant smile. She bit her lip, and heaved a sigh, "No, sir, I don't,"
"OK, boys," Mr. Tat turned towards the kids, "run along now, and try not damage your blade so badly next time, otherwise I might not be able to fix it."
"Bye sir, bye lady…" The two boys chorused and ran out of the shop.
"It has been 2 months," Mr. Tate turned towards Hiromi once the door was shut, "have you heard anything from…?"
Mr. Tate, when he saw Hiromi's ghastly expression, found it better not to finish his sentence, "Never mind."
"Yeah," Hiromi breathed, her voice almost muted, "He had someone call at the dojo to inform that he had reached Russia alive, and to not worry since he intended on staying alive."
Mr. Tate just nodded, not knowing what to say.
"At least I know that he doesn't intend on hurting himself," Hiromi muttered, "Though he seemed pretty suicidal when he was here."
"I'm sure Mr. Dickenson informed you of the preliminaries," Mr. Tate started in an unsure tone, leaving the uncomfortable subject.
"I know, this year there will be no teams, only one person will win the accursed title," Hiromi's voice was tinged with bitter resentment.
"You're still not fond of the game are you?" Mr. Tate suppressed a chuckle. Hiromi just glared at the man.
"I'm sure you know that Kai wasn't very fond of Beyblading either," Mr. Tate smiled a knowing smile.
"And that relates to this situation, how?"
"Well dear, did you come here with the intentions of just saying 'hi' to me?"
Before Hiromi could answer, the two of them heard the tinkle of the bell and the sound of the door opening. A little girl entered the shop. She wanted to return a new Dranzer blade she had bought last week and get it replaced by a Zeus one. As soon as Hiromi heard her request she let out an audible groan, the murderous glint in her eye was evident to both Mr. Tate –who let out a chuckle, earning a glare in response–and the girl.
"Hey kid," Hiromi began impassively, "Why do you want to get your blade replaced?"
"Everyone says Zeus is the best blade there is," The girl said, her dark brown eyes beaming, "Brooklyn is the greatest blader ever, he even defeated the Bladebreakers. I don't think they are that good. I mean, they were at a time, but it's about time they retired. Their coach didn't even know how to blade. It was a miracle how they defeated BEGA. It's sad, actually, BEGA was doing a lot of good but I heard that the poor owner even ended up in jail." The girl finished, oblivious to whom she was taking too.
Poor Boris, indeed! Hiromi looked at her with skeptical eyes. If only you knew, how much all of us had to go through!
"Good for you, kid," Hiromi mumbled.
The girl, who seemed to be only a few years younger than Hiromi herself made her way to the door, she turned around. "You know something; I even heard that Brooklyn had the highest chance of winning the tournament this year."
"Thanks for the news," Hiromi said in a mordant voice.
"You're turning into Kai you know," said Mr. Tate, disapprovingly, as the young girl left the shop.
"Like I care," Hiromi retorted.
Mr. Tate decided to move on from the touchy topic. "Has Kenny been staying at…?"
Before he could finish his sentence, "Yeah, he is, he's been spending his entire time on his studies."
"I see," Mr. Tate affirmed, nonchalantly.
Hiromi sighed, "It's just me and Tyson, and since Tyson has isolated himself, so it's just me."
Mr. Tate just nodded, not knowing what to say. He too felt sorry for his son and his friends; they had sacrificed too much and had ended up with very little to account for it.
"When Kai showed up for BEGA," Hiromi started, "I thought that things would get better. I thought the team would get back together, that everything would go back to how it was before last year's tournament. But everything took a free fall for the worst."
Hiromi stopped and things remained silent for a while.
"Who are you going to get to teach you?" Mr. Tate asked out of the blue.
Hiromi went wide eyed. "How did you…?"
"I expected that you wouldn't stand for such affronts for your team." Max's dad smirked, "It surprised me that you didn't say something to those kids back there."
"I've always been all talk, this time I want to prove myself!" Hiromi said, some of her old determination back, "I know what everyone says about me, they look down upon me and, so, I intend on proving myself."
"You're going to learn yourself." Mr. Tate stated more than asked.
"I intended on learning after BEGA anyways," Hiromi recalled, smiling at a certain memory, "I didn't have any intentions of tournaments, just curiosity, though the intentions now are mostly revolving around the championships. I don't intend on asking anyone, the greatest bladers of history happen to be my best friends, but I can't ask them, so, I intend on learning myself."
"I doubt if your aspiration is the championship title?" Mr. Tate inquired, though it sounded more of a statement again.
"Please!" Hiromi snorted, crossing her arms across her chest, "my life –and my friends–are miserable because of that title."
"So," Mr. Tate smiled enthusiastically, "What kind of blade, what shaped launcher, I doubt you would want a Zeus blade."
Hiromi smirked, "I think after spending so much time with the guys I can build my blade. I just need the parts."
Mr. Tate nodded. He started looking through the boxes which were piled neatly against the wall behind the counter.
"I reckon that you don't intend on telling your team mates,"
"No," Hiromi denied, apathetically, "I don't think that they'd care what I plan on doing, anyways."
"Well, I doubt that,"
"I believe that you are mistaken then."
Mr. Tate packed all of Hiromi's parts in box and handed them to her. Hiromi smiled to herself, glancing at the package in her hands.
"I had thought of my first time of buying a blade, and first time practicing, to be quite different than this."
Hiromi got no reply, and when she spoke again, her voice reflected every ounce of pain she was feeling,
"I guess I have a lot of things to prove…" Hiromi trailed off; she was almost slumped on the chair she was sitting. "To myself; the team, the other teams, my friends, kids associated by blading… Kai…" She said the last name so softly that Mr. Tate barely caught it.
"I'm sure your friends would be proud…"
Hiromi snapped out of her thoughts, and gave out a forced chuckle, "Thanks again, Mr. Tate."
"Best of luck, dear,"
"I'll need more than luck to be as good as Kai and Tyson, and apparently Brooklyn."
"Oh, I don't know," Mr. Tate began casually, "Kai always regarded you as the kind of person who managed to accomplish whatever she tried. You managed to convince him not to quit, and did it by earning his trust, that sure is something. I'm sure in time you'll be better than Brooklyn if not Kai or Tyson…"
"I couldn't convince him not to switch…" Hiromi argued, "Or to not go overboard with Brooklyn, or not to quit blading. I couldn't even convince him not to leave, even though I knew that it'd break the team apart, if he did. I was right, turns out."
She drew in a deep breath. Mr. Tate didn't answer; he just looked at Hiromi with sympathy. This did not look like the intrepid and confident girl that his son was best friends with.
"Goodbye, then." Hiromi gave a small wave, and without another word, she walked out of the shop.
"Ugh," Hiromi groaned in frustration. This was the first time she had started training and she was doing miserably to say the least. Her launches were even more worse than the time when she'd tried to launch at the bus. And, to cover up for her mistakes, she'd decided to train during the dark hours; when no-one would recognize her.
Right now, it had been four hours. She hadn't been able to launch decently a single time. Once again, she wondered if she'd have done better with Kai around; after all, he'd agreed to help her, hadn't he? She smiled as she remembered a while before last year's championships; Kai had seen her trying to launch Dranzer.
It was after dark and all the Bladebreakers were inside the dojo watching videos of past tournaments. Hiromi had been sitting outside fixing the guys' blades as she waited for Kai to return; he'd been gone all day. When she was done, she began to watch the mesmerizing sunset; soon, it got dark, and Hiromi started to feel bored, just waiting around for her slate-haired friend. Her eyes, slowly, drifted to the blades resting beside her and she had this sudden desire to launch a blade. She'd always wanted to see why everyone was so addicted to it.
So, curious, she picked up Dranzer; Kai wasn't here so what was the harm? She moved to the back of the dojo, till she was out of the guys' view from the window. When she'd launched Dranzer, however, her excitement turned to bitter disappointment as the blade landed on the grassy ground, revolving for a few seconds before halting immediately.
She heard someone chuckle from behind her, as soon as she bent down to pick Dranzer from the floor, making her tense up; she knew that voice all-too well, though she had barely ever heard it. She bit her lips as she turned around, nervous; Kai wouldn't be happy.
"You know," Kai said, still smirking in amusement as he walked over to her, "you could have asked me to help you,"
Hiromi looked at him in astonishment. "You're not mad I used Dranzer?"
"No," Kai relied, nonchalantly.
Hiromi still looked nervous, Kai noticed this and smiled. "I won't tell the others."
"Thanks," Hiromi mumbled, fiddling with her fingers.
"The championships are going to start soon," Kai started in a thoughtful tone, "and they'll be over in a couple of months. How about, I help you train after they're over?"
Hiromi's eyes widened, she was expecting him to blow up on her, not for him to volunteer to help her.
"Really?"She asked, childishly and Kai just nodded, watching her eyes light up.
"C'mon, let's go inside," Kai smiled, "And can I have Dranzer back?"
Hiromi realized that Dranzer was still in her hand. She walked over to Kai and handed Dranzer to him.
"Sorry, for not asking you," Hiromi mumbled, as they walked back to the dojo.
"Just tell me that you're using her next time," Kai shrugged.
"Thanks Kai,"
She pecked him on the cheek, and ran off, leaving behind a wide eyed Kai, to stare at her advancing form.
Hiromi smiled at the memory and at the irony of it. Neither she, nor Kai could have ever imagined at that point, how much things would change when the championships would come around. Hiromi reluctantly faced up towards the sky, noticing it had started drizzling.
She wondered if someone was up there, who'd listen to her prayers. She had never felt so alone in her life; three of her best friends had fled from the country – with no intentions of returning– as if they were criminals. The two who were here had decided to stay in isolation. As for people whom she knew from class, they had begun to shrug her off ever since she had joined the Bladebreakers, out of jealousy, you can suppose. They were more than happy to see the girl they envied, in state of abandonment. This new found solitude was another reason for her to begin blading; she had no one to spend her time with. She felt desperate and helpless and was beginning to doubt having faith that things would get better.
The rain became more intense, the fog thicker. The thunder was roaring. She had never been fond of thunder, but she couldn't leave. Tyson and grandpa would be worried but she'd have to lie about where she was. It was wrong; she was old enough to know that hiding her training was something that would trouble the others, yet she was young enough not to care about it. She'd decided on telling them… eventually.
Picking up her blade from the muddy ground, she fixed it in her launcher and tried again; it stopped spinning a second after it had hit the ground. She yelled in frustration, before trying once more, only to fail again.
This continued till midnight; she launched and she failed. Doubt was beginning to cloud her mind, and she wondered insecurely if she'd ever be able to defeat Brooklyn, if she couldn't even launch her blade after so many hours of practice. The drizzle had turned into a violent storm, making her soak so much that her cloths clung to her figure. She felt scared, somewhat, as she realized that there was no-one in the park but her. Yet, stubborn as she was, she'd shrugged the fear off just like she kept ignoring her cell as it rung constantly in her pocket. Tyson was worried, and he kept calling her. She had texted Tyson, to let him know she was going to be late but the cell just kept buzzing after every few minutes anyway.
Launching her blade for what she decided would be the last time that night; she started to head over to the bench, where she had placed her stuff. She was shocked when she didn't hear the blade whirl to a stop after a few seconds.
"Finally!" Hiromi yelled at the top of her lungs, barely being able to control her joy. She kept jumping up and down in excitement; the blade was finally in her control! It spun for almost ten minutes and Hiromi even managed to make it do a few zigzag turns, before calling it ends for the night.
Hiromi, as she sat on the swing to rest a bit before going home, just looked at the blade in her hand; still grinning from ear to ear. The rain had now turned back into a drizzle and you could see the stars shining in the night sky. Hiromi finally felt happy after a long time and after about an hour of rest, she made her way back home.
For the next few months, Hiromi spend all her time after school, practicing. She trained in the park at night, and the daylight hours were spent training in the old warehouses where the saint shield's used to stay. She even did her school work there. Back when we were all together! Her mind had reminded her the first time she had entered the place.
As Hiromi begin spending more and more time practicing, Grandpa and Tyson started growing more and more worried. They both knew that Hiromi had taken the team's –especially Kai's– leaving very seriously, and they were worried that she might start indulging into activities she'd regret. She'd always been hot headed and they were really worried about her behavior. She was barely ever home. She came late at night and would leave early in the morning just after sun rise.
Tyson, as her behavior got more mysterious and sneaky, decided to talk to her one time. Needless to say, the talk turned into a very heated argument in a matter of a few minutes, both of the teens accusing each other for their actions.
"You are barely ever home!" Tyson snapped, when Hiromi had told him that wherever she was going, was none of his concerns. "I've talked to all of our classmates and you're not staying with any of them!"
"Tyson, you are not my mom!" Hiromi snapped back. "I can handle myself!"
"What have you been doing alone for the past 6 months anyways?" Tyson asked warily.
"Are you doubting me?" Hiromi said disbelievingly.
"Well, maybe," Tyson said tersely, "I am upset about everyone leaving too, but that doesn't mean I'm indulging in inapt activities."
Tyson had never been good at serious stuff, and confronting Hiromi was not something he was looking forward to. But he had been extremely worried about her off behavior lately. Hiromi, who knew his intentions, wanted to tell him what she was doing, yet, she was afraid he'd be all judgmental like he was just being. After what he had just said, she was convinced that he didn't even trust her.
"Fine, believe what you want,"
With that she ran out of the door, her training bag slung over her shoulders, she didn't even dare to look back; too furious at Tyson to do so.
The sound of her words had unexpectedly low, but yet they echoed in Tyson's ears as if she had bellowed them. It made him feel guilty and he realized, at that moment, just how much all of them had hurt her. He, and the others, had always done what they had thought to be important. They made decisions; told her everything, but never really asked. They didn't give her opinion much consideration and yet, she had always been there for everyone… He thought about the current situation; Kai left because he couldn't take it being in the Beyblading world without Dranzer, Ray and Max and Daichi didn't believe that the team would be complete without him and left, Kenny also isolated himself as he couldn't believe where they had ended up and he, Tyson, was mourning over the stage they had ended up in as well. Had any of them ever stopped to notice how all of this had affected her?
Tyson thought of going after Hiromi, but then decided against it. She probably wanted her privacy; he was sure that she'd come home eventually. But after a few hours had passed, with no sign of Hiromi, Tyson began to worry. Eventually, when he couldn't take it anymore, he decided to go look for her. He called around the town, asking if anyone had seen her. He even called Ms. Kincaid, Mr. Dickenson and Mr. Tate to ask if they had seen her. Mr. Dickenson enlightened him with the latest news of the tournament, which was going on for the past 2 months, which Brooklyn had just won his match of the quarter finals. Tyson had pretended to show fake interest at the news, though.
When nothing turned up, he ran over to Kenny's and updated him about Hiromi's recent behavior and the argument they'd just gotten into. He felt so guilty and worried that he had almost started hyperventilating. Kenny, though, remained silent al throughout the conversation. After he had heard Tyson's explanations, he gave him a blank look; Tyson responded with an intent one.
"What in God's name is wrong with you, Tyson?" Kenny bellowed so suddenly and so loudly, that dizzy –who was hibernating –woke up with a start.
"Jeez, chief!" Dizzy whined, "Can't a computer hibernate in peace, anymore?"
"Tyson, what is wrong with you?" Kenny asked again, "Seriously! We both have been traumatized ever since the other's left, doesn't Hiromi have a right to vent out her anger?"
"Well, she should inform us of where she is," Tyson began defending himself, "Me and grandpa have been worried about her. Well, look…Ugh!"
Tyson grumbled, before running back towards the exit of Kenny's small room.
"Just help me find her!"
After searching half the town for her, Tyson and Kenny, in utter defeat, finally thought of searching the old ware house. They doubted that Hiromi would be here, but it was the only place left that was, in any way, associated to the Blade Breakers. So, frantically, they entered the old wrecked up place and started searching instantly. What they saw though, as they entered the main room, made their jaws drop to the ground; Hiromi…beyblading.
Hiromi, when she heard some shuffling from behind her, called her blade back and turned around towards the source of the noise. She felt her heart stop for a second, when she saw Tyson and Kenny.
"Is that what you've been busy with, for all these months?" Tyson asked, his voice showing shock as they neared her.
"Yes," Hiromi mumbled sheepishly, uncertain about how the duo would react.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Kenny inquired.
"Well, I wanted to wait till I was good enough," Hiromi mumbled again, "You can't tell anyone!" The tone of her voice got loud, suddenly.
"Why not?" Kenny piped up.
"I don't want anyone to know," Hiromi added softly. "I'm not even sure why I'm doing this."
"We won't tell anyone, 'Romi," Tyson said in concerned voice.
"Thanks guys," Hiromi muttered, "I don't know why, but I want to learn, I feel like I'm back in the old times when I blading."
Kenny sighed, "Hiromi, I believe what you say, but you think you're tiring yourself out? Maybe you should take it easy…"
"I'm fine chief," Hiromi answered.
"Hiromi," Tyson who had been quite for a while spoke up. "Does this have anything to do with the tournament ads that have been playing on TV?'Bladebreakers have thrown in the towel, former BEGA blader Brooklyn is apparently too much for them to handle. We've all seen that in the Justice 5 tournament… It was obvious that Brooklyn had been too much for Tyson and Kai, the former champions. Let's see who'll win this year, ladies and gentleman!'"
"You've memorized the television ad?" Kenny raised his eye-brow.
"Yes," Tyson answered simply.
Kenny and Hiromi sweat dropped.
"What?" Tyson shrugged, "It was on TV so much, that it got fed in my mind. I still can't believe everyone thinks all of us backed out because we were scared. They didn't know how much we had lost due to that competition."
Silence was what followed Tyson's words; it was just getting unbearable, before Hiromi broke it completely.
"It does," Hiromi admitted, without looking either of the boys in the eye.
"What?" Tyson asked, baffled.
"Me, blading; part of me wanting to learn does revolve around all the criticism that has been going on since the team broke up." Hiromi sighed, "I guess I want to prove myself."
Tyson smiled, "You do what you think is right, 'Romi. Just don't be too hard on yourself. I'd volunteer to train you, but I know you'd like to do this yourself."
"Thank you, Tyson," Hiromi smiled sincerely before lunging herself at Tyson and hugging him.
"Aww, 'Romi, you're making me blush," Tyson joked.
"Now you two are going to leave," Hiromi said seriously, pulling away from Tyson, "and pretend that you never saw this, okay?"
Hiromi ordered them, an evil smirk on her lips.
Tyson hmphed, "Fine!"
"And try to socialize a bit, you two have been two cooped up lately."
"Oh, so now you're criticizing us?" Tyson chided.
"What, you're not the only one who can get worried, you know." Hiromi defended, "I was worried about the both of you, as well."
"Fine, 'Romi," Kenny smiled.
When the boys had left, Hiromi walked over to a corner and sat down. She felt like breaking down, and to control herself, she drew in a deep breath.
How did we end up like this?
She wondered if what she was doing would make a difference. So, what –her pessimistic side chided – if she did manage to win against Brooklyn? What then? Obviously, that wouldn't change the world's opinions; she couldn't' convince any of them out of all that had happened. She couldn't even convince her friends out of it. Defeating Brooklyn wouldn't get the team back together, if that was what she'd been hoping for.
And then –her insides retorted once more– how, in the world, would she defeat Brooklyn in the first place? Especially without a bit beast? Kai'd tried his best with Dranzer, and had almost died in the effort. She was sure she would end up being dead, though, and she wondered how Kenny and Tyson –maybe even Kai, seeing as how it had ruined his own life– would react to finding out that she was intending on taking Brooklyn.
Eventually, she decided that they didn't need to know….
Calling it quits for the day, she broke off mid-thought, and made her way out the ware-house, back towards the dojo.
"Let's wait for the fog to clear up, ladies and gentleman!" DJ Jazzman yelled into his microphone.
The crowd was quiet in anticipation and excitement.
"And the winner of the match and your new world champion is …" DJ Jazzman waited for a second. The fog had almost completely cleared off and he saw the blade which had stopped. "Brooklyn Masefield!"
The crowd broke into loud roars and Brooklyn could be seen smiling an arrogant smile. The moment the winner was announced, every member of team that used to be a part of the BBA when the Bladebreakers had been champions – that is back when the teams used to participate– switched of their televisions; except a certain ruby-eyed brunette.
Third year in a row, Hiromi growled to herself.
Brooklyn, each year, would grow even more cocky and obnoxious than the previous one. The victories were getting to his head and he never missed a chance to sneer on the Bladebreakers. In his opinion – and the rest of the worlds, as well –his loss against Kai, and draw against Tyson, had been merely flukes. But, in reality, the reason that The Bladebreakers and other teams weren't participating in the tournaments after BEGA, was that the other teams had seen the outcome; the consequences it had led the Bladebreaker's to. They'd gone through so much because of BEGA, that they didn't have the nerve to blade again. Dranzer had been destroyed, and that had killed a part of Kai that he just couldn't seem to bring back to life; without Kai, the team was incomplete. Ray, Max and Tyson had decided that they didn't really have the guts to face each other in the tournaments again; beyblading was supposed to be fun, and they'd decided to let the competitions go by completely. The world champions had broken up; and none of the other teams had wanted to end up like that, they valued their friendships with each other too much, and had–too– decided to stick to participating in the local tournaments only.
Hiromi, right then, decided internally that. Even though– after three years of training– Hiromi still didn't have a bit beast, she decided it didn't matter. Next year, she'd be facing off Brooklyn, and she was going to win, even if it meant that she'd have to face Brooklyn without a bit beast. He was going to pay…
She got off her bed and decided to go to the park to train again; eight months till the next preliminaries began.
"Why am I here again?" Tyson asked, his voice dripping with drowsiness. He was leaning against the wall of the dojo basement, barely able to stand up.
Hiromi launched her blade and gave a slight laugh.
"'Cause Ray told you to come, and convince me to rest." She finished with a smirk.
She was tired, and there was sweat covering her face; it was 4 o' clock in the morning and even though it was a school night, she still had no intentions of going to sleep. She chuckled to herself; she used to find this so annoying, the preference blading had over studies. How hypocritical of her, to do the same!
But then, times had changed. She frowned at the memories as they burned in the back of her mind. If she wanted to attain her goal, she thought fiercely, there was no room for slacking off, no matter how tired she was.
Though, Hiromi had to admit, she felt annoyed at Ray for interrupting her. He had been here to attend some culinary classes. He, and all the others, had –in the end –found out about Hiromi beyblading… though none of them, except Kenny and Tyson of course, knew why.
"Why am I here, fighting a losing battle, again?" Tyson asked; he was almost slumped on the ground. He and Tyson had learnt a long time ago that trying to stop Hiromi from training like a maniac was futile, but Ray didn't know that yet.
"You were too sleepy to actually acknowledge what Ray had asked you to do," Hiromi replied monotonously.
Why couldn't they understand that she had to do what she had to do? Why couldn't they just leave her alone, anyway? Kai always did what he had to do, and he always got away with it. Why not her?
Tyson mumbled something incoherent and Hiromi sighed in response. Dropping her launcher on the floor, she walked over to Tyson and put an arm around his neck before tugging him up the stairs, bemused to his mumblings. When she'd dragged him all the way back to his room, she went back to the basement –which had now become her official training room– and continued all that she thought she had to do.
In her tiredness, she'd fallen asleep right on the bench while training in the park. Tomorrow, she thought, just before darkness enveloped her, was the day it would all start. Tonight had been her last night to train and tomorrow was the day that she'd been desperately waiting for, for months; the preliminaries.
Restless as she'd been in her consciousness, she kept twitching equally as edgily in her sleep as well; muttering incoherent words. The last thing she remembered, before she'd found herself woken up and out of breath, was yelling out Dranzer's name. She propped up, startled. A glance at her wrist watch showed her that it was 2:30 am and frantically, she'd grabbed her stuff before stood up.
She felt tired; not only from the training, but also from all the restless nights she'd been spending. Sine last week, she'd been dreaming of Kai's battle with Brooklyn and it confused her, somewhat. She didn't know what to make of it. Was it a warning for her? Her sub-consciousness telling her that she could end up even a worse mess than Kai, if she participated? Or was it a sign that something was wrong with Kai? Surely, she began to wonder, he couldn't have tried….
Hiromi shuddered at the thought. She hadn't seen Kai in years, and she missed him everyday still. She found herself worrying about him often. Of course, she and Tyson both called at his house, though never to talk to Kai himself; he refused to come to the phone. They kept tabs on him. He hadn't done anything he shouldn't…yet, but that didn't stop them for worrying about him. He was traumatized and devastated when he left, so much that he'd isolated himself. He had no-one to turn to and if he had turned down Hiromi – the only person he always vented out to when he was upset– then they weren't sure if he was ever going to be okay.
The scenes from her dream kept playing in her mind; the time Kai almost collapsed to the floor when he was walking from the dish… and the time when she found him lying motionless in the corridor which led out of the stadium.
Brooklyn's words echoed in her mind, cutting her off from her thoughts; they angered her.
Utterly defenseless like a little child!
Her head was in her hands. She felt unsure of everything, despite the fact that she'd been at it for years. She decided to head back to the dojo for a few hours of sleep before the preliminaries began, in the afternoon.
She went directly to her room, upon reaching the dojo and plumped down on the bed. The anxiety she was feeling began to build up in her throat, till it felt like she was chocking; she shrugged it away. Her mind, though, kept tracing her back to her dreams and she mentally noted to make call at Kai's house soon.
Finally, when she drifted off into unconsciousness, she was at a little bit rest. Though, she kept mumbling in her sleep for Brooklyn to stop, and for Kai to come back; she felt her panic go away.
Hiromi had easily whisked her way through the preliminaries and all the other matches. After all those years of getting influence from the best, and the hard work she'd put herself through while training, she had gotten amazing. So much so that even without a bit beast, she had no match.
The next day, was her final match with Brooklyn. She hadn't told anyone that she'd been participating, except Kenny and Tyson, so she wondered to herself what their reaction would've been once they'd seen the skimpy, little cheerleader of some ex-champions, battle her way to the finals. She knew that everyone still watched blading, though, they never participated. It made her feel more insecure, somewhat angry. For the girl who always cheered everyone on when they bladed, no-one was there cheering for her.
Tyson, unbeknownst to his ruby-eyed friend, had different ideas, though. He knew that no-one had showed up to cheer her on, on her battles, because they thought Hiromi would feel a little less nervous without them watching her from the bleachers. They were all desperate for her to win, hoping that it would knock some sense into the world that was licking Brooklyn's feet. So, the next day, on her final match, Tyson had convinced everyone to fly over to Japan; he had decided that he was going to support Hiromi on such an important match, and so was everyone else. They had all been unsure about it, but scared as they were for Hiromi's safety, had decided to agree. Brooklyn could be deadly when he wanted to be. His innocence face and sweet way of talking had, had everyone convinced that he never tried to kill Tyson or Kai, but Tyson knew what the reality was; and he felt somewhat anxious for Hiromi.
Tyson, who had managed to persuade everyone into flying overseas for the match, hadn't talked to a certain friend of his; Kai. They hadn't talked for over three years, and Tyson knew that his calling now wouldn't change that. Yet, this time, he had decided to try a different approach. Kai, if not anyone else, was to be needed here the most. Tyson was sure that his best-friend hadn't yet known that Hiromi would be facing Brooklyn tomorrow, having cutting his ties with beyblading for good; otherwise, Tyson knew that Kai'd wouldn't fail at talking her out of this suicide attempt. Not that he himself hadn't tried, but Hiromi had shrugged him off for some reason. Kai would've succeeded.
So, that night, he decided that even though it was much too late to talk Hiromi out of this, she could really use some support from the ex-captain of his. He knew that Kai could handle situations regarding her, for some strange reason, much better than the others. And that's why, right now, he was waiting impatiently for Kai's butler to pick the phone up… Just as soon as he did, Tyson began his façade.
"Sir, I need to talk to Kai," Tyson almost yelled, his voice showing utmost urgency. Before the butler on the other side could respond, "I really need to talk to Kai; I'm Tyson, a friend of his from Japan. Please tell him that Hiromi's in trouble."
"I'm sorry, sir," The butler replied calmly. He then thought over what the young man on the other line had said. "What name did you say, boy?"
Bingo! Tyson thought. Kai's over-protectiveness towards Hiromi made him want to chuckle; still the same, he thought. He knew that Kai must have told his butlers not to ignore emergency calls regarding her.
"Hiromi, sir," Tyson said, his voice calm, despite his amusement.
The butler made him hold for a while, as he told Kai that there was a call from a certain Tyson regarding a certain Miss. Hiromi who was apparently in trouble. Kai, at first, barely listened to him – deeply engrossed in the book he was reading – but when he heard the words 'Hiromi' and 'trouble', his head snapped up so fast, that he almost got a whiplash.
Worried, he went over to the phone and answered calmly, "What's wrong, Tyson?"
Tyson had never been more happy to hear anyone's voice before. The voice of the pizza delivery guy saying, 'Your pizza's here!' was definitely topped by listening to his best friend's voice after 3 years. So, when he was over the line, Tyson launched into full-detail; Hiromi wanting to blade, her training for three years, the reasons behind her actions and most importantly, her match against Brooklyn. After every sentence, though, he thought that Kai began to sound indifferent; his stomach twisted in response to Kai's barely-interested answers.
"I thought I'd let you know." Tyson finished with uncertainty, "She's not listening to us; maybe you could…."
He wasn't expecting this behavior. What with all their history together, he'd thought Kai would be so worried about her that he would take the next plane back to Japan. From over the other end of the phone, Tyson heard a sigh.
"Hiromi is old enough to handle herself," Kai stated flatly, "There's no need for me to do anything, here. I told you Tyson, I don't want to remain in contact with anyone related to my past."
The apathy in Kai's voice made Tyson's blood run cold with anger; he wanted to hurt him right back, for just saying that.
"I thought you cared for Hiromi more than this," Tyson snapped, his hand already on the phone; ready to hang up. "I thought you cared for her enough to not let her repeat the same mistakes you made."
"Do what you think is best, Kai."
Before Kai could respond, Tyson had already canceled the call. Anger boiled up inside of him; this behavior from Kai was totally unexpected. Kai and Hiromi had always had a special friendship. Kai's care for Hiromi was evident through his eyes. He knew that Kai had decided to cut all of his prior ties, but he hadn't imagined him to act as if he Hiromi well-being wasn't even his concern.
His rage subsided, turning into disappointment. He sighed before leaning into the couch he was sitting at. His eyes turned towards a picture frame lying just next to him; it had a photo of the Bladebreakers, after they won the 2nd world championships, placed in it. He gave a melancholic smile as he looked at it. Never, at that time, had he expected that things would end up like this that all their friendships would cease. Remorsefully, his eyes traced every single one of his friends' faces, stopping over at the farthest side; almost in the background. Hiromi's arm was linked with Kai's, pulling him into the picture; a small smile was apparent on his young features.
Time, Tyson thought with penitence, did change things. It seemed to have made Kai even more heartless than Tyson had thought he was capable of. More cold, more distant, more careless, more depressed, more…callous.
Hiromi took a deep breath to calm her self down.
This is it! She thought determinedly, even though that was the last thing she felt. It seemed as if she was rooted to a spot where she was leaning on, and couldn't move. It was ironic that –all her life –she had been considered as a hindrance to the beyblading world, and now that so many people looked up to her, she resented each one of them. Just the other day, a little boy had asked her for her autograph; she resented even him. She knew the reason why…
All through her time-span with the blade-breakers, she'd wanted people to look up at her for what she did; coaching the team. She was someone who'd always support everybody from the sidelines, cheering them on and encouraging them…she was always there. She recalled Kai telling her that she was the one who'd kept them together always. She wasn't a beyblader. This wasn't her. The reason people looked up at her now because they thought of her as one of the best, but she wanted them to do so for what she actually was; not what she was pretending to be.
Part of her knew that it was wrong for her to feel this way, but a bigger part of her knew that it was completely rational. She wanted people to recognize her efforts; this was one of the minor reasons of her wanting to take part in the tournament. The recognition and appreciation for what she was not though– by so many people– didn't even scarcely compare to the small appreciation she used to get from her friends when she was their coach.
As she made her way along the familiar path towards the bey-stadium—where she could hear the crowd going wild already– she shuddered involuntarily at the memory of her last visit with the Bladebreakers here. She remembered feeling as if her life was being drained out of her when she'd entered the hallway to see Kai's broken form sprawled on the floor; his Dranzer MS blade ruptured into tiny pieces that were beyond repair, and Dranzer's broken bit chip lying just next to it.
She began to worry about the outcome of the match, just thinking about what had been left of Kai after Brooklyn was done with him. If she made it out alive, she thought, whether as a winner or a loser, she'd never take part in any tournament ever again. After all, she'd have proven what she'd set out to do; Hiromi Tatibana could beyblade. Somehow, though, she wondered why she didn't feel that it was enough; her proving that she could blade. Obviously, she recollected her thoughts; she wanted to win against Brooklyn. She wanted to defeat him as a revenge for destroying hers and her friends' lives, for his vanity and his belief that he was the best. If she wouldn't be able to win this match, she was sure she'd feel disgraced; not by everyone else, but by her own self.
Hiromi unwillingly closed her eyes against the bright lights of the stadium when she entered it; it was a contrast to the completely dark hallway. When she'd adjusted, though, her crimson orbs ran over the crowd and she spotted –almost knowingly– all of her old friends sitting at the bleachers. She'd never been the one to wave to the crowd, or be too ostentatious about her entrances –never having been under the spotlight before– so she just smiled at them, acknowledging their presence. Even though she doubted that it would happen, she almost searched around for Kai somewhere. She knew that he wouldn't be here, but that didn't stop her from hoping that he just might show up. Disappointment engulfed her as she realized that he hadn't.
She pursed her lips. One of her many reasons for doing what she was doing had been him; Kai. She knew that Kai didn't care about the fact that she didn't beyblade, but it still had never left the back of her mind. She wanted to rid herself of the complex that she was not good enough to be his friend, just because she didn't blade. Though, she thought acidly, he didn't plan on staying friends with her, anyway, now had he? Apparently, he had even forgotten to remember her like she'd asked him to do…He would be here for her if he'd kept that promise.
She guessed that she was probably wrong in thinking that things would never change between them. Her insecurities, at that point, had gotten so strong that she felt almost angry at Kai. She felt as if he was partly the one to blame for the way things had turned out now. Wasn't he…?
Hiromi had to remind herself the state Kai was in, to keep herself from blaming him. She knew that Kai, internally, was still a wreck. He hadn't gotten over his loss; he'd have talked to them if he had. There was no reason to be angry at someone like that, she didn't want herself to be…
The person who was responsible for putting him in such a state was Brooklyn. She wanted revenge for what he had done to Kai… He had broken her friend and he was going to pay for it.
As she walked up to the dish, she heard the crowd cheering deafeningly on her but what made her smile was the sight of Tyson grinning at her, before giving her a thumbs-up. Every other team that she'd met back when the Bladebreakers were champs, surrounded Tyson all around, smiling at her encouragingly as they did. That gave her some strength, made her more determined and she felt gratitude towards Tyson for yet another act of friendship that he'd succeeded at.
She turned away from them, hesitantly, to look at Brooklyn; he was lying on the stand, just like he'd been when Kai had come across the very hallways she'd just exited. He got up and walked to the dish, a smirk plastered across his face.
"So, it's the Bladebreakers' cheerleader," Brooklyn leered maliciously, "that I'm defending my title against? Might as well hand me the trophy right now!"
Hiromi didn't reply; just glared at him in response. She reminded herself that seeing Brooklyn go down was exactly what everyone had been hoping for, for the past four years. She reminded herself of the pain she felt when she saw that everyone was giving up on that belief. Images of Kai's determination passed through her mind; he'd been battered and bruised, barely able to stand, but he had continued to fight Brooklyn. So much he'd gone through…she recalled the time when they'd found Kai's limp figure in the hallway, she remembered the pain and frenzy in his eyes when he'd wake up in the middle of the night after every nightmare as if the it was her own. She remembered feeling helpless….The memories were painful, but they gave her strength. She wanted to keep remembering….
I've got to muster every emotion I've got; it's my only chance to win! She reminded herself of Kai's words.
Once more, his memories ricocheted in her mind, giving her the determination she wanted them to give. She knew she could do this. Her friends had believed in her before she even knew how to launch a blade; Kai had believed in her.
"Do you actually think that you can win" Brooklyn disturbed her thoughts, sneering still, "when your best friend couldn't defeat me?"
Hiromi felt some of her anger return, and through the corner of her eyes, she saw Tyson stand up in protest to Brooklyn's words. Though, Brooklyn didn't seem to be noticing anything unusual.
"When your little boyfriend almost died," Brooklyn watched her hide a wince at his words, "the last time he battled me? I heard that he even lost his precious Dranzer."
"Don't bring my friends into this, Brooklyn!" Hiromi practically snarled, finally snapping. Her hands balled up into right fists out of her rage.
"Sure," Brooklyn raised his hands, making a shrugging gesture, "we'll settle this in the bey-stadium. I hope you've learned to, at least, launch a beyblade properly; I've seen your pathetic, amateur of an imitation of Kai's already-horrendous launch…"
Hiromi wanted to lunge herself at Brooklyn and beat the crap out of him right there and then, but she calmed herself by thinking that it would be much more satisfying to beat him in the dish.
When the battle started, things started to look bad for Hiromi almost instantly. Two hours into the battle, and Brooklyn was completely fine; he didn't even have a single scratch on him. Hiromi, however, was badly injured and bruised. Her clothes were torn and her body was cut and bleeding from some parts. Brooklyn was not holding Zeus back, and the dark bit beast's power was over-powering hers…She kept swaying on her feet.
This is not just a game! She chided to herself, before closing her eyes in pain. Once again, she kept all of her memories in her mind; each and every moment with the Bladebreakers, that was now history. The only person to blame was standing just in front of her….It gave her the energy. She felt her emotions surging through her.
She opened her eyes just in time to see her blade dodge another attack from Brooklyn; he seemed a little bit annoyed.
"You're better than I expected," Brooklyn sneered, "Though, still not up to my level!"
With that, his blade crashed unexpectedly into hers and the whole crowd cheered as loudly as before; they hadn't witnessed such an exciting battle since BEGA. This was all a game to them, but Hiromi's friends wanted to put an end to this battle at once. They were extremely worried about her safety and were almost on the edge of their seats in fear and anticipation. However, as much as they wanted to, they couldn't stop this battle from raging…
"Then you underestimate me," Hiromi finally said, trying hard to make her voice loud enough to be audible; it made her throat burn as she uttered every syllable.
Brooklyn smashed his blade into hers in response, and the forceful moment made her somewhat dizzy again. She started to feel lightheaded, as if she would lose consciousness any second. Her vision was getting more blurred by the minute and she was panting, as if exhausted.
Hang on! Hiromi muttered in her mind as she felt herself being engulfed by darkness as Brooklyn launched what he hoped would be his final attack.
Kai shot up in bed, all covered in sweat and panting hard. He could feel his heart beat as he tried to think over the dream he'd just had. He felt fear, but for the first time, in many years, it was not for his own self. He knew what was going on and what will happen if it didn't stop, and that was what scared him. She was going to end up like him….even worse. He didn't know what to do.
Glancing at the TV screen, Kai saw Brooklyn giving his signature smirk, as smoke covered the entire beydish. Kai's eyes widened, as he heard AJ Topper's comment.
"Things look bad for Hiromi, people," he shouted in a tense voice, "She might not make it through this battle."
Your friends all plead for you to stay, sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way... and the sun will set for you... hmm... and the sun will set for you... hmm...and the shadow of the day will embrace the world in grey and the sun will set for you...
Oh, the fic is over! Hehe... Trust me as much as I love that song no one wants to hear me actually sing it, I have a singing voice which is just as bad as Ming Ming's. No offence to anyone who likes her.
Well, I hoped everyone liked it. I worked really hard on it. This is not going to be a multi chaptered story. I am so not going to start another one of those, I already have to finish those two which are currently running. This is going to be a two shot. I'll hopefully put up the next chapter in maximum a week. I want to put it up sooner, but I haven't written a single word except the two ending paragraphs.
Thank you to Dead-by-n0w, like always for beta reading the chapter. She fixed a lot of crappy stuff I had added and made the sentences make sense. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own 'Beyblade', if I did, I wouldn't have killed my fingers typing this 10,000 word chapter. I would have a staff working for me which would be hanging on my every word and then would be publishing into manga editions. I don't own Linkin Park either who's song 'The Little Things Give You Away' this entire fic has been inspired by, and also named after, and who's song 'Shadow of the Day' this chapter has been inspired by and named after.
Thank you to everyone who reviewed my one shot 'An Angel's watching Over Me', Dead-by-n0w, tyhiltwilover, Honeygirl (I'm glad you liked it.), kira lovegood, angelchild001 and cOOlzanimeaDDict.
Thank you to Dead-by-n0w, tyhiltwilover, Honeygirl (I'm glad you liked it.), Aquila Tempestas, angelchild001 and cOOlzanimeaDDict for reviewing my other one shot, 'Never Doubt my Love'.
Well, people, I hope you liked this. Please review, it'd mean a lot... ^^
16th July 2011, 11:00 p.m.