Chapter 1

It has been quite a few months since the last surfing competition on Pen Gu Island. Still, birds enjoy surfing and hanging out at the beach. But many of the inhabitants have agreed to visit one of the world's most tropical countries: Brazil.

Upon view of a camera screen, an excited penguin explains how he feels about the future trip. "This is amazing, man! Brazil is like, my home place. It's an honor for surfing legends here to take a tour!" "I think this tour is going to be pretty amazing." A Rock hopper penguin gladly explains. "You can learn even more about surfing and famous surfers from around the world if you visit different places." He smiles.

"HOLD IT!" A large, muscular penguin arrives in front of the camera. "I demand a rematch from that idiot chicken!" The area begin to crowd around him. "...Tank?" Questioned the annoyed rock hopper penguin. "Why exactly are you here?" "Shut up! Why do you think I'm here, numskull?" Tank shot back. "I'm going to prove to you losers who REALLY deserves a trophy. The chicken just had beginner's luck." He scoffed. "Whoa, chill out, dude!" A rather laid back chicken, possibly of who he mentioned, tries to break up the argument, resulting in a shove from Tank. "Hey! Leave him alone!" The rock hopper penguin shouted. "Make me, chump." Tank appeared rather overconfident. The rock hopper penguin attempts to fight him, but he is held back by a few other penguins.

The argument was soon interrupted by an otter with short hair. "This is great! Former champion Tank Evans, against the current winner Chicken Joey, in a grand rematch!" "Hey, what are YOU doing here?" A brown shorebird walks to him. "Go away, you're fired!" The otter angrily cried. "Hey, knock it off, Reggie." A tall penguin, with feathers on his head resembling dreadlocks, approaches the situation. Reggie looks at him. "Oh look, it's Big Z! Alright everyone, will Chicken Jeremy take the second win to this rematch or will-"

"But, what about our vacation to Brazil?" The bird behind the camera asked, sounding worried. "Enough!" Tank hollered. "This rematch doesn't have to be here. If I'm gonna be a winner in the other land, I'll take the challenge!" The crowd appears very surprised of this event. "Well, this is it! Let's hope we all pack our bags and head to Brazil, for this spectacular event!" Reggie enthusiastically announced.

"Give me a break..." The shorebird groaned due to their return.