AN: Little bit of Elena drabble set in an imaginary future... fingers crossed!


What is it about Damon that's so appealing to her, she is asked, far too often. What she realises is that they can't really understand. Nobody but Stefan could really understand… but he is too focused on his jealousy to realise why in the end she chose his brother.

The most extraordinary thing about Damon, what only she and Stefan could possibly understand, was the way he prioritised. He prioritised the people he loved. No matter what, if she needed him, he would be there. There was nothing more important to him than she was. He didn't fritter his time away on meaningless acquaintances, or waste energy and their time together doing 'what was right'. Damon wasn't about the 'right' thing. He was about love. Everything else was less than secondary.

Elena was his love, and Stefan was his brother, and nobody else was really all that important. This was why he had saved both of their lives countless times, why he was so fearless when either of them was under threat, why he was always there when they needed him. He really was always there. Even at the ridiculous founders court ball when she was still in high school; he was there. She had needed someone, not because her life was at risk, or because anything particularly important was happening, but because she had needed not to face a mansion full of judgemental snobs on her own. And then there he was.

There he always was to be exactly what she needed.

In the end, when people asked her what it was about Damon that had made her give up "such a great guy", she told them simply, that she was selfish.

Damon got that about her. He even loved it.