Title: Disruption

Pairings: Albus/Scorpius

Summary: Normal is boring.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Never will be. Belong to J.K Rowling and always will.

Rating: PG

Author's Notes: Written for albuscorpius100 on livejournal.

The first time he held Scorpius' hand, Al knew what it would cause. Murmurs, whispers and rumours surrounded them from that moment onwards. They were bucking the norm. A Potter and a Malfoy were friends. A Potter and a Malfoy were very close friends.

However, such actions were mere ripples compared to the torrent that gushed forth when they shared their first public kiss. Granted, Al thought afterwards, his dad's fancy, Auror filled birthday party may not have been the best place to snog Scor, but Merlin it had been boring and his boyfriend looked beyond edible in dress robes.