AN: Okay, I love writing vampire stories, but I am trying to not do that... but I really want to write a Shizaya vampire fanfic. I have ever since I found a picture of Shizuo as a vampire about to bite Izaya. -sets it as my picture- I just wasn't sure who I would want to be the vampire, but if you think about it... Izaya does actually seem like he would be one because he is fast, kind of has pale skin and the red eyes. But, then that would make him seme, and I prefer Izaya as an uke. So our beloved Shizu-chan is the vampire here.

And I just thought of the House of Night series. (I have the first six books) And they have celebrities who are vampires. So, the Heiwajima family is a family of vampires.

Enjoy! ^^


Izaya Orihara always found humans interesting. He acted as if he were not one himself. But he was very much human himself. But, he found one more interesting above all the rest. Why was Shizuo Heiwajima so interesting?

He had his suspicions about the blond. Maybe he was so interesting because he wasn't human. That would explain his super human strength. Whatever the case, he would keep watching him. Until he got his answer. After all, this was his hobby. Human Observation.

Just like any other day he was going to mess with the blond. Provoke him. Make him snap. Make him throw a vending machine or a street sign at him with the ex bartender hoping to decapitate him. And like normal, the raven haired would dodge and run.

It was night time, and the streets were abnormally empty. Almost like Ikebukuro had become a ghost town. Izaya almost felt uncomfortable. Maybe he had seen too many horror movies, because if he had learned anything from them it was to not be out in the dark alone. Whether the moon was full or not, it just wasn't the smartest thing to do. Something always happened.

Izaya half expected someone wear a black cloak and the Scream mask to come around the corner and slash him to death.

He shook the idea out of his head and kept walking. His job as an information broker had been leaving with no sleep at night, so he was forced to sleep during the say. Izaya hated it. He liked being up during the day so he could watch and observe his precious humans. The only time he was up, no one was around to be watched.

Except him.

He had just woken up, so he was too tired to notice any thing watching him. He didn't notice until the other person literally had him pinned against his body. Izaya tried to fight the person, get him away so he could run, but this person had such incredible strength that it was useless.

One arm was holding on to his torso and another gripped his dark hair and jerked his head to the side. He felt the cold breath of his captor crash against the thin skin of his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

"L-Let me go!" Izaya cried, trying once against to break free from the strong arms. "I'll give you my money, just let me go!"

The person whispered against his ear. "That's not what I want from you." This voice. This voice was all too familiar to him. "Now just shut up, flea. And let me finish."


There was only one person in the world who called him by the name. Izaya finally felt truly, genuinely scared for his life. Ever since he had been introduced to Shizuo, Shizuo had wished for nothing but for Izaya to be sent to his death bed. Now, it was finally happening. The day Izaya Orihara would die.

Izaya felt a sharp pain in his neck and yelled out in pain and agony. Shizuo clamped his hand over Izaya's mouth, preventing him from calling out. The informant felt tears fall down from his eyes. He didn't want to die. Not yet anyway. But there was nothing he could do. Izaya was a dead man.


Izaya screamed and sat bolt up right in his bed, sweat falling from his face. He had waken from the same reoccurring dream for the past week. He wiped the sweat from his face and got up from his bed and walked into the bathroom. He turned on the facet then held his hands together like a bowl and splash water into his face.

Was it a good thing to have the same dream night after night? Replaying the exact same way every single time?

He needed to talk to a doctor about this. Izaya decided to go pay a visit to his old friend Shinra. Hopefully he would have the answer to his problem.

One could only hope.


AN: There you go the first chapter. I really hope you guys enjoyed it. The chapters will not be super long, probably about as long as this one. That or a little longer.

Please review! ^^