Hey! Soooooo, after watching this TV series, I quickly fell in love with it! And I have read some of the stories here about it, so I decided to make my own. Please enjoy and tell me if you like it, and if I should continue. Reviews are most desired.

Disclaimer: I don't own Nine Lives of Chloe King. So sad :'(

Chapter 1

The sounds of an alarm blaring began. Beep! Beep! Beep! It kept continuing as a pretty 16 year old girl began to stir in her sleep. She frowned as she heard the disruption of her slumber, and began to open her eyes. She heard her door open, and her mother shaking her gently to wake up. "It's time for school Chloe. Time to get up," her mother said before leaving.

She groaned before finally getting out of bed. After getting ready, she slowly went down stairs to grab some breakfast. When she tried to look for her favorite cereal, Coco Puffs, she saw the clock and realized she was going to be late. "Shoot," she breathed under breath. "Bye mom! Love you!" She exclaimed while leaving the house.

She vaguely heard an "implied," but was too focused on getting to school on time. Thanks to her awesome mai speed, she was able to get to school with 15 minutes to spare. She headed to her locker to go get her books. At her locker while she was focused on calming her breathing, she didn't notice a presence behind her.

"Out of breath are we?" A gorgeous (which he totally he is (= ) guy said with a slight British accent.

Chloe jumped before she spun around. "Are you ever going to stop sneaking up on me, and just appear like a normal person?" she questioned.

Alek smirked before leaning his head down at her. His mischievous hazel eyes staring intently into her blue ones. "Now where is the fun in that? And wouldn't I have to be human to do that? God knows I'm not human."

She rolled her eyes. "You don't have to be human. I just said normal. And geez you are such a close talker," she said closing her locker.

He smirked at her again. "Like I said before, it's just you who's told me this. We have training again tonight. Jasmine and I will pick you up at work," he said before leaving her to head off to class.

"Great," she mumbled under her breath. She went off to class herself, and spent the rest of the school day bored. Finally when school ended, she spotted Amy at her locker. "Hey," she said as she walked over.

"Hey! Are you heading off to work now?" Amy asked as she took some books out of her locker. Chloe nodded. "Cool, I'll give you a lift. I'm in a dying need of some coffee."

"Great, as if you aren't energetic enough," Chloe responded teasingly. Before Amy could say anything, Chloe felt her phone vibrate. She saw she had a text…from Valentina.

"Who's it from? Brian?" Amy asked curiously, trying to see through Chloe's shoulder.

"No, it's from Valentina," Chloe said. Her voice filled with confusion wondering what the text said.

"Well, answer it already!" Amy said impatient to know why the Mai leader texted her best friend since they were two.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh, relax already," Chloe said as she opened the text.

Chloe come over here to the apartment after school ASAP. It's important. Don't say anything to Jasmine or Alek though.


"So, you going to go?" Amy asked as she read the text.

"I have no choice, but I wonder what she wants to say," Chloe said. "Looks like I'm going to-" she was interrupted as Amy elbowed her in the side. Chloe gave her a confused and irritated look, but Amy just glanced at Alek and Jasmine, who were walking this way to them.

"You're going to what Chloe King?" He smiled teasingly at her.

"Hey," Jasmine said to them.

Chloe smiled back at Jasmine before narrowing her eyes at Alek. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that eavesdropping is bad?"

He laughed. "Oh Chloe, it's not my fault when I can hear what others are saying. So what are going to do?"

She remembered what Valentina said and decided to lie. "Oh, nothing. Amy and I were just going to a bakery for some sweets before heading off to work."

Jasmine nodded in acknowledgment. "Okay. Alek and I will pick you up later then, but right now my mom wants us to run some errands for her. So other mai are watching you for today."

Chloe nodded as Amy and her shared a look. Alek peered at her and said, "Don't get yourself into trouble." He said it so seriously and intensely that Chloe just nodded her head feebly. As dazed by his seriousness, but also by his scent that wrapped around her like a rope. It was minty, but mixed with vanilla in it. But not in a girly way. It was intoxicating.

"Well, we got to go. You know before Lana gets mad at Chloe again. So bye," Amy said as she looped her arm through Chloe's and headed off to her car.

Chloe shook her head, trying to escape Alek's scent. She got into Amy's car, and they were off. "So, I guess I'm not dropping you off at work then huh?" Amy said as soon as they were out earshot.

"Yeah. Just drop me off to their apartment building. By the way, where's Paul?"

"He's sick today. So what do you think she wants?" Amy asked as she turned the corner nearing Alek and Jasmine's apartment building.

Chloe frowned. "I have no idea, but I hope it's nothing too bad," she said as she got out the car.

"Hopefully. Call me later. I want details," Amy said. Chloe nodded and waved at Amy goodbye. She entered the apartment building, and began to use the elevator to head up to the 18th floor. She waited in the elevator listening to the catchy waiting music wondering what Valentina wanted to tell her. She heard the elevator ding, which gave her the cue to leave. She searched for their apartment address and took a deep breath before lightly knocking on the door.

Okay! I'm going to stop there. Sorry if it's a little boring. It's necessary, but it'll get better. Hehe! So like it? Love it? Hate it? Please leave reviews. I would love to hear what you think to see if I should continue this.