This may be the first of an ongoing Fanfiction involving mostly Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Severus Potter and perhaps a few other second generation kids too… but I don't know if there will be more so for now it's just a sweet oneshot.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry or his children. XD
Please read the following notes before reading this story!
The story presumes the idea that Scorpius and Albus met before becoming Hogwart's students. It also presumed that while on the Hogwart's Express, James and maybe a few others were bad-talking Slytherin while Scorpius and Albus were both present, probably similar to the conversation Lily Evans and Severus Snape had with James Potter I and Sirius Black when THEY were on the train on the way to their sorting.
Another note: on Harry Potter Wiki it says that McGonagall would not be Headmistress while the second generation attends Hogwarts, having retired shortly beforehand but because I like the idea of McGonagall and I don't really know who I would replace her with in this story, McGonagall it stays.
Year 1 - First Day of School
"Everyone to their house dormitories," Headmistress McGonagall's voice rang throughout the Great Hall. "First Years, be sure to keep close to your house prefects so as to not get lost on your very first night!"
"Gryffindor first years, follow me!" A tall, strict-looking and familiar witch called over Albus Severus' head. He caught her eye and his cousin, Molly Weasley, smiled kindly back at him before gesturing for the other brand new Hogwarts Gryffindors to follow her out of the Great Hall in an "orderly fashion."
While trying to keep up with another of his cousins, Rose Weasley, as well as the other first years in his group, Albus heard another voice boom from just behind him.
"Slytherin first years, this way!"
He spun around just in time to catch the eye of the one person he'd hoped to catch the eye of; Scorpius Malfoy, a first year, like himself, but newly announced Slytherin. He couldn't help feel a little bit down about not being placed in the same house as the only friend he'd made who wasn't a member of his family, but it was clear from the depressed expression on Scorpius' face who was more upset about this arrangement.
All of the sudden there was a great commotion at the foot of the stairs that led up to the dormitories. It seemed Portia Finksy had lost track of her pygmy puff and was desperately trying to find it amongst the crowded hallway. It had caused a rather large mess and soon all the first years were being crushed together which, as it so happened, was perfect for young Scorpius and Albus.
Just as the commotion in the hallway finally attracted the attention of Peeves, Scorpius noticed a small closet off to the side, grabbed a hold of Albus' arm, dragged him unwittingly into said closet, and shut the door.
"Scorpius!" Albus said nervously as Scorpius pulled a switch and turned the light on inside the messy closet. He was not very sure about the idea of breaking the rules on his very first day. "We're going to get in trouble! They said we had to stick close, don't you remember? What if they leave us behind, we'll never find our-"
"So I guess that's it then?" Scorpius cut him off, staring fiercely.
"W- what's it?" Albus asked, clearly not understanding something.
"We can't be friends anymore," Scorpius hissed, clearly upset, "because I'm in- I'm in Slytherin! I didn't really want to be, you know, but the Sorting Hat said-"
"There's nothing wrong with being in Slytherin," Albus said ardently. "Why would that mean we couldn't be friends?"
Scorpius bit his lip then closed his eyes and yelled,
"Because you're in Gryffindor! And you heard what everyone was saying on the train about Slytherins and Gryffindors! They aren't supposed to get along! Everyone thinks Slytherins are horrible…"
"Slytherins can't possibly be horrible," Albus said as though it were obvious.
"Why not?" Scorpius replied with a frustrated quiver in his voice.
"Because you're in Slytherin, Scorpius," Albus said with a bright smile glowing on his face.
Scorpius stared at him in astonishment for a moment then sniffed and rubbed his eyes so not to show how worried he really was about being put in Slytherin house, then he looked up and smiled. Albus smiled back and added excitedly,
"Besides, did you know one of the best Headmasters Hogwarts has ever seen was a Slytherin? And my dad says he was really brave and cool too. I'm named after him, actually!"
Scorpius sniffed again and frowned in confusion.
"You're named after Phineas Nigellus Black?"
"What?" Albus asked. "Who? No, Severus Snape! My middle name is Severus."
"Oh," Scorpius said with a nod. "That makes more sense. Phineas Nigellus Black wasn't a very good Headmaster from what I've read about him. But… now that you mention it, wasn't Severus Snape only Headmaster for a really short time? What was so great about him?"
Albus shrugged. "I dunno, but I trust what my Dad says about him. He wouldn't have named me after him if he weren't a really amazing person though. How do you know so much about Hogwarts Headmasters though?"
"I've read Hogwarts, A History, the new edition which includes the Battle of Hogwarts that happened here about 19 years ago, at least three times already since I got it. I had to beg my Dad to buy it for me since he didn't think it was-"
All of the sudden the door of the closet the two boys were inside sprung open. Albus and Scorpius stared up at Headmistress McGonagall with expressions of frozen horror on their faces as she glanced between the two of them.
"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Potter, would either of you like to explain what is going on in here?"
The two boys turned to each other nervously.
"Er…" They replied in unison.
Headmistress McGonagall arched an eyebrow down at them and sighed.
"Mr. Malfoy, if you run along down that hallway you may still have time to catch up to the rest of your class. Mr. Potter, the same for you up the stairs. Hurry along now, and I had better not find the two of you in any more closets when you are supposed to be with your class again."
The two boys gave each other charming smiles as they ran clumsily in the directions she had pointed them.
Perhaps it was something about the sight of a Gryffindor and a Slytherin actually behaving friendly with one another, but she found herself being rather less strict than usual. She hadn't even taken off any points. She hoped that perhaps the two boys she had just found would be the beginning of new relationships between Gryffindor House and Slytherin. Truth be told, it was about time something was done about their silly rivalry.
As she strolled along the hallways of the school, Minerva McGongall had the strangest premonition. If she believed at all in predicting the future she would have thought harder upon this fleeting feeling. As it were, she just shook her head and continued on towards her office.
She had absolutely no idea as of yet how many times she would find Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy together in the many closets, cupboards, and storage rooms present inside Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
And that's that. If I do continue this with more chapters, be warned; they probably won't have much of a plot. Also, this WILL be Scorpius/Albus slash, in case you were wondering, but that would come later anyhow.
Review? You know you want to! XD