

Sakura's P.O.V.:

I quietly hopped out of his truck, quietly shutting the door behind me, and tiptoed to the wall near my bedroom window. Just as I raised my foot to the slight ledge so I could climb back into the house through my window, I heard his window roll down.

"Am I gonna see you this Friday?" he whispered lowly. Maybe he was just as afraid of getting caught as I was.

I didn't even open my mouth; I grinned and nodded before propping my foot on the ledge and propelling myself upwards. I was halfway up when I heard Kiba's car pull away. Hefting myself over my windowsill, I opened it slowly and hadn't even gotten both of my feet inside before my bedroom light was flicked on and I came face-to-face with my mother.

And if you knew their family, you knew there was nothing pretty about Mitsuri Yamada when she was angry. Then again, her name was Mitsuri Kealo now.

"It's four-o-clock in the morning Sakura," she said calmly, but the anger under her tone was obvious. "Where have you been?"

I knew I was screwed, so I figured I might as well fess up.

"With some friends..."

Okay, I didn't exactly confess… but I didn't lie either; that's got to count for something, right?

I watched her eyebrow twitch in annoyance before she stood and opened my bedroom door. "Get to bed; and this time, you better stay there." She said sternly, watching me shut and lock the window. "We'll talk about your punishment later, understand?"

"… Whatever." I sighed and locked my bedroom door behind her. At that point, two things were clear:

One, she was going to him to discuss my 'punishment'. And two, I was in deep shit.

'Great,' I groaned and plopped down onto my bed. 'Now how am I gonna sneak out again Friday?'

Sasuke's P.O.V.:

I felt my stomach clench in anticipation as I made my way to the study in one of our many homes spread throughout the United States. My parents, or more accurately, my father, summoned me.

I knew what this was about… somewhat.

I met my father's gaze and didn't even have a chance to greet them before he started right off the bat.

"Sasuke," he began sternly. "We need to have your decision on the move back to Japan; do you wish to return, or stay here, in America."

'Still as blunt as ever, I see.' I almost snorted at his approach. It was so typical.

"I would like to stay here, father."

Almost immediately, my mother interjected. "But, Sasu-chan," I cringed at her silly nickname for me. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"

At my nod, she smiled sadly and rushed forward to pull me into a hug. "My baby's growing up so fast!" she cried, rocking me from side to side. "I'm going to miss my little boy!"

"Mikoto, please," my father tried verbally restraining her. "He's a grown man now, nearly 18-years-old. That little boy has been gone for a while now."

The crying, dark haired woman sniffled and the embrace loosened. "I know, I know." I gave her a small, rare smile as encouragement when she backed away.

"Now, Sasuke, there are some… conditions, if you are to stay here without us."

"Aa." 'It's not like I haven't been home alone before.'

"You'll be moving to Hawaii, where you'll be staying with some family friends."

"I don't see why that's necessary, father. It's not as if you've never left me here alone while you went out of the country on business." I countered. I really didn't want to have any roommates.

"Yes, but we'll be living in Japan now and we'll only return here when we have company conferences-which, as you know, is not very frequent."

'Damn it! I'm nearly 18, what's the point of moving me over there; I'll just leave again once I'm a legal adult… then again, it's Hawaii. A little time there won't kill me…'

"But is living with people I don't know any better than being alone?" I questioned, there was no way I was giving up without a fight. "Maybe I could arrange for one of my friends to move here with me, that way I wouldn't be alone at all."

His friends annoyed him sometimes, but he could put up with them if it meant he would be allowed to stay at their compound in California. He would just have to choose a less annoying one like Jugo.

"Those hooligans you acquaint yourself with will not be allowed within these walls!" Fugaku shouted.

"Sasuke," Mikoto cut in, trying to prevent any arguments. "You remember our dear friends Hishima and Mitsuri Haruno; the ones who we used to spend the holidays with?" When I just continued to stare blankly at her, my mother sighed. "They had two daughters: Sakura and Hinata?"

I could vaguely remember those names, and that they had had some family issues that ended with them moving away from Japan.

"The ones that moved away?" I offered.

Her dark eyes sparked. "Yes, yes! Their daughter Sakura had the biggest crush on you; she was simply adorable!" she gushed excitedly. "She had the most gorgeous jade green eyes and pink hair!"

'Pink… hair?' I could barely remember a girl, only a few months younger than me, always pleading for me to play with her or for my attention. 'Oh, that annoying girl…'

I hadn't even realized that I'd said it out loud until my mother swatted my arm in a scolding manner.

"Sasuke Uchiha, that girl was the sweetest little thing!"

"Mikoto, enough." We both turned to gaze at my father expectantly. "You will move in with Mitsuri and her new husband in three days, so I suggest you get your things organized and have the maids pack."

I turned away to do just that when his voice stopped me again.

"And Sasuke," he waited until I turned to face him. "You will be nothing but grateful to the Kealos when you arrive."

He didn't even wait for my confirmation; he just turned back to his stock market book, curtly dismissing me without the use of words.

'Damn,' I shook my head at the thought of living in the same home as that annoying girl. 'The last thing I need is another fucking fan girl.'