Sequel to Feminine Charm. Kaname and Zero are a happy couple… but they are looking for something to bind them together forever. Kaname has the perfect plan he's put into action and can only hope Zero agrees with the outcome.

Here's the sequel to Feminine Charm. It's also probably going to be 10 chapters-ish, maybe a few less depending… we'll see. Yes this is a short chapter…. but the lemon next chappy will make up for it! And a quick note: I'm not sure what relationship I had Kaname and Yuki in but now it's just ike in the manga. they're brother and sister and engaged. Enjoy!

Baby Charm

Chapter 1: Business

Kaname rolled over in bed and cuddled closer to his boyfriend. He had been with Zero for over a year and he was finally ready to put his plan into action. He hadn't dared to say a thing to Zero since he knew the Hunter wouldn't agree to it. But Kaname was sure Zero would agree with the out come.

Lilac eyes fluttered open. Kaname moved closer to Zero and kissed the sleep warmed skin. "When do you have to leave?" Zero asked sleepily.

"Not for a while. I still have to get ready."

"Do you really have to go away for a whole week?"

"Yes I'm sorry. I'd take you but I'd hate to keep you from class for a whole week."

Zero pouted. "Then I'll have to wait to feed."

"Take tablets if you can't make it." Kaname licked at Zero's neck.

"You're so mean." Zero continued to pout.

"I'll make it up to you when I get back." Kaname smirked.

"How?" Zero wrapped his arms around Kaname's neck and pulled him close.

"Like this." Kaname's hand snaked down Zero's naked body and gripped Zero's member. The Hunter let out a mewl of pleasure as his boyfriend went down on him. Zero's hands threaded in brown locks as he did his best not to buck and gag Kaname.

A sharp knock came at the door. "Kaname! Stop fooling around or you'll be late!" Yuki shouted through the door.

Kaname loosed a growl as he sat up. "Shove off Yuki!"

Zero flushed. "You should… get going."

"Not yet." Kaname smiled.

"I don't want Yuki barging in here."

Kaname huffed and sat up. "Fine. But when I get back I won't let you out of bed for at least a day."

"I'll be looking forward to it." Zero smiled as Kaname got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower.

Zero knew that he'd have to get up soon too. After all he still had classes today, even though he'd rather skip classes and go with Kaname. Zero rolled over and looked at the ceiling and sigh. Even though Kaname said he loved him at least once a day there was still something inside the silverette that was terribly insecure. He wanted something that would tie him to Kaname forever because there was still the fact that he was a D and Kaname was a Pureblood. And as a Pureblood Zero knew that Kaname should be marrying Yuki and having Pureblood babies. So what would happen in a few years when Kaname had to have children? Zero wasn't sure how he'd stand up to watching Kaname with Yuki… having children. His eyes pricked with tears.

He got out of bed and pulled on yesterdays clothes. He poked his head into the bathroom. "I'm heading to my dorm. Have a safe trip. I love you Kaname."

"Wait a second." Kaname stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked over and caught Zero in a wet kiss. "I'll miss you Zero." Kaname kissed him again. "I love you."

Zero blushed again as he turned to leave. Damn girl hormones must still be in me! I don't blush! Zero thought as he wandered out of the Moon Dorms.

He knew the week would go by fast but he was still going to miss Kaname like crazy. Sighing in the chill morning air Zero's mind briefly drifted back to when he had been a girl. Sometimes he'd still entertain ideas of changing fully into a girl and staying like that so he could have Kaname's children and keep the Pureblood all to himself but he was sure Kaname wouldn't agree to it.

Sometimes Zero felt so helpless when it came to his relationship with Kaname. He felt like the weaker link. After all Kaname was the leader of the Purebloods. Shaking his head Zero tried to focus on his daiy routine of getting ready for class.

When Yuki was sure Zero was gone she went into her brothers room. "Onii-sama."

"Yuki, sometimes I really wish you could keep to yourself. Why couldn't you have just given me another few minutes with Zero?"

"Because you would be late."

"So. I really could care less."

"Well you can't stay mad at me. Now where are the tablets?"

"On my desk. Make sure Zero takes them while I'm gone." Kaname came out of his closet with his duffel bag slung over a shoulder.

"Alright. You really should okay this with Zero before you,"

"Shut up Yuki. You know he'd never agree." Kaname seethed.

"And what if he doesn't want to be tied to you forever?"

"Then maybe he should have thought about that before we bonded."

"Feelings can change."

"Don't lecture me Yuki."

"And Pureblood children will always take their mother's side."

"Yuki! Shut. Up." Kaname was irritated with his sister. He knew what she was hinting at but he would not indulge her. He loved his sister but he would not marry her and have her bare his children. If it wasn't Zero then he simply didn't want anyone.

"Fine. Fine. Have a good week Ni-san." Yuki kissed Kaname's cheek before leaving.

Zero attended classes like the good student he was. He did his best to keep his mind off of Kaname but everyday as the Night Class went to class the absence of Kaname struck Zero like a physical blow.

He was starting to get anxious two days before Kaname was due to arrive. He had talked with his boyfriend every night before going to sleep but talking couldn't feed him. And Zero was starting to get hungry. He wouldn't be able to last two more days without possibly hurting someone.

"Zero seriously I can feel your hunger through the bond." Kaname said that night. "Please can you take a few tablets to tide you over till I get back?"

"Kaname… " Zero whined. "I hate those things. Why couldn't I have just tagged along with you?"

"Not this again. Please just let it be. Take tablets."

"Fine but if I get sick I'm skipping class till you get back." Zero said a bit angry.

"Alright." Kaname couldn't help but smile. Yuki had informed him that she had switched out Zero's normal tablets with the ones Kaname had been working on.

"So how was your day?" Zero asked as he popped three tablets into his mouth and washed them down with a gulp of water.

"Productive. I can't wait to seal this deal and be back at Cross." Kaname sigh. "I miss sleeping with you Zero. I hate sleeping in a cold bed."

"I do too. I can't wait to see you."

"I might be able to come home tomorrow. I'll try my hardest."

"Take your time." Zero smiled into the phone.

"You should be sleeping now. Good night Zero."

"Good night Kaname." Zero hung up and flopped onto his bed.

His body felt suddenly hot. He took off all his clothes and crawled into bed naked but it still wasn't enough. Never before had he had a reaction like this to the tablets so he prayed he's sleep it off and fell asleep.

Zero woke up alone. He hadn't expected Kaname to be back yet but he still hated how lonely he felt. Sitting up he ran his hand through his hair. At least he was feeling better after the blood tablets last night. Yuki was waiting for him at the doors to the Sun Dorms. "Good morning Zero."

"What do you want Yuki?" She was always too cheerful for him first thing in the morning.

"I just wanted to see how you were. Kaname's coming home tonight!"

"Yes I know. Is that it?"

"I guess… you look good today. did you take tablets?" Yuki was actually prodding for Kaname.

"Only a few. I'll still need to feed."

"Well good thing that Kaname is coming home then. Have a good day!" Yuki kissed Zero lightly on the cheek before bouncing off.

Zero rolled his eyes. Yuki really had too much energy… she was just what Kaname needed… Zero shook his head. "Stop thinking like that." Zero berated himself.

Kaname was sitting in his black limo when his phone went off. "Hello Yuki." He said in an even tone.

"Hello Onii-sama. Zero took the tablets."

"How did he look this morning?"

"Fine. Very healthy." Yuki giggled.

"Alright thank you Yuki. I'll see you tonight." Kaname hung up. He hid a smile behind his hand. he was absolutely thrilled. He could only hope that Zero would be alright with how it all turned out.