
5 Years Later….

"Absolutely not," I shook her head at my husband my daughter, who was suppose to look like an elf but looked more like Peter Pan.

"Oh, come on, Gallagher Girl, it looks adorable!" Zach smirked at his daughter.

It did look adorable. Cute even. I smiled at my daughter. Her name? Kali Rachael Morgan Goode. We were expecting a son too. I was five months and counting. Kali was 3 years old, birthed two years after my wedding. She had natural blonde hair, green eyes and took all her arrogance and ego from her father but I loved her more than anything. She meant a lot to me as my first child.

"Fine," I said and moved to take Kali from him. "Now, go get on your Santa outfit."

We were going to Liz's Christmas party. She told us to all get dressed up in Christmas outfits. I was Mrs. Claus. I had on a red dress with white fluff on the edges and brown shoes on. My hair was draped over my shoulders and my face was clean of makeup (you can't put make up on with you have an ecstatic little girl running around).

Kali had an else hat on, with little pointed ears on it. She had on a green outfit and some brown shoes. Her hair was useless in a ponytail because she always took that out. Kali liked her hair down, so, down it was.

Zach came out wearing the Santa red suit with the brown belt and red shoes. I had to cover my mouth to stifle my laughter because, even though he looked quite nice in it, it was still funny to see Zachary Goode in a Santa outfit.

"What?" Zach smirked at me. "I think I look good."

I smiled. "Of course you do."

He leaned in to kiss me but I smacked his head. "Not in front of Kali," I hissed at him.

Okay, so I could be a little over protective but that was just in the spy genes.

We left the house and I strapped Kali in the seat. I handed her bottle to her and hoped she didn't spill any of the milk on her. I got in the passenger side of the car and Zach drove to Jonas and Liz's house.

Bex, Grant and their four year old child, Victoria, were there. Jonas was out back cooking with Grant. Victoria and Liz's son, Peter, were outside playing. Peter was five and looked just like his Mom. Victoria took after Grant. Liz had another baby who was only weeks old. It was a girl. Lora was her name. I like that name. Surprised I didn't think of such a good name...

Nick and Macey weren't there. Nick and Macey still had a complex relationship but they had managed to stay together for five years. I think Nick wasn't to propose.

Anyway, we pulled up and were greeted instantly by Victoria, who loved to chat up anyone who would listen to her. Unfortunately for Peter, he had been her audience for the last hour.

"Aunt Cammie! Uncle Zach!" Victoria screamed when she saw me and Zach. She ran over to where we had just pulled up. Peter, I noticed, looked really relieved. "Nice to see you! How's Kali? I like your outfits! Mum got me a new one! Like it? I LOVE it! It's so pretty! I dressed my doll up like me but Mum said I couldn't bring her…oh, well. I still have Peter! I'm trying to convince him to let me give him a make-over—" Peter ran away at that. "—but he won't let me! Says it's too girly! It is NOT! Is it, Uncle Zach?"

Victoria talked so fast we hardly heard her but we were still spies so I heard her.

"I'm fine, Kali's fine, Uncle Zach is fine. I love your dress, Vic. It's gorgeous. And Peter might not be the right model. May be you should try it on me," I smiled.

She beamed at me. "Thanks, Aunt Cammie!" she said and ran off to find Peter, who was, no doubt, hiding from her.

Jonas and Grant saw me, Zach and Kali as we were walking in the house. Zach kissed my head and went to join them. I smiled at him as he left and went to the kitchen where I found Liz rushing about like a mad women and Bex watching in amusement.

"Hey!"I smiled and bounced into the room.

"Hey, Cam," Liz grinned at me and continued cooking the Christmas dinner.

"Hi, Cam," Bex nodded at me. I smiled at her and let Kali down. She wobbled, a little unsteady, around the dining room, where I could still see her.

A moment later, Macey ran into the room and screamed something at us.

"Macey! Macey! Mace, what's wrong? MACEY!" Bex yelled. "Calm down and tell us!"

"NICK PROPOSED!" Macey screamed that you could hear that scream from miles around. We heard the men laughing outside. Kali looked at little upset. I kissed Macey cheek, congratulated her and calmed Kali down all in under a minute.

"Congrats, Mace!" Bex cheered for her. There was a cry from somewhere.

"Oh, that'll be Lora," Liz sighed. "Congratulations, Macey, you woke the baby." Liz ran out the room.

Macey frowned. "What's her problem?" she asked me and Bex.

Bex shrugged but I said, "She just had a newborn, give her some time to get used to Lora and she'll be fine."

Macey cheered up at that. "Oh, okay. Well, how are you both?"

"Good. Victoria is a real handful," Bex sighed. "Talker, that one is. She got that from Grant."

We giggled. "Kali loves dressing up. I think Zach buys her an outfit every week!" More giggling.

"I hear giggling!" Grant bounded into the kitchen. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing," Bex waved it away. Grant grinned at her and pecked her on the cheek.

"What did you need, Grant?" Macey asked as Liz came back in the kitchen with a screaming Lora.

"Just another plate," Grant said over the noise that was Lora. Liz got the plate for him and he left.

"Lizzie," I said. "Let me hold Lora, you take a break."

"Yeah, Liz, you look tense," Macey smiled at Liz. Liz kept her worried stare on Lora as she handed her baby over to me.

"It just been hard, handling Lora," Liz chewed her lip. "Jonas, he helps as much as he can but Peter has a lot of nightmares these days."

"It's probably just a phase," Bex assured her best friend.

"Right," Liz sighed.

An hour later…

The food was set at the brown, wooden table. There was pasta, macaroni, chicken, cheeseburgers hamburgers, fries, and a bunch of other stuff.

"Wow, Lizzie, this food is great!" Bex was chewing on food while praising Liz.

Liz, who was rocking a silent Lora, smiled her appreciation at Bex. Zach was helping me feed Kali, Macey and Nick were arguing over how much food Nick had on his plate, Jonas was doing the spoon airplane with Peter, Victoria was like her mom and dad stuffing herself.

Grant got up and turned on the radio. 'Moves Like Jagger' started playing. Grant smiled and pulled Bex away from the food and started dancing. Victoria got up and joined her parents as Peter wiggled from her father to dance. Kali whined until Zach set her down but she was still a little wobbly so I got up and helped her dance. Zach join us. Jonas held his hand out to Liz and she joined him (with Lora of course, but the little baby quieted down as her mother started dancing with her). Nick and Macey stopped arguing and they got up and danced. Soon, all of us were dancing to the beat.

We kept dancing and dancing and didn't stop when the next song ('Good Life') came on. Peter and Victoria were dancing with each other, Kali and me were dancing while Zach danced around us, Grant and Bex were shaking there hips totally engrossed in the song. Suddely, Victoria started singing the song and then Peter joined in, then Bex and Grant, me and Kali, Zach, Macey and Nick, and Jonas and Liz.

We were sweated by the time we sat down to eat again. I wiped Kalis' face, and Zachs'. We were all giggling, and laughing, and talking.

That was the best family dinner ever.

There we go! The epilogue! What do you think?

So, before I'm done with this story forever, I wanted to ask a question. Do you want me to make a sequel? Like, of the kids going to Gallagher and Blackthorne?

Tell me what you think? Poll is on my page!

Merry Christmas to you all! :)
