So the group of nations ran and ran and ran (even though some of them are not fast runners, they did it, anyway). They were covered in icicles, coated with frost, and sprinkled in snow, but they didn't care, for they were too concerned about their escape. At least the possessed people didn't catch up to them… They had to stop, however, when China bumped into something hard. And cold.

"AIYAHH!" He cried out as throbbing pain began to grow on the middle of his forehead. "I think I'm hurting more than the last time my land had that earthquake.."

"Bloody hell, what is that thing?" England asked as he looked up. Something looked like a shard of ice.. a HUGE ice shard. It was towering, about higher than Canada's CN Tower..

"Ve~ there's more over there!" Italy's voice suddenly chimed out, even if he was still afraid from earlier. He was pointing at something. It turned out that there were more ice shards. Each of them bigger, sharper, and more dangerous than the last…

"HEY! THAT MUST BE LIKE, THAT ICE-COVERED LAIR I LAST LIKE, WENT IN!" Poland's valley-girl voice suddenly echoed out from the wind. He pointed to where the ice shards led to. The others went wide-eyed at the very sight… so Poland IS right; Russia did set up a lair there.. And in ice!

"Ah, this must be the place? Quite the bugger." England stated.

"So full of hate… and not l'amour.." France said dramatically and shuddered at the "no love" thought. England had to smack him upside the head as he said it.

"And here's like, the secret passageway I mentioned! It's like, totally not blocked! Phew!" Poland said excitingly, jumping up and down and pointing at a gaping hole touching the snow-covered ground.

"Shh! Poland!" Lithuania tried to calm the Polish boy down. "Don't get too excited; if he hears you, we'll end up in Russia's wrath!" He exclaimed.

"Whatever, he's not like, totally gonna hear me!" Poland reassured the Lithuanian boy before crawling inside the passageway. "C'mon! We'd better like, get in there already!" Everyone else just shrugged before crawling into the passageway.

The passageway was freezing, slippery, and in England's case, unsatisfactory. But if that's the only way to get to Russia and for him to undo the spell, then so be it. Anyway, after a few minutes crawling into the freakin' cold ice, they managed to find where Russia is through the transparent ice.

"All right, now that we know that he is there.. along with our possessed citizens and the other countries….." But then England realized something wrong. "Oh bloody hell! It will take me more than a few mere minutes to draw that arcane circle… how should we distract them before my spell's set?"

"Oh! Oh! Oh! We have a plan! We have a plan!" He then heard others calling out for their ideas. But the problem, however, was that he had a headache from all this commotion..

He sighed before announcing with, "You wankers, if you just tell me what they are, maybe we'll use them at once.."

And so, the many plans were executed into one random plan..

Later back at the secret lair, Russia was sitting on this icy throne, making little circles, snowflakes, and skulls on crimson blood (yes, blood!). He was planning to draw out more blood from some of the teenage girls nearby when he realized that the girls strangely looked a lot like Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia..

"U-um… if we dance this-" The disguised-Lithuania stuttered as he forgot his "line", which was-

"Ballet." Estonia-in-disguise sneakily whispered to him. Lithuania muttered a "Thank you" before realizing that he forgot the next lines.

"T-then we will be satisfied of becoming o-one with you." Latvia managed to finish for him, even though he himself was also nervous.

"Ah.. that is very kind of you, da?" Russia's cold-yet-innocent voice cooed out. "Dance for me~"

The Baltic Trio shuddered as they thought of those very words. But nevertheless, they tried (and failed) to dance the best as they can, trying hard not to freeze under Poland's cosplay outfits and slippers. But never did Russia know that Ukraine managed to sneak up on him from behind.

She gulped as her finger tugged his scarf; after all, she's the one who made it for him. "But if I want my little brother to be back to his normal self.." Without thinking, she forcefully tugged harshly on the scarf and cried off, running away with it. Unfortunately, Russia must've figured it out because the next thing anyone knew, he chased after her.

Meanwhile, Germany, Japan, America, China, and Poland were using whatever they can to stop the possessed minions away as England worked on a new arcane circle and lit up waterproof matches like candles surrounding the circle.

"Yo Iggy!" America called out as he kicked a possessed hobo by the butt. "What's takin' Ukraine so long! She's takin' so long with the stupid Commie, man!"

"We can't keep them away much longer!" Germany mentally added as a possessed old lady tried to stab him with a glowing purple cane.

"Hai, I agree…" Japan managed to say as a possessed Taiwan punched him in the stomach.

"Grr.. I'm still bloody working on it!" England shouted out in fustration. "But they're right; what's taking Ukraine and the Baltics so long..?"

Back to where Ukraine was, she ran and ran, never pausing to catch a breath. She grew tired, however, as her huge boobs were slowing her down and the scarf started to grow heavy..

"ENGLAND, I'VE GOT HIM!" She managed to yell out as she saw the Brit almost finishing the arcane circle; it looked exactly like the one from that very night.

"THEN GIVE ME HIS SCARF!" He yelled out. Ukraine didn't want to at first but since she wanted to stop running, she just did what she was told. As England caught the long accessory, he threw it at France's direction. "BLOODY FROG, JUST DO YOUR THING.. BUT NOT IN FRONT OF ME!"

"Ohononon~! If you say so, Angleterre~" France's voice echoed out seductively. He then took the scarf and twirled it around himself as he stripped? Next thing anyone knew (yet again), he was naked. Really naked. Naked while the scarf covered his feet. Naked while no roses covered his vital regions… um, you get the picture. In fact, all the possessed people and countries were scarred to life at this sight so bad, their eyes began to burn and they stopped attacking. Even Russia backed away but only for a slight bit to find..

"ITALY, YOU DUMMKOPF! USE THAT WHITE FLAG OF YOURS ALREADY!" Germany then yelled out at the scared Italian.

"Ve~? But why-"


Italy, too nervous to argue, tied one end of the huge white flag and on the other end, he stretched the stick farther away like an Angry Birds slingshot. Russia, who was still a little nauseated from France's nudeness, didn't realized that the white flag was behind him so when Italy managed to let go of it like a catapult, the Russian found himself flung to the air and near the arcane circle. But nevertheless, Russia suddenly emitted his creepy purple aura, angry at being tricked and desperate to keep the survivors one with him-

"BIG BROTHER! MARRY ME, MARRY ME, MARRY ME…!" A psychotic voice shrieked out; it was Belarus with her knives and she looked a lot like a female version of Freddy Krueger.

As he saw the very sight, he slowly backed away, only to find his foot right in England's arcane circle..

And there stood England with his spellbook and wand. Then he said the same words he tried to use to curse America.. but in an unknown language…..

First, there was blinding white light, then comes the explosion, and then comes silence….. nothing really happened until the remaining nations saw sunlight streaming out from the clouds and melting the snow and ice, as grass and flowers (even sunflowers) grew. The ones who were possessed actually went back to normal, all shaking their heads from their effects and wondering what the heck happened. The Axis, Allies, the Baltic Trio, Poland, Ukraine, and even Belarus (ok, a little bit) cheered at the realization of everything back to normal. Or at least until they heard that familiar groan..

"What has happened to me, da..?" Russia's (normal) voice strained.

"Uh…" England was not sure to say but then decided that it's best that Russia shouldn't know of this, At least not yet… "You don't want to know, chap."

"Hey England~?" America's voice then cut in.


"Didn't you said that you watched that final Harry Potter movie? I STILL haven't watched it yet! Well actually, we didn't yet.." America gestured to the other nations, who nodded a little in agreement.

"Ah, fine.." England massaged his temples before looking up and began to smile a bit, his emerald eyes shining in the sun. "I'll just lead you all to the nearby cinema and show you, pray tell, it is really great."

So England let them to the nearest cinema and they watched "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2." (well, England watched it for the second time at this rate) and as it was playing, everything went back to normal.

Eugene: Oh wow, first "iBrawl with Bakugan" is finished and now this! I'm on a roll here~! XD Anyway, THIS IS THE END OF "AS IF BY ENGLAND'S MAGIC". And I'll see ya later~! XD And if you'll excuse me, I gotta help Rin kidnap England… *evil grin*