Author's Note: Well... I couldn't help myself! Here I am again with another Conyuu! This one will more than likely have a different feel to it than After Dark as it will be Conrart who will carry the past more than Yuuri. In this one Yuuri is about the same age as Conrart, or at least in growth.

This is set 40 years before Yuuri came to the Great Demon Kingdom in Canon. This is based on the time Conrart spent as a travelling swordsman (as specified in Episodes 19 and 20 of the series), so this is before the academy and well before the war ever would take place, but after Dan Hiri Weller's death.

Disclaimer: Definitely own Arel XD I always did see Yuuri as a Dog person!

Lelwin, Samiria


It was the only sensation he could feel, the overwhelming rush of ice cold fingers touching every inch of his body, seeping through his clothes and numbing his flesh. A hand pressed against his side, feeling the edges of the jagged wound that he had taken during a battle against raiders who had wanted to steal what little food the villagers still possessed. The blood which had seeped out of his wound had frozen his clothes stiffly to the deep slash, standing out a deep crimson against the blue of his shirt.

Air came out in wispy puffs from his lips as he desperately tried to pull air into his body, yet even breathing felt like he was being soured with shards of sharp glass that cut through the fragile tissues of his lungs. Even the burning agony that had coursed through him had dulled to a painful raw ache, the numbness seeping continually in.

He couldn't even call for help.

No one would hear him… and even though he had come to the defence of the humans it was doubtful they would even bother with him having witnessed the fact he was Demon Tribe in his small use of magic… His flimsy shield had not been enough to prevent the blade from catching him, though enough to prevent it cutting out his heart.

With a strange assurance, Conrart Weller knew he would die there in the alleyway, alone in the frosty air of some human village that he didn't even know the name of. His family would never know. No one would ever know what had become of him. He would disappear from the world without anyone remembering his name. The snow would claim him, cover his body and no one would find him until the late spring thaw… and they would just dispose of his body…

No one would care.

All he had wanted was a chance to prove he had lived that others like him would also know that they could be more than just their mixed blood and shunned position amongst their own people.

Another flutter of shivers rippled through his body, his eyelids drooping closed, his body beginning to sag once more, the white powder slowly beginning to settle over his body and legs. The pure white flakes covered the stains and streaks of crimson that had frozen across the alley way stones, the marks that showed that Conrart had been attempting to drag himself out into the street… to at least… so someone would find him.

Suddenly there was a sound of muffled barking, or at least a sound that made him think of… His cinnamon eyes blinked slightly, his ice covered lashes sticking together as he attempted to open them once more.


A voice suddenly pierced through the veil of whiteness and brown walls that surrounded him, it was… sweet. The sound of it travelling through his soul in a way he could not quite explain, his heart cracking open, wanting to hear someone call his own name in that tone of exasperated affection… or with any affection at all…

"Arel, come here…"

The crunch of hard soled boots on icy stone sounded closer, Conrart's sluggish heart picked up pace, a flutter of hope flaring briefly through him. Maybe… but at that thought, everything shattered within him, none would bother with him.

"What… the…"

Footsteps were slowly coming closer, the pace picking up quickly as the wind brushed at the snow that had collected over the pools of blood that glinted a brilliant crimson against the dull glassy grey of the stones just past him. There was also the soft pad of paws coming nearer to where he was half hidden by the jutting edge of the building he rested against.

Something warm suddenly touched against his chilled cheek, the brilliant ebony black of the beast's pelt stood out against the icy white of the snow, large glacial blue eyes seemed to study him with curiosity. And then a flash of pink darted out and ran the length of his cheek once more, sending hot stabs of pain flaring through his once frozen cheek, the ice melting under the licking he was receiving from the surprisingly big beast.

"Arel, what are you doing?"

Suddenly the large head that had been filling his vision was pulled away, the warmth of that thickly furred body being replaced with the icy chill of the day. A man stood there, hand curled into the thick leather collar that ran the length of the wolf hound's neck, keeping the animal restrained as he gazed down at Conrart for one long heartbeat.

Cinnamon met… obsidian. The colour was so dark it seemed to consume everything within Conrart for that heartbeat, consume him with the wide dark depths that drowned him. Fear stirred within Conrart, an emotion he rarely felt, but in that moment knowing that death was only minutes away for him, he was desperate… desperate… to…

His hand lifted, stretching out towards the man before him, using what strength remained within his trembling limbs to reach for the stranger whom had come upon him. There was shock in those beautiful dark eyes, which were widening as they gazed down to Conrart's outstretched fingers. The hope that had been reduced to embers seemed to be crushed even more at the hesitation this man seemed to possess, his weakness was overwhelming as their eyes met once more across what now seemed a vast distance.

"… Help… me…" It was a thready whisper that escaped him. His world fragmenting even more… shattering like glass dropped against stone.

Just as his hand dropped, it was caught in a solid grip, a warm glove curling around his larger fingers, holding them gently. The heat of the touch seared up through Conrart's frozen body as he watched the man drop to his knees beside him, worry suddenly filling those obsidian depths, worry for him.

"By Shinou…" The man whispered softly, his expression turning horrified as he brushed the snow away from Conrart's deep wound and at Conrart's raw hands, which were lacerated from the sharp ice along the length of the alleyway. His head turned back towards the street, actually seeing several people pass by in those few moments, anger flaring in those dark eyes which were so expressive. "How could they…"

By the small curse the man had whispered, a tremulous hope started in Conrart's belly, this man was Demon Tribe. There might just be hope for him… hope… It almost made him laugh.

"Arel." The man hissed sharply as he shoved the dog's dark head away as it attempted to nose in closer to Conrart. "Not now."

The thick fleece lined cloak the man had been wearing was suddenly being tugged free of slender shoulders, an arm catching Conrart's shoulders lightly and drew the fabric around him, cocooning him in such warmth that the shivers that had began to die as hypothermia set in returned with the vengeance. Conrart's teeth were literally chattering now.

"I can't tend to you here… I would but…" Tugging off one glove with his teeth, a warm palm cupped Conrart's cheek lightly, thumb sweeping over his skin softly, feeling the deep chill that had settled into him from the hours he had been there abandoned in the snow.

The dark eyed Tribesman yanked at his thick outer parker, undoing the lashings and slipping out of it to drop it over Conrart's legs, before shifting the white woollen tunic off over his head, leaving him in just a dark coloured shirt. The tunic however was soon being sliced with a short knife that had been kept in the man's boot, the beautiful soft fabric being slashed up into long strips that were soon being wrapped around the deep wound in Conrart's side and tugged tightly into place over the glove that had actually been used as a seal the wound and soak up any blood.

"Do you think you could stand?" The man questioned Conrart, shifting in close and fastening the clasp of the cloak at Conrart's throat so that it would shield his body from view once he was standing. Slipping an arm beneath one broad shoulder, the thinner man was hefting most of Conrart's weight upwards, boots sliding slightly on the slick ground as he struggled to shift his bulk up from the ground where a pool of dark blood still stained the ground.

Each movement tore at his deep wound, a fresh wash of warmth spread through the frozen closed wound, feeling the hotness seeping out and into the fabric of that glove but no further. Groaning softly, he staggered a little, his legs wanting to buckle out from under him, but he felt the large wolf hound press against his other side, preventing him from falling to the other side as he was slowly helped from the alleyway. His head dropped sharply, swaying dangerously on his feet as he felt the hood being drawn up over his head to protect him from the eyes of those who were suddenly watching them with speculation.

Conrart couldn't help but be amazed. This young man whom was pressed against his side was protecting him, unaware of anything about him, but the fact that he had been wounded and left to die out in the snow like some kind of animal. The realisation struck him, others had seen him, as he had clawed his way from the dark shadows of the alleyway towards the light from the main street… people… humans had seen him… but ignored his suffering.

An arm dropped from where he had shifted Conrart's arm around his shoulder, to drop his grip to his waist, a hand subtly shifting so that he could actually apply pressure to Conrart's wound even though it stung badly, it helped to slow the dangerous amount of bleeding.

His vision was beginning to blur as they approached the Inn on the outskirts of the village, his head dropping forwards to rest against his chest as everything within him protested each and every movement. It was a struggle to stay on his feet, his limbs so numb they felt like jelly beneath him.

And the last thing he was aware of was that beautiful voice so close to his ear as darkness swept in to claim him.

"Don't worry. I have you, you're safe with me."


The black wolf hound's head lifted from where it had been resting on his paws on the end of the bed, ears perked upwards slightly at the sound of his name. Tail twitching slightly as his head was stroked by the man's free hand, the large dog understood the command before it was given, dropping from the end of the bed to the floor before going to settle on the rug before the fire crackling in the nearby hearth.

Smiling softly to himself, he carefully set down the tray he had brought up from the dining room on the first floor, regarding the soup and freshly cooked bread that was soaking in it, softening the coarse grained loaf. He had always been grateful to have the large wolf hound with him, Arel was a good protector and would guard anything the man signalled him to. The wolf hound apparently didn't mind guarding the man he had found several streets away nearby dead from exposure and blood loss.

Yuuri Shibuya regarded the man with curiosity, taking in the strikingly handsome features of a man who appeared to be the same age as himself. From the strong boned face to the determined set of his jaw, the man's long wild locks spread out over the pillows of the bed, dropping all the way to brush against broad shoulders. Though the paleness of what appeared to be naturally tawny gold skin told him it would be a few days before this man completely recovered…

"What are you looking at?" Yuuri almost laughed as his dog's head tipped to the side giving him an almost questioning look, one ear perked up while the other flopped down adorably.

Arel was almost looking like he was asking, 'Are you checking him out?'

"I'm not." Lips twitching slightly, he shook his head, though his gaze was immediately drawn back to the man's face, a low whine escaping Arel and making him give the dog a short look. "I am not… I'm just…"

Tail immediately wagging, flopping back and forth across the edge of the rug.

Yuuri almost groaned at the sight, knowing he had practically lost the battle against the mutt. "Alright." Blowing out a breath, he brushed back long strands that slipped out from beneath the fleece lined cap he wore in the traditional styles of the locals. "Alright." Rolling his eyes as he shifted his weight from foot to foot, he dropped to sit on the edge of the bed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "I find him interesting."

Arel's tongue lolled out, the wolf hound looking far too pleased with himself, tail wagging almost non-stop, bemusement flashing in the mutt's sharp blue eyes. The intelligence there was something that most never expected, but Yuuri had always found himself talking to the dog since their paths had crossed two years before.

The long braided raven strands brushed down across Yuuri's spine, reaching down to the small of his back and almost slipping forwards over his shoulder as he leaned in to check the man's temperature, relieved that some warmth had returned to him in the intervening hours. Drawing the blanket down slowly, he carefully drew away the thick poultice that rested over the deep slide that had almost taken the man's life, relieved that the colour was still a raw red showing the cold hadn't damaged too much of the flesh around the jagged wound.

Fingers reaching out to carefully lift one of the larger ones, he rubbed his thumb across the back of the bandaged palms, a fine blue radiance dusting itself across the back and seeping into the man's body. The healing energy had been at work since he had gotten the man safely inside earlier, but he was still careful with its use, the last thing he needed was an Esoteric user to pick up on his presence through his use of magic.

He could feel also feel the magic clinging to the man he had brought back with him, the reservoir of untapped potential that shimmered bright and heavy and almost sent a spark of electricity jolt all the way through him. It was surprising and strangely a relief.

"So… what do you think of him, Arel?" Yuuri leaned back slightly where he rested on the edge of the bed, head cocked slightly to the side, regarding the wolf hound questioningly. "You were always good at judging people." And something that had saved Yuuri's skin far more often than he cared to admit to practically anyone. Yuuri's nature got him neck deep into trouble more often then not, but Arel had always had his back, ready to defend him no matter the situation. "Have we got ourselves a good one?"

A soft whine escaped the wolf hound, blue eyes moving from Yuuri's face to that of the sleeping man's, then back, before that tongue was lolling back out again.

"What was that meant to mean?" One raven brow lifted in question.

That tail thumped once, the dog almost seeming to laugh in quiet amusement that left Yuuri completely baffled.

"Good or bad?"

A soft 'woof' escaped the mutt.

Laughing softly, Yuuri leaned down with his hands reaching out towards the large wolf hound, feeling the large black head soon press against his palms, the warm weight of front paws resting on his knees, his arms wrapped tightly around the thick neck, hugging the large dog to him, feeling the damp nose tickle against his cheek. Life was good.

The first sensation that stuck him was the warmth. It was like a brilliant burst of all sunshine falling over his exhausted body, tickling over every inch of his skin, seeping into his soul, almost teasing him.

"Stay away from that bowl."

He knew that voice, his heart fluttered slightly at the sound, the warmth soaking into him more deeply at the sound, though the words didn't quite register.

"I already brought you dinner."

There was a soft splash of water, the slide of silky skin against cool porcelain. The scent of ocean spray and summer flowers tickled his nose and Conrart Weller couldn't help but inhale, his chest rising quickly with the action. Sleep was slowly lifting from his senses and his memories… his heart lurching suddenly at the memory of that beautiful face filling his vision, the warm hand against his cheek amongst the cold bleakness of that alleyway that had promised him certain death. He was still alive.

A jolt of pain skittered up his side from the deep wound along his side, though he immediately wanted to reach for it, the vicious stinging in his hands warned him it wouldn't be a good idea.

His eyes blinked open, the lids feeling surprisingly heavy. The light was almost blinding, even though it was only from a single candle sitting by his side on a table that contained rather enticing pieces of food. Even though it was poor quality fare it was still something that made him hunger for a taste.

There was a soft whine from the floor beside the bed he was in, his gaze dropped to the wolf hound who sat beside the bed, head cocked in the most adorable manner as if pleading to be given the food in the bowl. The dog's tail wagged slowly, the tip of it twitching and tapping softly against the wooden floorboards.

"Arel… I better not find you eating his dinner."

Immediately Conrart's gaze tracked the origin of that voice and his jaw almost wanted to drop in awe. Rising from the bath he could see through the half open doorway, a slender young man was dripping wet, his pale skin flushed with colour from the hot water. Long waves of rich raven strands tumbled around slender shoulders, the fine length clung to the damp skin, hugging the elegant and lithe muscles of the sleek body. He was getting a perfect view of that nakedness as the young man stepped from the bath and onto the tiled floor, long hair sweeping back and forth slightly while those hips rolled and swayed with the easy gait of a man who knew…

Swallowing around the sudden lump in his throat, he tried to pry his eyes away from the gorgeous young man who was drawing a towel around him and moving towards the doorway but failed miserably.

The moment the door opened, those obsidian eyes widened slightly at the sight of him conscious and attempting to sit up a little, before offering him a smile that would have knocked Conrart's feet out from under him. Maybe he had indeed died and gone straight to…

"I'm very glad to see you awake, I was a little worried you would remain unconscious for the rest of the night…" Drawing the large towel around slender hips, the young man moved gracefully forwards, the firelight just behind him playing golden shadows over the pale flesh. He was something exotic and a Double-Black. "I'm Julius."

The name didn't match those enchanting dark eyes, the sweeping angles of the man's gorgeous features.

"…" Conrart opened his mouth and shut it instantly. For the first time in his life, he was knocked speechless by the man before him, his cinnamon eyes sweeping along the length of that body once more, shifting slightly in an attempt to ease the response in his body that definitely shouldn't be happening.

Two black brows lifted in question, the towel wearing man clearly not realising the fact that he was naked beneath it and standing there for all the world to stare at. The corner of the man's lip twitched upwards, amusement sparkling in the obsidian eyes. "Mute?"

Conrart's brain short-circuited.

Soft laughter escaped those enchanting lips, Yuuri unable to keep back the sound as he just gazed into the beautiful cinnamon eyes that seemed to gaze straight into his soul and leave him tingling all over in pleasure. "You were talking before…" Though concern soon flickered across his expression as he sat down on the edge of the bed, one hand reaching out towards Conrart, pale fingers outstretched and was surprised to see the man actually flinch away from the touch.

Conrart had learned quickly enough that most Demon Tribe found his half breed status to be… almost insulting. He had seen it enough from his own brother, the slap of the boy's hand, shoving his away. Filthy human. It still echoed within his skull, the pain of being in a place that no one truly wanted him, his mother had not known what to do with him.

Yuuri's hand dropped from where it had reached out for the other man, his expression softening slightly as he took in the shadows that haunted the man's silver flecked gaze. "You don't need to tell me. It is enough to see you awake again and your colour much improved." Giving him a gentle smile, he le this hand drop to rest on the bed… and almost looked startled when a bandaged hand slipped across the sheets to carefully rest on top of his own, their fingers lacing together slightly.

"Thankyou… for saving my life."

A light squeeze was given to Yuuri's fingers, as if attempting to convey in that one movement so many hidden emotions and unspoken words.

"You're quite welcome. Do you have a name?"

"Conrart Weller."

Dark eyes looked thoughtful for a moment, as if attempting to place the name. "Sounds familiar…"

"I'm a man of little importance."

"For some reason, I doubt that."

"Your name…" Conrart hesitated slightly, looking into those beautiful dark eyes that seemed to look at him without a hint of disgust or true recognition. "It… it doesn't sound right."

"Clever man." Yuuri's free hand reached down to stroke behind the ears of the wolf hound that had remained there by the bed. "My name is Yuuri Shibuya, but considering how unusual my name actually is, I usually use the name Julius in human country. You can call me whatever you like… I don't mind either." The wolf hound let out a soft whine, tail twitching as if begging to be introduced. "And this is Arel, my travelling companion. And someone who is always hungry."

"Yuuri." He tasted the name on his tongue and nodded slightly, actually finding that the name actually did suit the beautiful man before him. His hand lifted from where it rested lightly over the slender one, stretching out slowly and touched the long fall of raven locks, lingering softly against them, feeling them curl over his fingertips.

Head turning slightly to glance down at what Conrart was doing, Yuuri offered him a small smile, not doing anything to stop him and welcoming the touch. "You should eat, Conrart." Reaching out for the bowl of soup and soaked bread, he brought it over to the bed, his head tipping slightly to the side as he just smiled up at him in that gentle way of his. "Do you want help, or should I leave it to you?" His gaze dropped to Conrart's bandaged hands, then back up to the man's face. "I'm not going to judge you, Conrart. I can tell that you are a good man and that I made the right choice bringing you back here. Whatever your reasons for…" A hand gestured towards the bandaged wounds the man sported. "That… I won't pry. I'll be here in Lelwin for a few days and by the end of my stay… you should be well enough to rejoin the world. So until then… just enjoy my hospitality."

Yep XD Yuuri is himself XD or at least... a compassionate, friendly man XD And Conrart is lost! The poor thing. But as before with "After Dark", If people like it, I'll continue writing it, though more slowly than I did the last story as I have others to work on and Uni to attend soon. So... what do you people think of Frozen Heart?