I'm going to make the next sequel in the next chapter. The sequel's name is 'Dark as Love' See you later and leave some reviews please!

Thanerah couldn't help but to ask Shade "Um…how can you handle…the cold like…" she mentioned towards his nearly nude body.

He shrugged his shoulders "Got used to the cold for many years. I didn't want to wear my uniform because it slows me down and it's really heavy. What's the point of wearing armor if you're not on your way to war?"

"Hmm…good point."

Hidan growled deep in his throat as he could feel his blood boiling in fury. Shouldn't Shade know who she belongs to! He understood that he was being over possessive, but Thanerah is his wife! He shouldn't even be talking to her in the first place! Hidan stepped between them and sent Shade a warning glance with a hard glare.

Shade seemed to get the message because he took a few steps back. Hidan asked with a small growl "Now, tell us what the fuck do you want us to fucking do? Or else, I'll just kill you in the fucking spot to save you the trouble."

Thanerah softly scolded him while grabbing his arm "Hidan!"

Hidan just ignored her rant and continued to glare at Shade while waiting for his answer. He understood that his wife would be slightly angry and confused at him about his possessive behavior, but he did warn her about that. Shade finally answered with a small sigh "One of my companions has been trapped in the Sacred Chamber; he is safe…for the moment. And I can't do this alone with my companions. We're greatly outnumbered."

"And you fucking think we're enough?"

"Yes or else I wouldn't have asked you and you wouldn't have killed those Death Walkers so easily."

"…How do I know that you're not going to fucking back stab us at the last minute?"

Shade softly scoffed and said "Please, if I try to backstab you I wouldn't have offered to help you if you could help me! You need to get into the Sacred Chambers and I need to get out of here with my companions. We need each other. In the end, everyone wins."

Hidan arched a brow at him then sighed heavily in defeat "Fine. It's a fucking deal."

Shade grinned widely "Good. I'm glad you saw reason." He turned towards the direction "Now come, there's a hidden cave nearby where my weapon and armor are. And that's where we're going to meet my companions, and then we'll go save Thorn."

Shade turned back into his human form after entering the cave as Hidan informed his men to search the area for any nearby Death Walkers, so it only left Hidan, Thanerah and Shade alone in the cave. Thanerah saw the cave was obviously used because of the marks on the wall made by hand; some weapons and armor were left here, and some leftover meat from their hunt.

He turned to the two "We have limited food beverages but I don't think it's your type of food."

Hidan slightly glared at him then noticed something behind him, he tilted his head as he said "It may not be my type, but it's certainly fucking his…" Shade turned around to see Thunder already consuming the meat leftovers.

Shade let out a small laugh and mumbled "Well…I guess we could give that to him. Not that it matters now to keep it…" He said to the couple "I'll call my companions now. Just…don't touch anything."

Shade went outside as he turned into a wolf and he went to an edge of a cliff before he howled loudly and deeply. Thanerah turned to face Hidan and crossed her arms on her chest while softly glaring at him. Hidan caught her glare and asked "What?"

"Why were you being so rude to him before? Don't you think you're getting a bit…over possessive?"

Hidan slightly glared back at her and took a step closer to her "You're my wife. What the fuck was I supposed to do when another man looks at my wife?"

Thanerah sighed heavily and finally closed the space between them so her chest was pressed against his. He arched a brow at her as she rubbed her hand on his chest, although she wanted to feel his real chest instead of his armor plated one. "Hidan, you know that I will never leave you. I'm not even interested him."

"…but I can't fucking stand it whenever you two talk to each other. I just get so…" he sighed deeply "…angry, frustrated…Overall, pissed off!"

Thanerah giggled at his choice of words and said "Hidan, I love you so much and I'm your wife. And yet, you're jealous of him." She went on her tip toes to be able to peck his lips. She wanted to kiss him fully but they were in public and she knew that Hidan wouldn't want to seem…vulnerable when people were around her.

She pulled away from the kiss but he didn't look happy when she did "Why so soon…?" he asked as he whispered and his lips barely against hers.

She slightly trembled under his touch and said "B-But we're in public..."

"I don't give a fucking damn…"

Before Thanerah could say another word, her lips were claimed furiously by her aching husband. She muffled against his lips in surprise and she quickly gave in. He plunged his tongue inside her mouth as he wrapped his arms around her waist and she didn't hesitate to wrap hers around his neck. She felt her body on fire and she had the feeling of need to feel her bare skin against his with her mind thickly fogged with unbearable passion.

"Um…is this a bad time?"

The couple froze in their spot and they pulled away from the kiss to glance at the side of where the voice came from. Shade was standing there in his human form with three others. They were also nude with masculine bodies but thankfully they were wearing black shorts. If any random woman was here, she would have fainted from the loss of nosebleed. But Thanerah wasn't that woman; all she could think about was Hidan and wanting to make love to him.

She nearly was willing to make love to him on the ground, right in public. Hidan groaned softly in disappointment and said "What the fuck do you want?"

Shade slightly smirked and said "These are my companions. And if you don't mind, we should get going before my friend gets eaten alive."

Hidan looked back to his wife and hesitatingly pulled his arms away from her. He whispered to her "We'll continue this later…" in his voice, it was husky; a sound of dire need and hunger. It sent Thanerah a cold shiver of pleasure up in her spine and she fucking loved it.

Thanerah pulled her arms away from him as well but her body immediately screamed to be pressed against his body again, but she held the scream down but it was nearly hard to control the need.

One of Shade's companions asked Shade himself in their race language "Oi, terash re kollidan? Qunatah mashato likalay?"

The couple looked incredibly confused as another companion said to Shade in the same language "Jikan tan, uvalen tekashra Jashinists. Dican watiko Ukrah pilathan."

Hidan narrowed his eyes at them but he seemed to know what they're saying because he said "Poison? Ukrah has poisons…?"

Thanerah arched a brow at Hidan and asked him while whispering "You know what they're saying?"

"Well…I did hear a few mentioning about that name…that…Zoven…Zaveh…whatever. But I heard this language before…It's a really old fucking language…only known to the wolves…"

"And where did you learn this language?"

Hidan let out a small soft laugh at her and said "Babe, I've been living for a very long time. There wasn't much anything to do at the time, seriously. I just know a few words."

"But they're clearing talking about us."

"Hmf, no doubt about it."

The third companion didn't spoke a word as the others were having a small argument with each other. He looked to be the silent type but he was eyeing Thanerah suspiciously. Thanerah felt…uncomfortable under his gaze and avoid making eye contact with him. Hidan saw her discomfort and glanced forward.

He growled angrily and shouted "Why the fuck are you looking at my wife, asshole! Look the other fucking way!"

The companions immediately stopped and glanced at Hidan in shock of his out bursts. The silent one didn't move or blinked at all. Shade quickly asked him "Tikatherash bitashna, Rhino?"

"…She doesn't belong to any pack. I can't see her sense her Sessorav." The silent one had a deep low voice that was strong but distant. He also had that look that was obvious that he is not one to mess with but Hidan didn't seem to be bothered by it.

Thanerah had to ask them "I'm sorry to interrupt your little party, but what's a Sessorav?"

One of the smirked, this guy had short dark blue spiky hair with silver eyes "It's obvious that you're not from any of the packs."

Shade sent his friend a warning glance then looked back to Thanerah as he explained "Whenever a werewolf joins a pack, their aura – or chakra as you may know – is marked by the pack you're in. Every pack has its own aura signature. It's easier for us to tell which werewolf belongs to."

Hidan know understood, because he wondered why their chakra signs are so different yet, they're the same with each other.

Thanerah asked another question "How did you friend end up in the Sacred Chamber?"

The second companion, a guy with brown hair with green eyes said with a small scoff of disbelief "That idiot, he think he can go through that damn Chamber by himself! He thinks the key is in there! It probably is but he went into conclusions too soon. We still didn't search in certain areas!"

"And why wasn't anyone aware of this before?"

"He wanted to work with himself this time. He said that it's best that we looked in separate ways. I didn't agree, and so did the other two but he still go. That blasted lunatic…"

Hidan asked another question "How long has he been out? You don't think he's fucking dead already? I mean, one guy against an army of Ukrahs is unlikely to survive."

Rhino said as he crossed his arms on his chest "Thorn is not a really that stupid. And was gone for two hours, we weren't worried at first but after a while, we went out searching for him. His trail led to the Sacred Chamber."

Shade nodded towards the couple "Before you arrived. It must be fate."

Hidan had to disagree "More like a fucking coincidence. There is a fucking reason why we need to get into the Sacred Chamber."

"And what would that be?"

Hidan narrowed his eyes at them "Why the fuck should we tell you? This is Jashinist business."

The four glanced at each other then looked back at Hidan "Very well. Be that way."

Thanerah asked them "Another question: How are you going to take us to the Sacred Chamber without going through the army of Ukrahs?"

Shade answered "I've been into the Sacred Chambers, once. I didn't tell it to Thorn because I knew he'll used that way to go in there. When I was in the Sacred Chambers, there were…voices. It scared the shit out of me so I quickly got out of there before things could get worse. Thorn is the type of wolf that when he makes up his mind, it's impossible to change it. That's one of the annoying things about it, but it has its good intentions a few times. Yes, he's an idiot, but he's not stupid. Just really reckless."

The guy with the blue hair said "To be frankly honest, he's one tough son of a bitch. He likes challenges when others don't. He loves to risk his life on the line. It's like a game to him. Life IS a game to him."

"Sounds awfully familiar…" mumbled Thanerah as she smirked at Hidan and he returned the gesture.

They snapped out of their thoughts when they heard Shade's voice "So…now will you help us?"

Thanerah turned to ask her husband "What do you think?"

Hidan sighed heavily as his men came but they stood in front of the cave. "Well…we don't have much of a fucking choice…Guess we'll have to cooperate until then."