Haza! For any of you that are receiving some sort of Alert for "Murdoc's Victory," this is to let you know that the sequel is now in the works and the first chapter is posted! :D Yay!
So here's how it works: Vicky is out of Kong, some time has passed, Vicky has to take care of her nephew, but do you honestly believe whoever gets involved with the Gorillaz crew–specifically Mr. Murdoc Niccals–could escape the mischief going on in Plastic Beach? Really?
If anyone can estimate about how much time has passed, go you! Because, where timing wasn't that important at the beginning of "Murdoc's Victory," it slowly became significant and now… timing is extremely critical to the happening of Ms. Vicky.
You're gonna learn a bit more about who she is, her background plus some personal stuff, which I could've written in the prequel but it really never seemed to work its' way in. But I'll make sure everyone knows just who she is and where she's coming from; as well as how the events in Kong affected her.
I've written the first two chapters and I have the third chapter all planned out, I just have to write it down. However, there is most definitely no sign of the actual Gorillaz just yet. Their story starts playing in the second chapter–you'll see how–but as for the actual people or PB? Not in the first three chapters at least, though there is a little scene playing in my head that might make it to chapter 3 or 4. We'll see when we get there. But don't get discouraged if you're waiting for the crew, once they show up it'll be hard to get them away!
I also wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to be answering questions at the beginning of each chapter, my usual author's note will be at the end of chapters unless I don't have anything to say–which is a rare thing. Also, I wanted to ask if anyone had any fanart, I know some people who were nice enough to pass some on last time. I already have a picture for the new story, but I'm hoping to get some nice artwork to use as cover images. If anyone is interested, of course.
So yeah, thanks for the support and I hope you all enjoy the new addition to the VickyxMurdoc story titled, "Big Girls Don't Cry".