I don't own Gorillaz, Kong Studios, or anything besides this computer and my viola. If I did, Murdoc wouldn't ever leave the Winnebago unless it was to make more kick ass tunes...
By the way, this is set during Phase 2, when real Noodle was still around, though it isn't necessarily set at anytime around Demon Days so you all can you imagine it's whenever you choose between then and Phase 3.
REVIEWS! I love'm so make me happy and maybe I'll make this a bit longer than just a simple one-shot.
Murdoc Niccals really hated his band mates right about now. Of course, this wasn't anything new but really. Was it absolutely necessary for them to make so much noise when they knew he was sleeping? It was still early for Satan's sake!
Stuffing his hands into his green military jacket, Murdoc murmured to himself as he made his way down the path of Kong Studios.
"Bloody Face-ache makin' that fuckin' racket so early in the mornin'…" Muttered the green soulless Satanist as he checked his Motorola flip phone, taking note that it was only about 11:30. Nearly noon, which- if he hurried- gave Murdoc enough time to partake in a secret little past time he had developed over the years while living with the three other musicians. Quickening his pace, he managed to make it to the train station with close to thirty minutes before the train out of Essex arrived.
As Murdoc looked at his surroundings, he took note of two things: One, it was bloody cold for an August day causing him to tighter his jacket around him, and two: there were only three other people there; a young woman looking to be about in her early twenties or so and an old man with what appeared to be his grandson. Or at least Murdoc hoped it was, there was nothing that disgusted Murdoc more than the thought of an old geezer having sex. Shuddering at the thought, Murdoc decided on taking the more pleasant route of thought; he decided, of course, on thinking of that girl.
'Now let's see… Oh she has a nice rack!' Chuckling to himself, he zeroed in on her a bit more. She wasn't the typical gorgeous bombshell looking to be a featured artist on the next album nor was she one of those hussies you can identify from miles around, but she had a distinct allure about her that Murdoc found appealing. Or maybe it was just the large bosom accented by the black belt tied around her long V-cut black top, which puddled a bit around her waist and thighs. "An' what a pair of thighs indeed!" He hissed to himself, deciding on looking at her upper appearance before the overactive Big Boss from downstairs decided on showing himself, and he didn't mean Satan.
She placed her arms on both sides of the bench, stretching her back and causing her breasts to appear larger and firmer than they had just moments ago. Quickly averting his eyes from her emphasized cleavage, he started looking at her face. She was very pretty. Again, not the drop dead gorgeous type but she had a nice facial structure with a bit of pudginess, giving her a younger more innocent looking face. Though from the lip piercing, nose ring, heavily blackened eyes, and what were at least four earrings in each ear, he doubted she was very innocent. She took her black-rimmed glasses off and pulled out a white cloth from her leather jacket to clean them before looking at her cell phone for what Murdoc assumed to be the time. Reaching behind her, she took out the thick mass of black and purple curls, redoing the bun she had sported only seconds before only now there were more curls poking up behind her head. Sighing, he noted, she pulled out a pack of cigarettes grimacing as he read "Newport" on the box; he was a Lucky Lungs smoker after all.
He couldn't help but chuckle to himself when he saw her frantically looking for a lighter. She wore a frown on her face, as she appeared to mumble to herself with the fag in her mouth, looking up as if there was a map above her, with her hands roaming her clothes. When she stood, he noticed she wore a part of plain black jeans and a very impressive pair of platform and heeled black boots that were covered studs along the front, back and in the space between the sole of the front and heel.
"A Goth maybe? At the very least a Metal head." He pondered to himself, trying to label this dark lady he had found. When she had apparently given up her search, she looked up, locking in a stare with the bassists. Sending her his signature womanizing, she smiled making her eyes widen a bit, as she walked over to him.
"You wouldn't happen to have a lighter would you?" She said with an American accent, her voice deeper than most women but not quite deep enough to make it too out of place.
"What makes yah think I would, love?" He said, fingering the lighter in his pocket.
Scoffing, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, jutting her hips out as she placed her weight on one leg. "Please, I've been smoking since I was 12, I think I know another smoker when I see one."
"Alright, alright. Fair enough." He smiled, throwing the lighter towards her.
She caught it, just as it was about to fly past her, quickly bringing it to her chest, as if she were scared it would fall, before lighting her fag. "Thanks." She replied, throwing it back to him after taking a deep drag. "Name's Victoria. But everyone calls me Vicky so feel free to."
"Enchante mademoiselle." Murdoc said seductively, standing in front of her before grabbing her unused hand and kissing it, causing her caramel colored skin to turn pink. "Murdoc Niccals, demon bass player for the world's grrrrreatest band." He smirked.
She cleared her throat, immediately pulling her hand away from his grasp. "And that would be?"
Putting on an even more smug look, if that were even possible, Murdoc proudly replied, "You're lookin' at the creator an' mastermind behind the Gorillaz!"
"Gorillaz? Don't think I've ever heard of you..." Vicky sheepishly replied. "Sorry."
Murdoc's jaw dropped and he frowned for a second before putting up his cool façade again. "If yah weren't so appealin' to the eyes I would be very offended, darlin'." With an even bigger smirk he motioned for her to sit down as he placed himself back onto his bench. "You wouldn' want to upset me, now would'ya love?"
Refusing his offer with a shake of her hand, Vicky playfully rolled her eyes at Murdoc's cheesy attempt to entice her. "Can't hold it against me can you?" She took a long drag.
A beat of silence was interrupted by Murdoc who cleared his throat and gave Vicky another once-over.
"So pet, what are yah doin' all the way out here in Essex? That's a long way from home."
"I'm out here on a tour with the CSO since we're gonna be just in England for a month before going to Japan for a while."
"Chicago Symphony Orchestra."
"Ah... You don't look like someone who would play for a symphony orchestra. You look more like a Metallica groupie… N-not that there's anything wrong wi'that. Quite tha contrary." He laughed. "A-Actually, you look like more of a rock-star than I do, uhuhuh."
"Yeah, I get that a lot, but I've been playing for close to eleven years so I couldn't really just abandon the musical part of me just because of my fashion lifestyle, now could I? I mean, you of all people should understand I think." She smiled.
"Of course, love. A true musician knows there nothin' else in this world- or in any other one for that matter- that could keep yah away from bein' just that, uhuhuhuh. So tell me, where are you off to then?"
"Colchester. I've been ridding around and trying to explore as much of England as I can between each concert and rehearsals but now I have to get back since we have a dress rehearsal at six-thirty at the University of Essex… What about you, what's Mr. Rock-Star doing at a public train station instead of out partying it up with a bunch of scantily clad go-go dancers?"
"I wish, uhuhuh. But you see, darlin', I happen to live in that studio that you can just make out from here with 3 very annoyin' ban' mates who don't know how to show respect to the one person keepin' them off of the streets, beggin' for money, food an' fame. Of course, I do it for my own selfish reasons but they should be happy nonetheless. An' how do they repay me? By insistently knockin' on meh Winnebago, bangin' mallets in the kitchen, an' jumpin' around while playin' ridiculously loud music while I try to sleep off a hangover so I can get up refreshed to go out an' party with those very same go-go dancers you just mentioned."
"Oh yeah, sounds rough." She giggled and was about to say something when a loud ringing came from his phone.
Groaning, he answered it, quickly covering the speaker with one hand and pushing it away with the other, a look of pain on his face as a shrill stream of what were Japanese words came through. Laughing, Vicky reached into Murdoc's front pocket, causing him to look up and be faced with her impressive cleavage for a second before she stepped back and lit another cigarette.
"Sorry," she mouthed, looking at his intricate lighter.
Shaking his head, he smirked and put the phone back in his ear talking to the young girl on the other end. Something about going back to the studio because she wanted rehearsal early so she could watch an Anime movie later on, or was it to hurry back because a man was being harassed by another man and barely being able to sing anymore. Either way, Vicky stopped paying attention to the conversation and instead looked at the green man sitting next to her.
He wasn't terrible looking, even with the lines on his face clearly telling his age to the young woman. 'Well, I've always preferred older men anyway!' She giggled to herself. Even when she was a little girl she was attracted to older men, never finding boys her age to interest her in a romantic sort of way. But because she was so young any sort of man she found attractive was placed as a taboo and therefore she had yet to have a boyfriend, much less a first kiss. She briefly wondered what it would be like to kiss the strange looking bassists with the different colored eyes. 'That'd be fun, I bet.' Mentally laughing at herself, she stood as she heard the sounds of the train shaking the ground.
Looking towards Murdoc, Vicky looked for something in her pockets, putting it on the bench with his lighter on top, before stepping into the newly arrived train; smiling to herself the whole time.
"Fine! Fine, fine, fine! I'll be there soon." Murdoc growled into his phone, shutting it off and turning around towards his enigmatic dame. "So what's say you an' I–" She was gone. Murdoc leaned forward, turning to his left and then to his right, noting he was alone at the station. "Bugger… She left without sayin' goodbye… Well, better get back to Kong then." Standing, he stretched his back when he looked down and saw a paper with messy print under his lighter. "Hello…" Picking it up he smiled as it said:
'SRY I left w/o proper goodbyes. Here's my # if u ever wanna talk or hang out while I'm here. Hope 2 see u soon. (773) 420-8561'
"I'll definitely be callin' this bird back, uhuhuh… But first I'm gonna beat that Dullard into high Hell for wakin' me up, though maybe I should let him off this one time for makin' it so I met Vicky…" He stopped, giving it a thought. "Nah!" And with that, Murdoc Niccals walked out of the train station and back to Kong Studios with his three annoying band mates.