Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, SM does. [:

AN: This is my first fanfiction story. I also can not take all of the credit. I must thank my beta, Dragons-Twilight1992, for helping me and continuing to help me with creating this story. * please; read&review. I will post each chapter as quickly as possible. Thank you for reading. Enjoy. (:


Bella's POV

The end is close, yes. I never really thought much of how I would die. After facing death so many times before in this thing they call life. I never expected it to be anything like this. Bruises and broken bones, but I can't run or fight. That would only harm my beloved. When it's over, I'll give them the only thing I have to offer. My life. How can I not?

Here I believed that losing the one person I relied on would shatter me. I was wrong. Here I am, with my beloved and remaining strong for that beloved.

How could I have assumed this was the road I would be on? I didn't, let alone think it was possible. After all I have been through though, between the fighting and pleasure, I wouldn't change it for the world. I love the choices I have made and I will not have a single regret for choosing my beloved over my own life.

Chapter One - The Wedding:

Bella's POV

Here I am, sitting in Alice's room getting extremely anxious for this wedding to be over with already. I'm eighteen years old and I'm scared to death of getting married, but it will all be worth it in the end. I'll have Edward, for eternity. I'll be his, just like he'll also be mine. I love Edward Cullen more than anything in this world but I just can't fathom why he is so determined for me to be his wife. I guess whatever makes him happy. Also, this will make my family happy, and friends happy. They will see the best part of my choice and that is I will live a wonderful life with my soul mate.

I wish Alice would stop pulling my hair already. I am almost certain she has done my hair, at least four times in a run of five and half hours. I'm starting to get anxious, nervous, and without a doubt scared of walking down the aisle to meet my one true love. This is one of those times that I am more than grateful Jasper is here to help me keep my emotions in check.

"Ugh, Alice, can I move yet? Seriously, I could just leave my hair down and walk down there in blue jeans and a tee shirt. No one else really cares, except you after all."

"Oh, don't be silly. It's your wedding. You are the bride, and that means you have to look like the most gorgeous person in the room. I'm almost finished, but then you need to speak with Charlie and Renee. They are waiting for you patiently. If you would just sit still I would have been done by now."

"Alice, you are acting like I'm your life size Barbie doll again. Can you just use some of your vampire speed and get a move on this."

I couldn't help but break a smile. Alice is my best friend, but I'll never let her be in charge of my wedding ever again. As I sat there for five minutes waiting for her to state if I was good enough to attend my own wedding or not. The dress, is remarkable, words can't even describe how beautiful my dress was.

"Bella, you need to remember something. I don't remember being human, so please, just let me have my fun and make you absolutely perfect for your hopefully only wedding. Apparently, you have already decided not to let me plan another wedding for you." Alice says as she begins to pout.

"Alice, please don't pout. I'm sure I'll love it. You always do a wonderful job. I guess you could say I have some pre-wedding jitters. This is a big day and I just want to get it over with already. I would like to be able to enjoy my honeymoon, and that doesn't mean sleeping the whole time."

Alice broke into laughter as she remained her calm composure. She looked over to me and said the words I have been waiting to hear all day. "Bella, you look stunningly gorgeous. You're done." I couldn't help but let the smile fade upon my face.

Rosalie returns to the room. "I am here to inform you Alice, that Edward won't cross your path today. He values his life too much. Plus, Esme has all of the boys outside finishing up the decorations. Wow, Bella, you look absolutely amazing. "

"Alice, did Rosalie just call me... wow, apparently there is a first for everything."

Rosalie sighs, "Bella, I am only stating the obvious. How are you feeling?"

"Alice and Rose, I'm anxious, scared, and nervous. Is that normal?" They both look at me and smile. "Yes, that's perfectly normal. When I and Rose got married to our mates, we felt exactly the same way."

"Alice was a little more impatient then I was, but overall, yes, those feelings are all very normal." Rosalie said as she flashed a beautiful, reassuring smile at me. I still felt unease. At that moment, my mother, Renee, rushed through the door followed by my father, Charlie, who was looking extremely uncomfortable in his tux. They both came over and hugged me.

Alice looked up to me with a huge smile on her face. Apparently this is the moment she was waiting for. "Bella, this is something blue and something old, they were your Grandma Swan's. We had the paste stones replaced with sapphires. It was the only thing Alice and Esme would allow us to do." I suddenly felt overjoyed that my parents both thought to do this for me, together, as a family for the short while that it's just my parents and I as a family. Before I walk down the aisle and am giving away to a man that I am in love with, and we will be a family of our own. As I thought about all of my lovely memories with my friends and family, tears began to build up in my eyes. Before they could fall I had broken my embrace and let Alice wipe them away before the tears could ruin my make-up.

"Of course, your dress is something new. I helped design it myself, you know. Oh, before I forget here is your something borrowed." Alice looked so smug at that moment. She tossed me a filmy white garter. I slipped it up my leg quickly. She was my one and only maid of honor. She got my mother down over the stairs and told Charlie and myself to wait for twenty seconds before we could begin walking. Rosalie was playing the piano -she was the best in the family, other than Edward- so I could walk down the aisle.

Charlie was almost as nervous as I was. He looked at me once more and whispered in my ear. "I'll always love you, and you'll always be my little girl. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call." I held my breath and chose to just smile at him for his kind words, and not wanting to ruin his beautiful emotional moment. I could see how hard this was for my father. I was barely legal and I'm walking down the aisle to marry my one and only true love, Edward Cullen. Which of course Charlie wasn't overly thrilled with this marriage, my marriage. He was still willing to support my decision.

As I walked down the aisle, I looked at Edward and all the butterflies slowly vanished. All that seemed to exist in this room was myself, Edward, and Carlisle, who was conducting the ceremony. We chose to do traditional vows. I faintly heard the vows and Carlisle asking me the one thing I was waiting to be asked, I smiled and said "I do". Edward picked me up and kissed me gently but lovingly.

I spent time visiting with all of our guests. I danced with Emmett, talked to a few of the wolves who sent their regards that Jacob was unable to attend. I also talked to my father and mother for a while. I danced with Edward until all of a sudden he came to a dead halt. I looked over to the side of the house, not able to see anything myself. When I finally recognize who was over by the side of the house. I felt relieved to see my best friend, Jacob Black. I never thought I would see him again. He came up and said his congratulations as he picked me up and hug me while spinning me around.

"Bells, I've missed you. I'm glad to see you finally happy again. You deserve to be happy."

"Oh Jake, I've missed you too. I hope you're happy, you deserve happiness also."

"I am, more than you would imagine. I decided that even if your heart stops beating, you'll always be my best friend. I wanted to come and see you before I leave for a while. I need a change, but I'll come back and check on you. You'll be here right?" He sounded so hopeful that we would be able to stay after my change. I can't stay in one place for my lifetime, because I won't be aging, people will begin to notice and then I will have to leave. I looked into his eyes and saw the pain within them. I knew I caused some of that pain.

"Jake, I won't be here forever, but I'll stay as long as I can be." He grinned at me. "Hey Bells. Would you care to dance?" I replied, "Sure, sure. How could I deny my best friend?" Jake laughed and then we began to sway together to the music. I saw Edward's face. He looked genuinely happy; I couldn't tell if he was happy because he knew I was his and only his or if he really knew how much seeing Jake means to me. I smiled and embraced this moment with my best friend who has been gone for months. The song ended a lot sooner than I expected. We finally parted, and Jake kissed my cheek before he left and I rejoined my wedding.

I shared a dance with my father. He looked down at me for the last time that evening and whispered in my ear. "Bella, I love you. I'll always be there if you need me. If Edward is who makes you happy. Well, I suppose I'll have to be happy that you are with him. I'll miss you kiddo, and I'll wish everyday you were still living with me, so that I had my own personal chef living in my presence."

I stared back at Charlie with affection. I tilted my head up and kissed his cheek. "Dad, I'll never forget you. I love you so much. I'm glad you see that he makes me happy, because he does. I can't see myself with anyone else. It just makes everything perfect that you finally approve." I replied as a tear slid down my cheek.

Charlie looked down and wiped the traitorous tear off my cheek and embraced me into a hug. I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw it was Alice. She continued on, "Bella, hurry up, if you and Edward don't leave now than you are going to miss your flight."

I quickly gave my father a hug and walked over to the rest of our family, giving each of them hugs before I left for my honeymoon. Emmett had decided he was driving us to the airport. As Edward and I got into the back seat of the shiny silver Volvo, I felt relieved to finally be heading to our wonderful honeymoon where it was going to be just Edward and myself. Truly alone without either his family hearing everything we do or my father was in the same house as us. I fought sleep until we reached the airport. I wasn't on the plane for more than a few minutes and I had already fallen asleep leaned against Edward's shoulder as he hummed my lullaby.