Author Notice:

So, we have some good news!

We just recently published an alternate version of "A Place in Their Hearts"! This will be a new take on the story, much shorter in comparison with many changes. It's called "Retelling of Ancient Times."

This story will focus on the past of Termina, and instead of having the entire inuyasha group there, it will only focus on Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo and Link. The reason for this is because it's a little difficult focusing on so many characters. As for Link, he will be changed; we plan to use the Link from "Zelda: A Link to the Past" instead, and we have some interesting new ideas in store for this story.

As for the plot, we've also changed that as well and have made some more changes to the world of Termina as a whole, though everything relatively remains similar to the game. Do not worry, nothing is overly OC; we plan to keep everyone in character like usual. The only OC characters we will keep in this story are: Kauji of the Zoras, Amber of the Gerudo, Cathleen and Julian.

The ages of the characters will also be changed. Kagome and Link will be 18, Inuyasha 20, and as for Shippo, he will remain the same. Armaros will make an appearance in the story but he will not be a central focus as before, and there will not be any Dark Link either. We're bringing back Princess Cathleen and her twin brother, Julian since they play a big part in this new story!

(I'm having thoughts of making a timeline for this story to connect to a much later crossover with "Zelda: A Link to the past/Inuyasha. It would pretty much be a continuation of Kagome's adventure with Link.)

If you're all interested, please check the story out! We already have two chapters posted! You can read more about what to expect from this story in the author notice at the end of chapter one. We hope you all enjoy this! And as a side note, we are also returning to "Twilight's Tears."

Rather than update once a month, I'm going to try and update at least twice a month since holidays are over and I have more free time.