This idea may need to be retooled, depending on the feedback.

Inside the lobby of an office, part of King's College London, sat a young woman who looked to be between the ages of 20 to 21. Her hair was a spring green color, maybe Easter green. Her attire was moderate but suited her style: a light strawberry pink blouse, a white skirt that reached her knees, and white high heels.

"Luna, Dr. Marwell will see you now," the elderly receptionist told her. The girl stayed silent while standing up and gingerly making her way into the doctor's office.

"Um, hello doctor," Luna meekly greeted her student advisor.

"Glad you could make it," Marwell responded upbeat. He looked like most men when in an occupation that's all business: jacket hanging on his chair, dark blue tie, pressed white dress shirt and pants, a very light touch of gray hair, and a ring sticking out of his eyebrow.

"What did you need to see me for?" the young woman asked right to the point.

"It's the matter of your request to study abroad," the advisor answered, typing a few sequences into his computer. "You've filled the necessary requirements: 45 credit hours and a respectable grade point average."

"So…what seems to be the problem?"

"You have a myriad of options to choose from," the doctor spelled out. "Most are for an entire school year."

"What do I have to choose from?" Luna inquired.

"There's Johannesburg, Moscow, Auckland, New York, or Santa Barbara," Marwell read off his computer. "What do you think?"

"Well, South Africa seems like the best option—" Her thought was cut short when Marwell held his hand to stop her talking.

"Hang on, I missed one," he interrupted her as he perused to the bottom of the computer document. "There's also…..New Domino City."

"You're kidding me." The young woman's jaw almost dropped in disbelief. Her adviser nodded "no" and turned his monitor around to prove it.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"New Domino is where I lived up until the whole Ark Cradle incident," she explained. With this revelation, the advisor pulled up Luna's student profile to verify her claim.

"Looks to be so; place of birth: New Domino City," Marwell said astute. "Why not use this opportunity to return home and see your friends again?"

"All but one of us left New Domino over eight years ago," Luna sighed. "I don't think any of us have been back since."

"If you do decide on returning home, and it is for a year, you will also have a unique itinerary compared to what you had here for two years," the advisor explained. "In lieu of school work, you'll be assigned to a position, working under an established figure, in the city's political or social infrastructure or its energy development and maintenance division."

"Do I have a choice where I land?" the student shrugged.

"You won't have a choice," Marwell negated verbally. "In a nutshell, you'll be working and representing on behalf of our institution. 25 credit hours is the max you can receive for your contributions."

"Sign me up," Luna requested. "I want to go home."

"Just let me enter the necessary information and…done," the doctor said over his typing motion. "Your flight leaves in one week."

"Thank you doctor," she bowed in gratitude. The advisor gave her a two finger salute and returned to his work after Luna exited the lobby.

"I'm going home," she sang in her mind. "Maybe I'll even get to see him again. I hope."

Seven days later….

The day finally came for Luna to make the long journey home. When she had broke the news to her friends, they were apprehensive at first but supported their friend and her journey to return home. Once they were at London Heathrow Airport and found the departure gate, the contingent stood on as they saw their friend walk away.

"Goodbye Luna!" the female chorus harmonized, trying to hold back tears.

"Bye, everyone," she squeaked back. Luna turned her back to them and treaded her way onto her plane bound for New Domino City. Amongst the hustle and bustle on the plane, she was able to locate her seat.

"Now let's see where I'm going," the girl pondered, pulling an envelope out of her jacket containing her visa and other paperwork. "I'm assigned….to energy development and maintenance." Looking closer in her paperwork, she couldn't find anything about who'd she be working for or in what capacity. Without anything else to do, the young woman pulled out her iPod, pressed "play," and laid her head back.

The flight dragged on for what seemed like forever. Despite her loss of time as the plane descended into New Domino, Luna did keep track of how many cycles her iPod made as she listened to her music: 500 songs 3 times over.

"Time to get up," she yawned. The girl grabbed her purse and hobbled over to baggage claim. After retrieving her rolling suitcase, she noticed a short man, in a driver's uniform, holding up a sign with her name on it. She went up to the guy and he led her to a car usually reserved for driving executives around. She stayed quiet as the little man drove her to the city's science and research park.

"All this was built in eight years? Impressive," she gauged, snapping a few pictures when possible. The little man brought Luna to a large complex in the back of the park and dropped the girl off at the front door.

"Um, hello?" the inquisitive girl asked in the expansive lobby when she saw a help desk way over on the other side.

"Can I help you?" the inattentive secretary inquired plaintively.

"I'm… as part of my," Luna spelled out, handing her the paperwork she went over on the plane. "But I didn't find anything about who I'd be working under."

"Let's see if we can solve this," the secretary listed, typing in a few codes before an answer came up. "Your supervisor/professor or whatever is through that door. I'll alert 'im."

"Here we go," the girl mentally warned herself, luggage in tow, while treading to the door and pushing it open. "Anyone home?"

"Yes, I understand you're here for studying abroad," a familiar deep voice greeted her, turning around to see Luna. "Allow me introduce myself: my name is—"

"Yusei?" the girl wondered astonished. "Unreal…"

After seeing a really good Yusei/Luna romance story pop up recently, I thought I'd try another attempt at it after reanimating my first story. The premise is basically the same from the second part. Did I pull this off or does it need to be retooled? Don't be shy now; any help is greatly appreciated. As for my current hit story (is it a hit?), "Not Just a Sweet Nothing" will continue. Review if you choose.