Eoi: Hey people I'm back with a pair of temporary contacts and a box of strawberry pocky to write again!
Diana: You are so useless Eoi...
Eoi: Hey don't say that!
Ai: You know it's true...
Diana: Just get to the disclaimer already!
Eoi: Your so mean!
Diana: -sigh- do I have to do everything here... Espiritus-of-Insanity does not and will not own MAR for the sake of mankind.
Eoi: You didn't have to put it that harsh!
Diana: -rolls eyes- Get on with the story...
Ai: We've all been waiting... -eating Eoi's pocky-
Eoi: -mumbling to self- Baka Ai. Baka Diana.


A long time ago, when Mar Heaven was first created... There was an arm... the first arm... It was powerful and unstable... anyone who ever used this arm died on the spot... For what was in the ARM was Grimoire... Grimoire was once a powerful creature that was said to have created the whole of Mar Heaven... Grimoire was believed to have come from the farthest and most darkest star to the east as a messiah to Mar Heaven... yet those beliefs were destroyed as Grimoire almost destroyed half of Mar Heaven in a week... that week was known as Week of Grimoire.
One day a young girl stood up to Grimoire and sealed Grimoire into an ARM ,but Caldia told her that if Grimoire was an ARM she'd have to guard it with her life... So to protect Grimoire she asked to be sealed in the ARM with him and hidden in an underground cavern far off from the reach of any mortal... How ever after she was sealed in the ARM Caldia then hid her in the caverns but thought the defenses too week and sealed the door to her tomb with magic... For extra protection a Guardian ARM was placed to protect the ARM when the door was opened...However no matter how strong the charm the magic will wear off and the door will be opened...

Years have past since the sealing of Grimoire and the girl... and the legend soon became a bed time story...
The war games took place as the door remained shut.
The second war games took place and the passage opened at the end as Phantom fell to death... the gate opened a crack as Ginta returned to Earth... then as Team MAR separated the door swung open half way and the ARM glowed a bright white shrouded in pitch darkness.

Eoi: Well that's the prolog.
Diana: It's so short...
Eoi: Well some one had too eat my Pocky! -glares at Ai-
Ai: Don't look at me, Diana had some too.
Eoi: -glares at both as Sephiroths theme plays in the background-
Diana and Ai: Oh crap... RUN AWAY!
Eoi: I'll deal with them later. For now preview of the next chapter.
"Ginta, we have a problem."
"I shouldn't even be alive."
"All of you must take a crystal if you are interested in fighting."
"Before you fight next time you need to train."
Eoi: Well that's the preview for the next chapter of 'Mercy in Darkness.' See you next time~ 3
Diana: Y-yeeah see you next chapter...
Ai: Good bye.