Hey everyone, I'm sooo sorry I took forever to update, I don't really have an excuse other my lack of work ethic ;-p So here you go.. enjoy! Or don't. I can't control you. (Or can I?)

As Marissa slowly lifted her head off the shoulder it was resting on, she found to her horror there was a mix of tears and snot left there on the cotton fabric. She let out a little groan. Disgusting. I'm utterly disgusting.

And not for the first time that night, Marissa regretted even coming at all. It's not as though Damian wasn't being unthinkable understanding and comforting to her, because he really was. After he'd gotten over the confusion of seeing the girl he had a one-night-stand with in his living room, he sprang into action, cradling her against his chest as hers racked with sobs, soothing her the way a mother would to her screaming infant. Which just about sums up how she felt at the moment; like a fucking baby.

Thus lay her problem. It was becoming painfully obvious how much she was embarrassing herself, sobbing in the arms of Damian about her cheating boyfriend, the very boyfriend she had gotten together with right after her and Damian's.. well, for the lack of a better word, hookup. Marissa let out a great sniff, and sat up straighter on his coach, unintentionally inching her away from where he was sitting. I shouldn't have come here tonight.

"Sorry," she muttered, refusing to meet his eyes. I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have come. The mantra repeated so on and so forth, as if knowing what a mistake this all was could make her feel better. It didn't.

"It's ok," came his soft, heavily-accented reply. Damn him. Why was he being so nice to me? After all I did..

"I shouldn't have come," she announced abruptly, finally voicing her inner-turmoil. She shifted in her position to get a better look at Damian after he didn't reply. His expressive eyebrows were knit together in puzzlement, his eyes still concerned. It occurred to her right then that she had always liked his eyes, his big blue eyes, similar to Sam's in a way, but not really. Damian's were more light, more soft, more special almost.. she always found it hard to concentrate whenever she stared into them.. they were almost mesmerizing..

What the hell? She gave herself a slight shake, hoping her stare didn't look creepy, or worse, doey- eyed.

"Marissa," he said in a voice that was almost reprimanding, as if she was being ridiculous, and she felt her cheeks heat up. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to talk to someone about this. You don't have to feel embarrassed."

Shut the fuck up, Damian! Stop being so fucking nice to me! is what she would've shouted if it wouldn't have made Marissa look like she had a personality disorder. She refrained, saying the much more dignified:

"I shouldn't be dumping all this on you, though. I mean, after what happened.." It was Damian's turn to blush now.

"Oh, well," he stuttered, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "That's in the past.. don't worry about it.." Was it just her, or was his smile a little forced? Maybe she was just being paranoid.. his voiced sounded sincere enough, she supposed.

"You know, if you're up for it," he continued, his regular at-east smile back on, "We can go smash Sam's car up, or egg his house or something. It just might make you feel better."

Marissa let out a short little laugh, her unease dissolving. Damian just had that effect on her. "Yeah, no shit. Maybe not the egg one, though, seeing as we kind of share the same address."

And just like that Damian's old smile was back, the one that looked like it didn't belong on his face. She quickly changed the subject. "Besides, how would you know how to get over something like this? You kind of strike me as the dumper, not the dumpee."

Damian let out a modest scoff-laugh, and shook his head. "Wish I could agree with ya there, Mariss, but nope. I've been dumped plenty a'times before. I've had, well, this," he spread his palms out, as if to jester towards me, "happen before."

Marissa knew she must've looked ridiculous with her eyes sticking out like that, but honestly, who in their right mind would cheat on Damian?! And she thought she had a personality disorder..

"I know it sucks," he said, in a quieter voice, not quite looking at her. "Believe me, I know."

"I just thought he loved me," Marissa suddenly muttered, mimicking his serious vibe. "What the hell's wrong with me?"

"There's nothing wrong with you, Marissa." She wasn't surprised when he reached out for her hand, she couldn't say why, but she just knew it was coming. "Samuel's the idiot here." Marissa let a smile flicker over her lips for a moment, but it didn't stay for long.

"You'll get through this, it won't be easy, but you will," Damian assured her, withdrawing his hand and leaning forward. "I mean, sure you might still be a little paranoid when it comes to these things afterward.. I know I was.."

Marissa didn't want to read too much into what that meant, seeing as she had a feeling it wouldn't paint her in a very good light. She just blew out a sigh threw her lips and pushed her hands in her hair.

"How?" she murmured rather pathetically. She couldn't help it, that miserable feeling was returning to her and if she didn't vent, she'd start spewing it all over the walls. "How can anyone possibly get past this?"

"I don't know," Damian answered after a moment, talking more to himself than to Marissa it seemed. "Time, I guess. And it doesn't hurt talking to people about it." He offered his real smile this time, that beautiful, adorable smile, and it was infectious. Marissa could feel her tight cheeks stretch, and knew she must've been grinning like a moron.

And then it happens and she doesn't really know how. She doesn't know who leaned in first, only that they were kissing. She doesn't remember getting up, but suddenly they were in his bedroom. She doesn't remember wanting this to happen, but that desire was filling her up intensely.

Well, what can I say? She thought as she pulled his shirt over his head. Old habits die hard.

Yeah, so that happened again.. lol, couldn't resist. So tell me what you think, I was kind of in a rush, so I wouldn't say this is my best work. Review please, my pretties!