Ok, so the first story I'm EVER going to post on this site is an OC story. It features a lot of people, and because I'm not that good at creating characters, you guys can. I did, however, make the two MAIN main characters, just in case no one fits into his place. So, you've listened to me talk enough, here are the two people I have right now:

Jake Rau: Son of one of the Big Three (:P PM me I have no idea who his dad should be)

Cameron Maxos: Son of Apollo, (this is the bad guy :P good name, right?)

What people I need:

Jake's best friend

Cameron's accomplices

A girl that befriends Jake, later to probably get together

An Aphrodite girl to steal Jake away from ^

A camp pranker that messes with people.

Random Campers

A couple mortal teenagers

You have to tell me your characters:



Godly Parent:

Hair Color:

Hair Style:

Eye Color:




What they suck at:

Fatal Flaw:


History of their lives:





Relationship (do they want one):

Favorite Cabin:

Least Favorite Cabin:


I know, it's a lot, but I want it to be good. Kay? Kay. Once I get 5 Reviews I'll tell you Cameron's character, if I get 10 Reviews I'll say Jake's character. If I get 20 Reviews, well I'll be so happy I'll just say who has which part!

So…if you've listened to me talk on and on and on through this whole thing than you might as well review! Good Luck (Actually it's really not luck, I'm choosing :P)