After a long, long, LONGGGGG wait I have finally found the time to finish this and post a new chapter. Enjoy guys! I am now on school holidays for two months so hopefully I will find more time to post ^_^ Don't forget to review!

We sat down at one of the vacated tables with our food and started to eat. I had bought a blueberry muffin and a sandwich as well as a bottle of water. Jay had a sandwich but he was barely touching it. I could see what I asked him to do was upsetting him...and more unusually, his appetite.

After a while of slightly awkward silence, Jay stood up.

"I have to go, RAW will start soon, and my match is on first," Jay told me, he gave me a light hug and then walked away, leaving me confused at why he said so little. Maybe he thought I'd be fine by myself.

"Hey. Darcy isn't it?" a voice sounded from behind me soon after Jay had left.

I turned to see none other than The Miz standing behind me. His arms were crossed and he was wearing a Miz t-shirt and jeans. I thought he would be dressed for a match, but he wasn't, so I guessed his match was later.

"Yeah. That's me," I said, trying to act cool.

"Jay's little sister that he's been talking about for weeks?" Mike smirked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Yes. Get to the point."

"Well, what did you do to make him so upset?" he asked.

"You really want to know?" I asked, with a smirk on my face.

Mike crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at me, "Yes."

"I asked him to team up with you again," I said casually.

I watched amusedly as Mike's eyes widened and that disbelieving look spread across his face, "What?! You've got to be kidding me!"

I chuckled, "You know, you acted almost exactly the same as Jay did."

"Well I'm not surprised! We're frickin' enemies if you haven't noticed! And now you expect us to team up again!" Mike ranted.

"Yes. That is exactly what I expect," I chuckled.

"This is ridiculous! What in the world made you want to do this?"

"Well...lots of things," I replied.

"And they would be..." Mike looked at me expectantly.

"Yeah right. Like I'm gonna tell you," I scoffed.

Mike raised an eyebrow at me (he seemed to like doing that) and smiled in that way that made him look really cute. Oh crap, he's turning on the charm. Don't look Darcy, just don't look.

He came and sat down next to me, and tried his best to look me in the eye but I was trying so very hard to not look at him. When I'm watching RAW, I notice he's always putting those charms on and it always works on me, which is why I was prepared for it.

"Oh Darcy?" Mike said in that slow voice that made me want to look up, but I used all my self-control not to.

"Will you look at me, please?" he asked.

I guessed he was putting on the puppy eyes now, so if I looked up, I wouldn't be able to resist his charms. And the annoying thing was, he knew it.

"No," I said through gritted teeth.

"Just tell me the reason why you wanted us to team up again, please?" he asked.

"I just... you're my favourite tag team, so I wanted to see you teaming up again..." I started. It was true though, they were one of my favourite tag teams.

"Oh come on! That isn't the real reason and we both know it," Mike said. I could tell he was smirking at me.

I forced myself to look up and tried my best to not look him in the eye, but I was sure he had stopped the charm by now. Better to be safe than sorry though.

"Tell me the real reason," he ordered.

I sighed, "Well..." I was a little afraid to tell Mike, "I...uh..."

"Have a crush on me?" Mike gave me that smug look.

I felt my face flush from embarrassment and Mike chuckled. My face must have been really red.

"Hey, it's not like I can blame you. I am pretty good-looking," he said.

Smug much? I thought.

I sighed and stood up, wanting to get out of there now that I had admitted something embarrassing. Mike stood up too.

"So...if Jay talks to me and asks to team up want me to say yes?"

I didn't reply. I looked at him, blinked once and then walked back to Jay's locker room.

I sat on a comfortable chair in my brother's locker room, watching the monitor as RAW had just started.

CM Punk, the United States Champion, was in the ring talking about how every superstar who had stepped up to him, and tried to take his United States Championship had failed. There was no one, absolutely no one that could challenge him and be successful.

Then, cue Christian's theme song. Christian stepped onto the stage. At the moment he was face, so mostly everyone cheered for him. CM Punk, never a fan of being interrupted, glared at him from where he sat cross-legged in the ring. He stood up, rolling his eyes at the appearance of Captain Charisma.

Christian already had a microphone in his hand so he started speaking.

"Everyone? You've beaten everyone? Well, you can check the scorecards, and see CM Punk has never beaten Christian! Doesn't that surprise you? Not really, not everyone has the guts to stand up to me," he smirked over at Punk, who was glaring at him. The crowd cheered him on.

I smirked, I loved his new character. Smug and can talk the talk, but can back it up as well.

Then I had a thought. I was backstage for WWE right? So... I could go find and meet any wrestler I wanted... Hmmmmm...

I thought about wrestlers I'd always wanted to meet. Chris Jericho, Cody Rhodes... Zack Ryder! He was so funny, I loved his carefree personality, it was so... teenager –like.

I quietly opened the locker room door, and by memory found my way to the main superstar's locker room. I was just going to open the door and walk in, but that would be a bit rude, so I knocked twice.

And who else to answer the door other than Randy Orton!

"Darcy?" he asked, looking surprised.

"Yeah, it's me. Is Zack Ryder in there anywhere?" I tried to look around him, but his figure was too wide and blocked any vision of the inside of the room.

"Uh... I think so. Come on in," he moved aside, gesturing to come in. I walked in and was greeted by the smell of sweat, deodorant and steam.

Randy quickly glanced around the room, "Zack! There's someone here to see you!"

The tanned, always smiling face of Zack Ryder appeared around a corner. He then stepped out and walked over. He was shirtless but wearing casual shorts.


"Uh… hey…" I said.

"Hey, wait, you're Christian's sister aren't you?" his eyes widened with surprize.

"Yeah I am. I'm just really bored and wanted to come meet some of my favourite wrestlers..." I said casually.

"Oh," said Zack. He chuckled to himself.

"Would you like to hang out in here?" Randy asked, watching me with his snake-like eyes.

"Sure," I smiled.