He (t u r n s) slowly

&& s a y s

["Did you just steal my hat?"]

Dance dance dance

Away you {spin}

/"And if I (did)?"/

Blink blink

He grins slowly… {unsurely}

"(Well) I'll h a v e to take it [back]."

And then you're both running up the length of the Great Hall, laughing like idiots.

{"Would you look at them?}

("So… immature.")

["Especially in the –week- before the exams!"]

You both *h e a r* the whispers

Loud and clear

But neither of you care at all

Because surely he deserves some happiness?

Especially with all the work he does?

"Oi! Give me back my fedora!"

*twirl* *twirl* *twirl*

You're back to dancing between students

-"You'll have to catch me first!"-

His hands graze your waist

Your laughter shouts through the air

His fedora waves above the crowd as you run

And then you both stop.

/"What the devil is going on here?"/

Professor –SlimyGit- sneers down at you

The crowd stops and stares

And you feel like a rock star because of it

{"Just a little harmless chase, Professor."}

*He says it so innocently*

You can't fight the l a u g h

&& Snape [glares]

("A likely story, Weasley,")

And then his sneer… I n t e n s i f i e s

["What is that, Bell?"]

His sneer fixes on the fedora

|"Just a hat, Professor,"|

George s m i r k s beside you

His blue eyes crinkle up

And then he seizes it && plops it on his head

{An indignant squeak *escapes* you}

And before Snape can – s t o p – you

You're racing through the castle again

Feeling like the wind is at your heels

(And tangling through your hair)

And pushing you where you've /never/ gone before

["Come on, Katie! Run FASTER, won't you?"]

His laughter rings through the air like a bell

He's *flying* in front of you

And you're both – l a u g h i n g – your heads off

{Even as you climb to the tallest tower in the castle}

He turns and grabs you by the hands

("What are you doing?")

-Your question is a little breath of surprise-

His only answer is to

Take off his hat, his precious fedora

Plop it on your head

Grin at the look of surprise on your face

-Tilt up your chin so you're looking at him-

*And kiss you*