Title: The Misadventures of Facebook: Klaine Edition

Author: WishesintheNightSky

Summary: The lives of the Gleeks told through Facebook. Told starting from 'Never Been Kissed'. Klaine, Wevid, and the canon couples told in their enormity...sucky summary. Just read.

A/N: Well, I needed something to do while I was in the process of writing my multi-chaptered Hevans fic (which won't be posted until I complete all of it), so I figured a Facebook fic was worth a shot since I've seen a ton of these lurking in the Glee-verse. So...enjoy! (:

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, its characters, its plotlines, or anything related, sadly enough.

EDIT: I added in some more, since there were a few gaps I didn't notice when I wrote this. xP Not big changes, though, so don't worry about it too much.

Kurt Hummel is now friends with Blaine Anderson and 2 other people.

(Blaine Anderson likes this)

David Thompson: Hey…why are me and Wes just listed as just 2 other people? I'll have you know that we are VERY awesome. :(

(Wes Montgomery likes this)

Kurt Hummel: Facebook's fault, not mine. ;P

(Blaine Anderson likes this)

Wes Montgomery: ^DISLIKE.

(David Thompson likes this)

Finn Hudson: kurt…who r these people?

Puckzilla: dude…i just looked at their profiles…they're from the school with the damn group called the 'garglers' or something...

Rachel Berry: SPIES! Kurt, I highly suggest that you remove them as your friends.

(Puckzilla and 3 others like this)

Kurt Hummel: Guys, they're not spying. If anything, I was the one spying on THEM.

Blaine Anderson: And was terrible at it. (:

Kurt Hummel: Shut up.

David Thompson: It was endearing. And we're the 'WARBLERS', not the 'garglers'. I don't even know what a gargler is.

(Blaine Anderson and Wes Montgomery like this)

Rachel Berry: I still recommend that you delete them as your friends.

(Puckzilla likes this)

Puckzilla: yeah…srsly, dude. we told you to go SPY on them, not go and make some new boyfriends.

Kurt Hummel: I resent that. They're just my friends. Besides, Wes and David have girlfriends. And Rachel, you're being a hypocrite. I seem to recall a certain Vocal Adrenaline member named Jesse St. James

Jesse St. James: Hm? I heard my name called?

Kurt Hummel: …why the hell are you still on all our friends lists?

(Finn Hudson, Puckzilla, and 5 others like this)

Jesse St. James: Because you all love me.

Puckzilla: ^DISLIKE.

(Finn Hudson, Puckzilla, and 7 others like this)

Wes Montgomery: *grumble* I don't even KNOW this dude, and he's already stealing my lines...

(David Thompson likes this)

Finn Hudson: wut u did to rachel was srsly NOT COOL, jesse.

(Puckzilla likes this)

Jesse St. James: Maybe if you used proper grammar, I'd feel more intimidated.

Kurt Hummel: Jesse, do me a favor, and get the FUCK OFF OF MY PROFILE.

(Puckzilla and 10 others like this)

Blaine Anderson: O.O

(Wes Montgomery and David Thompson like this)

Wes Montgomery: I didn't take Kurt as the type to use such language...

(David Thompson and Blaine Anderson like this)

Puckzilla: whoa, hummel…didn't know you had it in ya.

(Finn Hudson likes this)

Mercedes Jones: Then you all obviously don't know my white boy. (:

(Kurt Hummel likes this)

Kurt Hummel: :D Love ya, 'Cedes. But, seriously. All of you, stop blowing up my notifications.

(Mercedes Jones likes this)

Rachel Berry: I still say that you shouldn't be friends with those three.

(Puckzilla likes this)

Kurt Hummel: I will be friends with whoever I like. You don't dictate everything I do.

(Mercedes Jones, Tina Cohen-Chang and 4 others like this)

Jesse St. James: Hi Rachel.

Rachel Berry: I'm not speaking to you.

(Finn Hudson likes this)

Jesse St. James: Fine. But I truly am sorry for what I did to you.

Rachel Berry: Hmph. If I were still speaking to you, I'd say, "Apology not accepted." I bid you all goodbye.

Kurt Hummel: -.-…Wow, really Rachel? But, please, just stop commenting on this. Especially you, Jesse. (I thought I told you to fuck off already?) I haven't gotten this many notifications since you all ganged up on me for joining Sue's squad of cheerleading Cheerio's.

Sue Sylvester: And what a Cheerio you made, Porcelain. You were easily my best star. It's just too bad you didn't come to try-outs at the beginning of the year.

Kurt Hummel: ...Coach Sylvester? o.o Since when are you friends with me on Facebook?

(Mercedes Jones and 2 others like this)

Sue Sylvester: I have my ways, Porcelain.

Wes Montgomery: *chokes* Kurt, you were a cheerleader?

(David Thompson and Brittany S. Pierce like this)

Blaine Anderson: ...

(Wes Montgomery, Mercedes Jones and 1 other like this)

Kurt Hummel: ;)...

(Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, and 1 other like this)

Sue Sylvester: Why, Other-Other Asian, Black Joker (*1), and Love Child of a Hobbit and Schuester, Porcelain here won me my 6th consecutive win at Nationals with a 14-and-a-half medley of Celine Dion in French, while dancing with moves worthy of a professional gymnast. Porcelain being a cheerleader is an understatement.

(Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, and 2 others like this)

Wes Montgomery: *dies from shock*

(David Thompson and Mercedes Jones like this)

Blaine Anderson: ...Kurt, text me.

(Santana Lopez and Mercedes Jones like this)

Santana Lopez: Wanky. ;D You getting it on with prep-school boy, Hummel?

(Puckzilla and Brittany S. Pierce like this)

Puckzilla: you should still get rid of them, but, get some hummel!

(Santana Lopez likes this)

Kurt Hummel: Shut up, Satan. Noah. Blaine's just my friend.

Santana Lopez: ...right. And I'm not a bitch.

(Puckzilla likes this)

Kurt Hummel: *rolls eyes* Whatever. Just get off my profile, ALL OF YOU. I am in need of my daily moisturizing regime.

(Mercedes Jones and Tina Cohen-Chang like this)

Mercedes Jones: Can me and Tina come over for a girl's night?

(Tina Cohen-Chang likes this)

Kurt Hummel: Of course.

(Mercedes Jones and Tina Cohen-Chang like this)

Blaine Anderson: ...

Wes Montgomery: *is still in shock*

David Thompson: Seems the endearing spy isn't all we thought he was.

(Blaine Anderson, Wes Montgomery, and 3 others like this)

*1: David's smile is huge. Don't tell me I'm not the one who noticed that when Kurt, Blaine, Wes, and David were talking after the 'Teenage Dream' scene in NBK. So, I figured, his profile picture would show the same. Hence, Black Joker. Sue probably doesn't care about being a racist, and the Joker needs no explanation...so...Black Joker was born.

Anyways, R&R you guys! I'm in desperate need of some attention. Yes, I realize I'm being an attention whore, but I'm in a crappy mood, so right now, it's kind of necessary. ;P So just click that button down there and tell me what you think. Should I continue...?

P.S. I apologize for the grammar errors there may be in this. This is unbeta'd. And I'm also sorry for anything I might've gotten wrong about the show. My memory fails sometimes, so I might get some time sequences, or something of the sort, terribly incorrect.